Saturday, October 7, 2023

100 Percent Completion in Walking Dead Onslaught

I don't often get the full suite of achievements in any game, really. I mean, I did 100 percent all the achievements in Battle Bows, but that's my job, yo. When last I talked about the game I had finished the story mode and was sitting on about half of the achievements.

That final achievement is a great head nod to the best line in the TV series.

If I were to do it all over again, I think I'd probably do it in exactly the same way. Basically I played through the entire Story mode twice: once on Survivor mode and once on Veteran mode. If you want to 100 percent the game, you'll have to beat the entire story on Veteran mode anyway, so it absolutely would save time (if you're looking to do that) to just play through the story on Veteran mode, but I liked the story enough I wanted to play through it twice and getting all the materials from the story a second time doesn't hurt. 

Culling the herd in Part 7 of the story

Scavenger missions are essential for completing all the requisitions, which makes sense. Requisitions are only found in scavenger missions and you'll need to complete them all in order to finish your achievements. You'll need all those sweet epic and legendary resources, like fiberglass and batteries, that you find in the later scavenger missions if you want to fully upgrade all your weapons.

Ahh the motherlode!

Really, that's the crowning achievement in Walking Dead Onslaught. Fully upgrading all 24 weapons is the hardest thing to do in the game. That Assault Rifle is the worst of the bunch. It took a couple scavenger runs just to upgrade that thing alone.

A fully upgraded Armory, and no more missions to use them on

Believe it or not though, that wasn't my final achievement I earned. The last achievement to fall was the one for killing a walker with every weapon in the game. I thought I had done it with all of them, but the achievement wasn't kicking off, so I did the only thing I could do and headed into Chapter 7 where the game gives you every weapon in the game . . . and go through all the weapons one by one.

That meant I needed to run up to a zombie, kill it with a random weapon, run back to the house with all the weapons, swap to another random weapon, run back out to a zombie, kill it with a new random weapon, and wash rinse and repeat until that magical achievement bell rang. Guess what it was that I hadn't used yet?  A crowbar of all things. 

A table full of weapons, and I'm opting for a Crowbar?

So once I smacked a zombie upside the head with a Crowbar I got that final double achievement spam. One for the Tainted Meat Achievement that I was actively working on and the final platinum, earn all achievements, reward. Done and done.

It's funny how my opinions changed over the course of the game from always wanting to use ranged weapons to always wanting to use melee weapons, but truly the Katana and the simple Hammer are the best weapons in the game. I ran entire missions without firing a single shot by the end. It was just: run up to a zombie, smash a zombie's head off with a hammer, and done.

Have hammer, will travel!

I had so much fun with this game! I'm pretty impressed with Survios as a company in general. They've got a quality suite of games and, out of their entire catalog, I think I own four or five of their games. They've all been really solid.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Congrats! Now you can move on to Saints & Sinners!

    I've been puttering around with Song in the Smoke, a survival VR game. Still early days but I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

    But with Halloween coming it might be time to dive back into some zombie smushing action. :)

  2. I fired up Saints & Sinners and I couldn't get into it. Felt a little cartoony after playing onslaught. I'll give it another shot though for sure.
