Sunday, December 29, 2024

Chilling Out and Bouncing Around in Slime Rancher VR

So, the other day I was talking with my Discord VR buddy (/waves at NV) about a VR game I want to make. While I was discussing it with him, he noted that in some way what I was describing sounded a lot like the game Slime Rancher. 

Slime Rancher is one of those games that I had always heard mention of, but never really looked at. This is a six- or seven-year-old game at this point, and honestly, I can't believe I never checked it out to be honest. So, because my buddy mentioned it, I absolutely had to go check this game out.

Caging up the Big ol Pink Rock Slimes

My kids were equally shocked I had never played Slime Rancher when I talked to them about it. In their words, it's just a chill tycoon game that's easy to play. 

Although chilling with Slime Rancher sounded pretty good, I was more excited to try the VR playground version of the game that you get for free when you purchase the base game . . . despite the warnings from Goldtail the Steam reviewer.

If you launch with Steam VR, you'll get a smoother graphical presentation, but from the get-go you're greeted with a control scheme using Vive controllers.

Those controls translated over to Quest controllers, however, took a lot of getting used to. I'm not sure why the joystick wasn't used to just move you around . . . instead you needed to point yourself in a direction and use the squeeze trigger on the left controller to move you forward. To rotate your head you have to downclick to the side with the joystick to tilt 15 degrees. Once I figured that out though, it was really no problem navigating the environments.

(Important to note, you can launch the game with Oculus VR from Steam, but I got a lot of graphical stuttering when I did . . . controls weren't much better tbh.)

Rubber Ducks and tons of toys in the base for you to play with

The playground comes with a home base and three world environments: a glowing mushroom swamp, the standard desert mountains, and zelda-esque ancient ruins.

pink slimes and meow slimes playing together in VR

You can use your suction gun much like you do in the base game of slime rancher to suck up slimes, goodies, and plorts. On the quest controllers you'll need to click down on the right joystick to shoot those objects out.

All in all, there's really no game here to play aside from feeding slimes food and putting them in cages to make them combine. Really, this is just to see the world of Slime Rancher all around you in VR fashion, which is pretty fun. Getting in a cage full of bouncing slimes is kind of fun. You'll get knocked around and feel surrounded by happy little slimes.

Magical Green Goobers of fun!

I take that back, there is "one" game-like element that I found. In the desert mountains environment, you can find a basketball hoop that once you shoot a slime into it, queues some new music and floats up and down while you try to make baskets into the hoop with your captured slimes. (side note: it's not that easy to do -- those slimes are slippery!)

Shooting baskets with slimy bois

If you're looking for a fun environment to run around in and own a copy of Slime Rancher, jump on in and check it out. Once in a while you can find Slime Rancher on super discount. I actually bought it for an astounding $2 in November during the autumn sale, but typically when it goes on sale, it's $5, which still ain't bad.

Happy Dueling!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Recent Brawl Pass Updates and the impossibility of Mythic rank

GAHHH! I'm so frustrated right now!  I don't think I'll ever hit Mythic rank in Brawl Stars. I'm not that good at the game and don't have a good, solid PvP team to play with. I went on the worst losing streak today from mid-Diamond 2 all the way down to the bottom of Diamond 1. So frustrating.


The highest I've ever reached is Diamond 3 and the creep up the ladder to Mythic seems like an impossibility for me. It's that same level of rage I used to get when I was playing competitive Overwatch and not being able to get out of the Gold ranks.

Ok, now that my rage is out of the way . . . a lot has happened in Brawl Stars since the last time I posted about it. Let's take a couple deep breaths and talk about it.

(calmly breathing -- a zen beach scene emerges in the distance -- ok, let's talk)

First up, we had the whole Angels vs. Demons Brawl Pass season. It was a really cool and well-done season that involved a lot of really great skins, some neat game modes, and, yes, the angel and demon books played a part in it all. Basically, you'd fill out your power books and select which power you wanted to bring into a match. There were some interesting powers you could choose from like siphoning life off your enemies, resurrecting after defeat, and even spawning enemies when you killed another player.  Great stuff.

EMZ's skin was my favorite from the event.

Next, I finished maxing out Squeak, Bull, and Angelo with all of their hypercharge powers and everything. It was a lot of work, but I got it done. I'm now sitting on 19 Max-level characters -- 11 of which also have their hypercharge powers. (Just to put that in perspective, there are a total of 87 characters and I only own 67 of those . . . it's an infinite grind)

Next up to max will be Pearl thanks to this hypercharge acquisition

After Angels vs. Demons, the new season that happened involved a cadre of cartoon styles mashed into one Brawl Pass Season named "Starr Toon Studios 2." There are some super great skins involved in this season. I've actually been tempted to buy this pass a few times, but I'm staying strong. I kind of feel like I've already spent enough on this stupid game . . . ESPECIALLY WHEN I CAN'T RANK UP TO MYTHIC RAWR!

(calmly breathing -- a zen forest scene envelops me -- ok, let's continue talking)

Also, the holidays happened and clubs everywhere were cracking open a ton of presents for the season. The club I'm in managed to get 14 presents, and on Christmas Day they gave every player a few more. It was a present opening extravaganza in Brawl Stars! Two of the gifts I received were hypercharges: One for Colt (who I already had at max) and also for Jackie. Yay! Free hypercharges are the best gift of them all!

Legendary Christmas presents are the best presents!

Finally, you may have thought the Spongebob Crossover was crazy, but get this . . . Brawl Stars is crossing over with Toy Story right now! That's right, you can play as a super overpowered Buzz Lightyear in regular game modes (not competitive thank goodness). He's a temporary character, but really fun to play. In addition to Buzz, you can unlock new Toy Story-themed skins for Colt (Woody skin), Bibi (Bo Peep skin), and Jessie (Jessie Jessie skin lol).

So cool you can play Buzz three different ways!

Brawl Stars continues to be an incredibly fascinating mobile game for me with a ton of adrenaline-inducing fun . . . even if it makes me rage a bit when I'm playing the competitive ranked games. In my eyes, Brawl Stars is now officially the Fortnight of competitive mobile gaming.

I don't know if I have the patience and skill to move the needle on ranked games until it all comes to an end. This current season will end in a little over 5 days from now and Ranked will do the same in 4 days.  Oh well. The good news is that new fun will be here to ring in the new year of Brawl Stars soon!

Happy Dueling!

Friday, December 27, 2024

Christmas Redux 2024

Hey all! I hope you had a very merry Christmas as we head into the new year. 2024 was a year of big changes and struggles for me and my family, but I'm happy to report that our Christmas was just as great as ever!

With our new house comes a little smaller family room space. Because of that we opted for a skinnier tree that was still very beautiful with presents around it on Christmas Eve.

Santa always lines up the kids' presents and stockings on the couch for them to open in the morning. 

The theme for matching pajamas this year was Kirby. The kids were comfy cozy and ready to have some Christmas fun.

A big theme for this year's gift-giving was warm clothing since we've moved to Utah from Texas. It got cold in Texas occasionally, but not like it is here. New coats and boots were warmly received! 

The family got me a lot of great dad gifts this year, including some of the missing New Mutant comics I don't have in my collection and a few old-school Wacky Packages. 

Also, the great thing about this Christmas was that it snowed just a bit here. I shoveled our walks and snapped pictures of our yard out in the cold for fun.

So there you go! I had a great Christmas with the family!  We got a lot of winter clothes, season passes to a local amusement park, and a bunch of other fun odds and ends. Most of all, we just enjoyed being with each other. 

I hope you also had an amazing holiday season!

Happy Dueling!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Blowing up Asteroids in Bounce Arcade

I'm continuing to play a little Bounce Arcade here and there, and lately it seems to be my go-to, just messing around VR pinball experience. It's pretty light and super easy to get into when I just want to play and not think too much. 

Since the last time I posted about the game, I've been putting up some great scores on all the game modes. Since I mostly talked about Gunpowder Gulch before, I thought I'd talk a little about the next step up in difficulty, Asteroid Outpost.

Time to play pinball in space!

As of this posting, I managed to barely slip myself into the top 10 for the leaderboards.

Diamond Rank, baby! Yeah!

In Asteroid Outpost, your playing field is very much inside the engine room of a spaceship.  In phase one of the board, your objective is to hit the objects lit by crackling electricity and then shoot them down into the engine core to charge it up.  After you completely charge the engine, a secondary objective appears.

The four secondary objectives are as follows:

- Shoot the cannons -- basically target one of the cannons and then shoot the ball between cannons until you've hit them all and shoot it down a nearby tube.  This is by far the easiest of the secondary objectives.

- Target the side chamber -- When the side chamber opens up, it's a bouncy mad-house of point generation. Once you hit all the bumpers inside the side chamber, shoot the lit up tube nearby and you're done.

- Charge up the spinners -- At the top right and top left of the playing field are two spinners. As you shoot the spinners, they charge the left and right sides of the top of the engine. Once you've charged both of them up, shoot the lit up tube to complete the secondary objective.

- Light all the arrows -- Arrows run from the corners of the playing field. Sometimes these arrows are pointing toward the center, and sometimes these arrows are pointing away from the center.  Run the ball down all three arrows in a row, and they'll light green to indicate success. Once you've lit up all the arrows, shoot the ball into the engine and you'll be done with the secondary objective.

After you finish a secondary objective, the hull of the ship peels back and three large asteroids float out in space. You need to use your pinball (and other power-up balls) to destroy these asteroids and reveal the golden nuggets inside them. 

Time to play Asteroids! (Just not on the 2600)

Shoot the golden nuggets into the collection tubes while keeping your ball in play and eventually, you'll win the third objective and light up a part of the engine. Do this four times and your ship will jump to lightspeed so you complete the entire game loop.

To make things more difficult, enemy laser cubes will activate and target your game paddles with lasers each time you enter the asteroid field. If a laser hits your game paddle, it'll deactivate for a few seconds leaving you extremely vulnerable to losing your ball.

To make things EVEN MORE DIFFICULT, after you complete the game loop once, you'll be given a multiball in the asteroid field and have to keep them ALL in play or you'll have to restart. It gets to be a crazy frantic mess of balls, powerups, golden nuggets, and laser cubes you have to keep track of.

So there you go, that's the Asteroid Outpost game in Bounce Arcade. To be honest, of all the game modes (excluding the tutorial), the Asteroid Outpost is my least favorite playing field. Its mini-games just aren't as exciting as the other three modes, and the game loop is a little monotonous. 

It feels like there's a missed opportunity to bring more sci-fi flair into the playing field! There should be more to the vastness of space than just asteroid mining. Right?! I mean, can I please have some kind of alien contact, ship repair, or planetary landing moments mixed into the asteroid mining? It really does feel like there could have been just a bit more sci-fi fun included. Even just one alien crawling around inside the hull of the ship would have been enough.

That all said, it's not a horrible board . . . just not my favorite. Happy to be in the top ten for now!

Happy Dueling!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Tea Times Two with Thomas Lionblood

Man, I've been wanting to post a thing or two on my blog for a week now, and I just haven't had the time or motivation. I've either been busy with holiday stuff or sick, but as long as I'm here typing, let's just see what I can do to dump out all my thoughts RIGHT NOW! 

Let's start with the Wizard Tea. Bazaar Sniping, a thing that's been in the game since the beginning, is now (from what I hear) a thing of the past. I haven't tried bazaar sniping since I was actively working on crafting.  We always used it to transfer metal scraps and random reagents back and forth between me and Bailey.

I remember asking Professor Greyrose about it once waaaaay back and she noted that it wasn't an intended thing for players to do, but because everyone liked it, they just kept it in the game.

Fast forward to today, players several years ago realized that Empower treasure cards were a stable drop in the game economy that could be traded back and forth in exchange for other things. Think of it like a player invented monetizing system.  In Everquest, they have Krono (which happens to be company controlled and monetized btw -- KingsIsle, if you're reading, look into it . . . I'm pretty sure you could monetize trading with something similar -- players would hate it and call you money-grubbing, but they do that anyway). In Wizard101, they have Empower Treasure Cards.

Anyway, they finally fixed the sniping bug and as expected, people went nuts.

At first I didn't even remember the Empower Treasure Card facet of Bazaar sniping, but @Karlicai broke it down for me.

WHEW! Man, everything KingsIsle was trying to avoid with allowing player trading in the first place was circumvented by players in a super ingenious way. By allowing this to exist for 16 years, players created a discord channel for trading and a whole sub-economy using Bazaar sniping as a method to trade valuable items and bank gold. People going to do people things I suppose.

One of the major problems to the above method is the presence of bots in the bazaar. It defeats the whole system. You want to trade something with someone and bam, a bot snipes before you can snipe. The new system they implemented was that after you deposit an item in the bazaar, there's now a time delay and you can't predictably snipe anymore. In fact, players are saying the new system favors bots now.  Whoops. Not the best fix.

A lot of players seem pretty upset by this, and I get it. KingsIsle will work it out somehow. I have faith. Ultimately, they're trying to avoid gold sellers and spammers in zone chat. If you've played any other MMO, you'll know what they are. They're annoying.

So there you go.  That's the T in Wizard101 lately.

We used to track time in Community Management by what the recent drama was. We seem to be in the Post-Hawkules/Sparck-tell-all and entering into the season of bazaar-sniping-fix. All in all, still not as glorious as the age of Glowing Mushroom Exploit. 

AAAANNNNYYWWWAAYYYY . . . I finished all my quests for the Selenopolis trees and got my new cool blade.


Also spent a bunch of Crowns trying to get the full outfit from the new Christmas pack. It's not a bad pack, I might actually stitch this new robe on to my outfit.  The Krampus banner is pretty great as well.

I like that Krampus banner!

I didn't keep going to see if I could get the new mount. It's a little weird and I already have far too many mounts to even think about wanting a new one. Still debating about this new pet. I kinda like it.

Smelly Gracie seems neat, but nothing will ever top my precious Lady Dexter.

Anyway, hope you all are enjoying Wizard101 and the holidays. I need to find some time to log on and finish up a few more of the quests in Selenopolis and hopefully convince my wife to play again. I WILL FINISH KARAMELLE!

Happy Dueling!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 2024 Zone of the Month -- Karamelle City

Hey all! I thought I'd try to bring back a time-honored tradition as I discussed in a post last month and do another Zone of the Month!  

To those ends, I made a list of the 256 zones in Wizard101 and used a random number generator to let randomness do what it does best to choose our zone.  The random zone of the month this month is none other than an idea that was first birthed from a flight of fancy from the old Professor Greyrose on this very blog.  Thus, the rumors of Candyland began back in 2009 and finally became a reality with the World of Karamelle in 2020.


Name: Karamelle City

Location: Karamelle -- Karamelle City is the main hub of the world Karamelle and is the location all players will enter upon taking the spiral door to that world. You'll wander through Karamelle City often as you weave your way through this world's story.

A wonderful world of sweets and treats!

Description: As described on Wizard101's Karamelle World webpage: "Karamelle is a world of smiles, of Gumdrop Forests and Licorice Trees, of Chocolate Mines and Soda Lakes. Happy villages stretch from Karamelle City to Gutenstadt and everyone, everywhere, is always singing and whistling while they work." Of course, as you travel on, you begin to understand that happiness in Karamelle really is just skin deep.

Spilled Ice Cream in Karamelle City, complete with a trail of ants leading to it.

Cost: When you purchase Karamelle City, you'll also receive the zones of Von Trap Estate and Rock Candy Mountains for the price of 2295 Crowns.

Zeke Item: In Karamelle, Zeke has you hunting down Lemonheads. In Karamelle City, you can find the zone's Lemonhead right inside the gateway leading to Rock Candy Mountain. The Lemonhead is quite easy to see to the side of a bench there.

Someone dropped a lemonhead next to the bench here.

Chests: There are no chests or silver chests in this zone for players to collect, which is too bad since there are plenty of places to hide them. 

Secrets: The biggest secrets of Karamelle City come from Nana herself and her factory! You should go talk to the Grandnana in her office. While you're there, make sure to inspect her desk, you might just find a free Dinette Set housing item waiting for you there!

Is stealing dinnerware behind Nana's back a crime in Karamelle City?

Reagents: There are no reagents in this zone for players to collect. You'll have to head in a bit deeper in the world to find the Pretzel Sticks you may be hunting for.

Fishing: Despite having a wonderful, bubbling Soda Stream, no fish can be found in Karamelle City. I take it as a hope for things to come! Just imagine fishing up some Swedish Fish, Caram-eels, or a Tetra-misu. Lots to hope for the future!

Teleporters: While there aren't any teleporters to get you around within Karamelle City itself, there is a Nanavator to help you traverse the different worlds within Karamelle, like, Sweetzburg, Nibbleheim, Gutenstadt, Black Licorice Forest, Candy Corn Farm, and Gobblerton.

Just take the Nanavator to where you need to go!

What’s the 4-1-1? When you arrive in Karamelle City, you've been sent there by Ione as the Arcanum Liason. Maulworf Von Trap is your inside informant on Cabal activities and a summit happening there at the request of The Great Old One. 

Upon arriving in Karamelle City you quickly find the problem of Sweet things gone sour and must dispose of evil gummy bears. It's a plot to be more fully explored later in Karamelle City.

Not the Xtra Limes bear!

At the summit of The Great Old One, you are asked to join the cabal by the Great Old One himself. As you're about to shake his hand, the great old one falls into a giant hole, or rather, a cavity. Sour candy is causing all kinds of problems! Perhaps Nana herself will have answers about what's going on with the candy gone wild?

Who’s that Boss?  There are a few Bosses in Karamelle City, but the most notable one is the one you fight at the end of Karamelle. If you follow the world's story line to the end, you'll find yourself facing off against The Aberrant Paradox, which just happens to be . . . YOU. Looking for a strategy on how to fight the big bad, The Final Bastion has all the info you need.

Don’t miss this Side Quest! After you've completed the main quest titled "Candy Crushing," make sure you talk to the Good Will Ambassador to take the Quest "Good Will Stunting" and the follow-on quest "My Stars and Gobblers!"  It's worth it just to get a look at Professor Plump in the Nana Corporation Lobby.

Professor Plump I presume!


If only I had the power to discount this zone for you all!  Hope you enjoyed reading about this month's zone of the month.

Happy Dueling!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Tea Time with Thomas Lionblood

I had a Wizard101 dream a couple nights ago. Actually, scratch that, it was a KingsIsle dream. 

So in this dream, I was back at KingsIsle and had just returned and got a new job there. For some reason it was very somber and someone told me just to go grab a laptop and sitdown somewhere. I grabbed one and chose a pit desk that was empty with no desk partners around it, and a guy behind me smiled and said "Hello, Tom." Sadly I didn't recognize the person, but they recognized me. 

In my dream, I then started walking around, and the Marketing section took up two full rows of desks in the pit and they were at a 45-degree angle to the rest of the office. It was super glitzy and suddenly looked like the best department in the office. I went over to Mythdust's office and she had a couple people in there. She came out and had gigantic 80's hair and looked like she had a mega-makeover. She said we should go to lunch to talk. Even with all the glitz, in the dream it felt more nonplussed to me. Which is weird, I mean Mythdust with giant hair and wearing an acid-washed levi jacket should be hilarious.

Anyway, while dreamwalking through the office I eventually passed Leah Ruben's old office, and it was shut tight. Other offices along the way had new unrecognizable faces in them that I didn't know.  Gone was the old guard, and I couldn't even see my old buddies there. Where's Jeff Toney? And then I woke up . . .

It left me feeling very weird. Like home but not home and very humbled for some reason. Dream Interpreter AI thinks I'm trying to gain either some familiarity or realize some personal growth. /shrug

Anyway, because of that dream, of course, I had to actually log on Wizard101 in real life. But before I talk about that, YO, Wizard101 has a lot going on lately. It's kind of a weird vibe. Are y'all up on the Tea?

Firstly, there was a whole Hawkules/Sparck controversy that rocked its way through the community.  I woke up a couple weeks ago wondering why my notifications were going off with people telling me they missed me, so I crafted up a quick response telling people it was good to be missed and how hard the job is, kinda giving props to those still working there. Then that tweet started getting a lot of likes and I knew something must be up.  And wow, yeah, The now ex-Pirate101 Community Manager (who goes by Hawkules) did a tell-all / burning bridges thread

*turns off computer, walks away and waits for dust to settle a bit*

Oh yeah, and GET THIS, Pirate101 did an update with some super unfortunate timing. Pirate101 update you say?! yeah, I know . . . crazy they're still getting updates, but BAM. The new update is a promotion quest for none other than the Hawkules companion. Timing for the win. Hawkules the CM gets canned and Hawkules the companion in game gets a promotion. You can't make this stuff up.

It's the worst. When stuff like this happened when I was a CM, it always felt like a kick to the gut, so I feel for my old co-worker buddies who are still at KingsIsle. Raises Diet Coke in solidarity. Hang in there, KingsIsle peeps! I trust your judgment!

Ok now that we're done with Tea time, there's a whole new thing going on where Krokotopia got a revamp and there's this new Selenopolis zone.  I don't fully know what's going on there yet, but it really seems to be all about this new Magic Weaving feature and throwing down a tutorial on how the whole Gambit system works for these new spell cards.

I took it to Twitter to get reactions on how people liked the new feature and got a range of responses. I loved the responses.

Jose kind of nailed the feeling I had after I had been through about 2/3rds of the tutorial.  I mean, it made sense, but when they started to try and break down the Roshambo, I was cringing a bit. 

Next comment I loved came from Timid.

Yup . . . probably not worth it just yet for a high-level player, but for someone who might have just finished Dragonspyre, I don't know . . . could be kind of cool to have these new spells at that level. The new spells do seem more PVP-focused or perhaps situational to a boss fight.

Xander hit the nail on the head for me on this one.

And that's where I ended up after a couple hours of play with the new update.  I spent a lot of time going from tree to tree to tree trying to decide what I want my new magic weaving class to be and when I finally arrived at what I wanted to do (Balance for the extra blade), it gave me a new quest to complete a ton of badges.  

I mean, overall, I love making badges more important, but turning them into quest requirements is a little weird though. 

It was hard choosing my new magic weaving class. The original plan with Thomas Lionblood was that he would be a Death/Myth caster, and as much fun as it would have been casting the Bleh the Impaler spell, I just didn't really feel going down that path would net me much in the long run.

More like Meh the Impaler . . .

The Death/Fire spells also looked super amazing as did the Death/Storm spells, but in the end, I don't know . . . kind of just felt like Balance would be better for me, which is fine, I already went down the Balance line a long time ago after having a glut of spell points. PLUS, the poet-tree spouting poetry was by far the best choice for me eventually. 

She's my soul mate

So, there you have it. I spent some more time in Wizard101/Pirate101 and worked a little on the new content.

Always interested in hearing your thoughts! Feel free to share with me.

Happy Dueling!  

Monday, November 25, 2024

Bouncing up the Leaderboards in Bounce Arcade

I was browsing Facebook the other day when an old KingsIsle friend of mine (Erik McKinney) announced that the new company he was working for had just released a new VR game called Bounce Arcade. Erik was the environment artist for the game, so I jumped on the opportunity to purchase it and give it a spin.

Easy there cowpoke, it's time for some Gunpowerder Gulch!

Honestly, my loyalties to Erik aside, it's a pretty fun game, and I love the concept behind it. Basically, you as the player are the paddles sitting in the pinball machine hole, and you need to block the ball from going through. Just keep smacking that ball and don't let it get past you.

That's the basics, but like most pinball machines, there's more to the game loop than just that. Just like in regular pinball, certain targets and objectives are scattered throughout the field in front of you. They'll be highlighted in yellow to give you an indication that you need to target it. After hitting them, a secondary objective lights up, leading to a big event.  In regular pinball, that's usually a multiball situation.

Cannons are lit and it's time to go for a minigame star!

To simulate "tilting" the table, you can bend a ball in the direction of targets and even activate a power-up to suck a ball into your paddles and redirect it at a target. Unlike regular pinball, however, what tends to open up in Bounce Arcade is a minigame! 

Bending a ball toward the town bell

For example, in the Gunslinger game after, hitting the targets to charge up the town hall's meter, all the cannons will point toward the bell above the town hall and the doors to the town hall will open to reveal an icon. Hit all the cannons and the game will pause as you play whatever mini-game is associated with the icon on the town hall doors.  In a couple of those instances, your paddles will turn into guns and you'll participate in a shoot out ala the game police trainer (shooting the bad guys, avoiding the town citizens) or hit the dynamite barrels before they touch the ground . . . stuff like that.

Shooting barrels out of the sky

Once you win a mini-game, you'll earn a star for the level.  What happens when you fill all the stars?!?! Man, I don't know yet!!!  I'm getting close though.  I managed to get 3 of 4 stars on the gunslinger level and set a pretty decent score though. I'm definitely getting better at the game with each play.

The only complaint I've heard from around the Discord channels is that there isn't enough content, which to be honest is really hard to reach when making a $20 game, from personal experience. On the other hand, I love the potential they've created for this game, and I hope it does well enough that it will become a lovable DLC beast similar to Walkabout Minigolf.

. . . And to me, that's what you need to look at for VR games at that price point. Walkabout is such a good model for games like this, in fact, if I were a Designer for Velan I'd push to mirror more of the good things in that game that make it feel like there's more bang for the buck.  Let's take a look at that.

1- Each level of Walkabout Minigolf has an easy and a hard mode. Bounce should do this as well.  One time while playing Bounce, my controllers bugged out and my paddles no longer extended out in front of me in space, instead they were stuck nearer to my hands. It made me jump around and stand up really exercising to hit the ball. Although it was a bug, it's a rather easy way to make a hard mode for the game. 

2- Account rewards from hidden minigames make Walkabout pretty genius. In the easy mode, you collect balls that you can use while you play.  I really think you could do the same thing with the pinball in Bounce. You play the game with an ordinary-looking ball that ignites with an effect once in a while.  Just change the look of this ball as a reward for doing a hidden objective on the easy mode.  For hard mode in Walkabout, you have a fox hunt minigame.  When you complete the fox hunt, you earn a new golf club.  Again, I'm using paddles that look the same in every level . . . what if I could earn special "gunslinger" paddles (perhaps the edge looks like a rope lasso?) by hitting a certain point threshold in a hard mode of the Gunslinger map. It'd be great!

I will say that if you are prone to seasickness or don't have your VR legs yet, this is a really good starter game. You can play it just by looking in one direction. It's basically a 180 game instead of 360. 

I may highlight individual boards here on the blog in the future, but I've played enough of Bounce Arcade that it felt like I needed to give it a shout-out. It's a great game with a lot of potential. (Also, Erik is amazing and you should check out his cool environmental artwork)

Happy Dueling!

Friday, November 15, 2024

From Match-3 to Cathulhu: Roland Kie’s Vision for Roguematch

Hello, Readers of the Friendly Necromancer blog! I have a special treat for you today. I've asked Game Designer Roland Kie from Starstruck Games, makers of Roguematch: The Extraplaner Invasion, if he'd be willing to sit down and answer a few questions for us in an interview format. 

I've talked about Roguematch a few times here on the blog and after making it into the credits for the game with a special thank-you, it's only fair that I return the favor. Roland highly deserves a spot here on the sidebar of the blog as a VIP! 

Read on for more insights into Roland's special kind of awesomeness. 


Q: So Roland, why don't you take a second to introduce yourself to those who may not know you! Let us know how you found yourself in this state of life and why you're doing what you're doing. 

A: Hi! I'm Roland Kie, born and bred in Singapore! Games have always been a major part of my life, and when I got a chance to work at EA as localisation QA 20 years ago, I joined the games industry and never looked back! I eventually made my way to become a game designer, co-founded Inzen Studios, focusing on mobile games, and then subsequently left and found Starstruck Games.


Q: Let's talk for a moment about Starstruck Games. Where is Starstruck Games based, and how do you feel that location has or hasn't influenced your approach to development and marketing?

A: We are based in sunny Singapore! For us, I think it's been a fairly good spot for development. For example, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo do make it fairly straightforward to get Devkits here, so that was a blessing! Marketing wise, it's been a challenge, as always, because we don't use a publisher, so we have to look for marketing companies in the different regions, or try to approach social media influencers ourselves!


Q: What inspired you to take the leap into indie game development, especially with the risks involved? 

A: There's this deep...yearning? Want? To create something that somebody would love to consume and appreciate, the way I've appreciated the games I've played throughout my life. 

I don't think the freedom to do so would be easily available in a bigger company. Games have been such a deep part of my journey that making them feels like the natural direction of my life. The risks are 100% definitely (Still) there, but this is really one of those things where, if I don't try the darndest for it, it would be something I would regret later on.


Q: Could you walk us through your team’s workflow—are roles more defined, or do you collaborate on multiple aspects of the game? Are there certain fingerprints in Roguematch that you could identify as yours or Jesmond's or Yi Chuin's?

A: Chuinny is our Artist, Jesmond is the Coder and I'm the Game Designer. That's the very basics of it. We discuss and bounce ideas off each other all the time though. 

The character design is definitely in Chuinny's style, that's the most visual 'fingerprint' we can see. She really does the cutest stuff. UI/UX is a good mix of the three of us, but eventually Chuinny finds the best look. I come up with the narrative and features but always bounce them off Jesmond and Chuinny. I also did the music, but also with their input on whether it sounds appropriate. We balance each other out quite a lot!


Q: As a fellow game designer, I’m curious: what design principles do you hold closest, especially when blending genres like match-3 and roguelike?

A: This is a tough one! Personally, I feel like I need to have a narrative to the games we make. 

For Roguematch though... In some ways, I have to adhere to the limits that Match 3 and Roguelikes bring to the table. I kept shifting focus between many principles, but ultimately kept going back to, and having difficulty in, designing the best tutorial because these are two disparate genres merged into one. We still don't feel it's good enough! It's too long, it's too short, we should break it up into different stages, there's so many mechanics because it's two genres, etc.


Q: Do you or your team have a particular fondness for both roguelike and match-3 games, or did Roguematch come together more organically from different ideas?

A: I have a reasonable fondness for Match 3. It started with Bejewelled, and it went on to the many iterations of games like Candy Crush and Puzzle Quest and Gardenscapes and so many in between I forget them. Oh Angry Birds, Harry Potter, and Stranger Things just rushed through my mind. 

I do not play Roguelikes like Angband and Dwarf Fortress, but I did play the Mystery Dungeons like Torneko's Quest, and a bit of Chocobo Dungeon, I can't remember if I've played Shiren it was so long ago, and a few years back, Dragonfangz and Crown Trick

Roguematch did not come from just appreciating both genres. Roguematch came together from the years noticing that out there, games are tagged as 'Match 3 Roguelikes' or 'Match 3 RPGs', and they were in a sense, but not truly combined in the way I imagined it. I always felt that the next step for a Match 3 RPG is...what Roguematch is. Where Match 3 is real to the characters in the game. Where Match3 players can put their skills to test in a more 'real' situation. Where Roguelike players are playing a turn-based, grid-based RPG with Match 3 for real.

We also want to push Match 3 further into a space where the mechanics of it aren't viewed as 'casual'. There have been other Match 3 RPGs that have managed to do it in some ways, like the Puzzle Quests 1, 2, 3 and Marvel Puzzle Quest, which is more of a Match 3 deckbuilder, and many of the games that you've covered and talked about a few years back. What we wanted was for the Match 3 aspect of it to be way more involved within the game itself.

Our serendipitous discovery of your hunt for Match 3 Dungeon games also gave us a super boost in motivation during early development :D


Q: What design or gameplay element of Roguematch are you the proudest of, and why?

A: We're proud that we even managed to find a playable balance between Match 3 and Turn-based Dungeon Crawling! 

We didn't have any references so it was a lot of trying to see how it could work. We had so many iterations of it. We ended up with this one because we realised that if we wanted to introduce this sub-genre, we had to make it more palatable for players, so it's the simpler version of what we thought it could be.


Q: How do you incorporate player feedback into Roguematch's development, and were there specific changes you made based on that feedback? Where does most of your feedback come from? 

A: We have friends playtesting the game, which is useful for deeper-level game design issues. We went to some cons, like Tokyo Gameshow, Busan Indie Connect, and Gamescom Asia SG, and observed players playing, which is useful for silently observing beginner player issues. We listen to everyone and then we sit down and discuss what makes sense and what doesn't. 

Specific changes from player feedback? Quite a lot, some were additions, like multiple ways of shifting the pieces when using controls. We added a different color scheme for the color blind. We shortened the number of rooms to reach each level's boss. We shortened, then lengthened, then shortened the tutorial based on player feedback (or frustration).


Q: How did the team approach the fusion of match-3 mechanics with turn-based gameplay? Was it challenging to keep it balanced and accessible for different types of players?

A: It was extremely challenging. We were facing two demographics of players that did not necessarily have any skill overlap, or skill transfer from one genre to the other. What we did attempt to figure out were the common motivations for playing these types of games. One of them was the 'tactics' aspect of both games. In both genres, you try to be efficient with your turns to get the optimal outcome. 

For the short version of this, In match 3, this could be solving one of the parts of the board, in a roguelike, it would be, defeating one enemy. The next step from that would be how to find ways to clear more of the board, or how to clear more enemies at one go. So the (not exactly) parallel tools for this are the special pieces in Match 3 and Magic/Skills in Mystery Dungeons.

Match 3 players are usually presented with one board to 'solve' in a number of turns. Dungeon crawlers, however, are often one large level with interconnecting rooms that you can freely travel around, and where monsters can chase you from one room to the next.

We decided to stick to one room at a time for Roguematch so that it would be easier to learn and play. We tried to find ways to reward players for clearing a room, and that came in the form of getting items, and later on, gaining Exp to level up.

During player testing, we would find an experienced match 3 player doing really well, defeating enemies further away...until one enemy reached them, and then they'd be just running away. Experienced Roguelike players with no Match 3 experience maybe could kite a bit, but without relying more on available matches, they would miss opportunities to defeat enemies and get overwhelmed. Fortunately we came across a few players who played both genres, and they were quite good and played it so naturally, and liked it. We also had players who were better at one genre than the other, but halfway through playtesting, had an 'Aha' moment, and then played through all the way to the boss. So on that end, we knew on average that the game was balanced and generally well received as long players stuck around to learn a bit of both genres.


Q: Tell me more about the dynamic music in Roguematch—how each stage’s soundtrack shifts with elemental themes. What inspired this feature?

A: We started out that way because in each level, you could have rooms associated with one elemental plane, and a different one the next, so the music just faded in and out according to the room you were in. Also, the combining of music in the mixed elemental planes just 'made sense'. If you listen to the Cryo-Volcanic rooms, they're a mix of the music from the Ice rooms and from the Lava rooms, which in themselves are a mix of music from the four main planes. For example, the Elemental plane of Lava is associated with the elemental planes of Fire (Where we use more heavy Brass Instruments) and Earth (Where we use more percussions). Ice would have music from Water + Air. 


Q: Sonya the “nekomancer” is such a unique character! Can you share more about her creation and the idea of her quest for the Nekonomicon?

A: We knew we had to have a Cat, Dog and Rabbit BFF adventuring party. So if there was a Cat, it absolutely (100000%) had to be a Nekomancer. If there was a Nekomancer, the Nekonomicon had to be involved. If the Nekonomicon was involved, Cathulhu had to be involved. If Cathulhu was involved, the other Meowter Gods, Elder Nyans/Elder Wans also had to be involved. If they were antagonists or protagonists, who would be their counterparts? And so on and so forth!


Q: What were some of the most challenging technical aspects of Roguematch’s development? How did you approach them?

A: The Match 3 system was challenging. Characters interact with it in so many ways, walk into it and you switch places with it. Or maybe you have the item that makes you consume it. Or maybe you're the same color and you match with it! Then, matching them makes them disappear, or turn into new pieces, or explode, or stop time. Put in a new feature on the Roguelike side and something on the Match 3 side goes haywire. Honestly we could only approach it with hard work and time. Aka Brute Force. (Thank you Jesmond).


Q: Is there a dream project you’d love to work on with unlimited resources, or are there aspects of Roguematch you’d expand on?

A: Yes. It's Zelda related. And now that BOTW and TOTK have come out it made me think that it is even more possible now. But we're not Nintendo! So that's a pipe dream. (Wait, unlimited resources means we can buy Nintendo, yes?). There are others! But it has to do with past games we've worked on before.

Jesmond and I often have fun thinking of working on a fighting game. As for Roguematch, yes for sure. Though that largely depends on how the gaming community as a whole accepts diegetic Match 3 Roguelikes as something that they could learn to play.


Q: What lessons from Roguematch’s development do you plan to apply to future games? 

A: Don't try to create new sub-genres unless you have plenty of resources. Especially one where half of it looks casual, and the other half looks hardcore. 


Q: What’s next for you and Starstruck Games? Any exciting plans for new projects or updates to Roguematch? 

A: Roguematch is our Final Fantasy. We won't have the resources to carry on if we cannot get the world to see and try Roguematch. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer a few questions for my readers. As someone who loves this style of gameplay and mashup, I'm extremely excited to see it happen and executed in such a fantastic way. You've done an amazing job and made a game you can be proud of! 

In a way you might say I am star-struck by Starstruck! Keep up the excellent work and thank you for your passion with Game Design, Match 3, and just being a downright great person. I wish you nothing but the best and success in all your endeavors. 

Happy Dueling!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

AW: Off the Grid with Ingrid and To and Fro with Frodi

Ok, Team. It's time for another update on Asgard’s Wrath because, DANG, some super cool stuff happened. Basically I’ve finished the first hero’s story (Ingrid) and moved on to the second (Frodi). Obviously, I'm still in love with the game so far, and it's just getting better and better.

The big bad of Ingrid's story

Wrapping up Ingrid’s journey led to a pretty epic boss fight -- one that I honestly wasn't expecting to be so cool. I love it when you get surprised by something awesome like this. Tyr basically taunts the heck out of Ingrid and starts destroying her hometown. Eventually, you make your way up to a giant arena and there you are in a mythic showdown between Tyr and, not Ingrid, but you in God form. He came out with fireballs, flailing maces of death, all armored up with serious grudges. My job? Counter his fireballs by shooting them out of the sky, knocking off his armor pieces, and then hitting him with an arrow to the heart so I could pull him close on a light rope. Once in range, you punch him out boxer style. After you do that sequence three times (three is always the magic number), he's left knocked down long enough for Ingrid to get in there and stab out his left eye. Truly an epic moment you can't get in any other VR game than Asgard's Wrath!

Time to gain an eye patch, Tyr!

With Ingrid’s adventure wrapped up, I’ve now started with the second hero, Mr. Frodi, the blind priest. He’s a caster-type character wielding a staff, which adds a whole new dynamic to combat. Frodi’s staff can cast energy bolts, which you can direct in looping paths. He also has this spirit orb, which you can use to refill with extra charges since his staff has limited power. 

Unlocking Frodi also meant unlocking my next animal companion: a minotaur! Now, just to be sure you understand, these animal companions in Asgard's Wrath aren’t exactly powerhouses—they’re more like sidekicks for fun and to help with puzzles rather than front-line fighters. That said, if you toss them a rage potion, they’ll go beast mode for a bit. By the way, it's super satisfying to throw stuff like that to your companion: potions, food, and whatnot. It’s great watching them catch and use it or throw it back. Anyway, the whole deal with the minotaur is that it can push large blocks out of the way to open up those blocked areas.

No need to bow, my dude . . . let's go wreck stuff!

All in all, Asgard's Wrath is doing a great job of keeping things awesome, and I’m excited to see where Frodi’s journey goes next. More updates to come!

Happy Dueling!