Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bear Lake Adventures

Nana had been staying with us for the past few weeks, and while it always adds a new layer of complexity to life just having her around (she's a handful), it's also a time to go out and do stuff. You gotta go and do the stuff when your relatives are here, right?

The stuff she pushed us to do last weekend was visit Bear Lake on the border between Utah and Idaho. It's an old favorite of hers she remembers from her childhood. None of us had visited it for well over a decade, and this was probably the kids' first visit ever.

Just the start of a winding road

It's a pretty nice drive from Brigham City to Bear Lake. Logan canyon itself is beautiful country, and I'm looking forward to the fall time so I can start seeing the leaves change.

Headed to a fun drive

Once you get through Logan and start heading up to Bear Lake the road gets even more winding and fun to drive through. I say fun because you will continually float between 25 and 60 and so.etimes get stuck behind trucks or grandmas and you're just waiting for the next opportunity for the road to widen. You really have to pay attention, but simultaneously the mountains are stunning and beautiful with dramatic drops that make it a unique drive.

Seagulls and skipping rocks

Once you descend into the Lake area around Bear Lake you start to once again see signs of human living. There are a ton of mom and pop grocery stores and over priced food dumps nearby, and I was not shocked to spend $120 on 6 basic burger meals. Nana was shocked. I was not.

Taking in the lake and getting our feet wet

A lot of people come here to boat and waterskii. Even more come out for a full swim. The lake is cold water and beautiful. The banks are full of rocks and small shells. My family really only wanted to get knee deep at most and throw some rocks around.

Crash! I'm the last splash!

I explained to the kids that you really need still water for good rock skipping, but that didn't stop us from looking for flat rocks to try and skip. Someone would then pull off a 4 or 5 skip rock and we'd oo and ahh for them. 

Somehow my son gets his butt in all the good photos

If you ever get up this way, the raspberry shakes are where it's at, even if they're over priced. Even better is just getting some time goofing off doing nothing with your family. We really shouldn't need nana to push us to do this kind of stuff more often. 

Happy Dueling!

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