Wednesday, August 30, 2023

VR Game Library Delving -- Walking Dead Onslaught

Hello, fair reader. I'm back with yet another blood and guts zombie game today from my un-played VR game library. Just a heads up that you will see pictures of, you know, me stabbing a zombie in the head. If that is something you don't want to see, you may want to skip this post. Just sayin'

And with that out of the way, can you believe it? Blaugust is almost to an end!  Today and tomorrow and that's it. Glad I'm able to end this month of posting with yet another VR game that I just spent the past hour or two playing. I figured I better stop now so I can write about it before it's bedtime and I have nightmares of zombies coming after me.

Today's game is Walking Dead Onslaught. Apparently there have been a few Walking Dead VR games. Today's game and then there's also Walking Dead Saints and Sinners 1 and 2. All I know is that the game I have in my library came to me as a part of a bundle from like a year ago, and I've never played it until today.

The picture should feature more knife and less crossbow and gun.

Quickly flipping through reviews, it seems like Saints and Sinners had a bit of a better reception than this game, but I gotta tell you, compared to the zombie wave shooter I played yesterday, this has a lot of potential to be pretty cool. They have a base building aspect to the game. Weapons can be upgraded. There's a story mode. There's a mission mode. It just feels more complete as a game that will give you multiple hours of replay-ability.

The tutorial walks you through the basics like how to grab a zombie by the throat and stab it. This is actually a very important maneuver because they definitely don't give you enough ammo to just kill everything with a gun. Side note, I really wish they gave you enough ammo to just kill everything with a gun. Then again, the rag doll physics of grabbing a zombie by the throat and flailing them around is pretty funny. I think the developer really liked the stab in the head action.

The Walking Dead throat grab. It's a thing.

After the tutorial the game puts you into a prologue mission where you encounter Daryl Dixon and work your way to a van to escape to your new home base. Now . . . I never watched the Walking Dead series. Oh my goodness, I just heard a collective gasp from like 3/4ths of you reading this blog post. I'm sorry. What I do know is that Daryl is one of the main characters from the series so it makes sense you get to play through his story, to which I believe I'm reading there are 7 chapters.

Chattin' things over with Daryl

The story is pretty much on rails, but you can miss items if you don't look around at all the corners and edges of the map. As you reach certain points, Daryl chimes in like a Dungeon Master talking about things you just encountered or were about to encounter. It's a good way to do story telling in an action game. No complaints here. (In fact, it seems like most of the complaints were that there just wasn't enough story) 

Daryl is all "Took you long enough!"

Story mode is fun and all, but these survival missions are pretty crazy. You are outnumbered and it's basically a dash and grab to try and get as much stuff as you can and then fight off a horde until an escape route opens up and you can make your way to it. I failed the first one twice until I found a happy medium between killing zombies, grabbing loot, and running away from zombies and finally won.

One bullet left and a horde of zombies left to go. fun.

Once you return to camp, win or lose, you'll use any loot you've gathered to upgrade your weapons and build out a town. I honestly can't wait to find a haul of better weapons. Again, not that knife stabbing a zombie in the head doesn't have some entertainment value in and of itself, but a crossbow or a shotgun would be nice to have.


Anyway, I liked my time in the game, and I could see myself returning to this one to play through the entire story and build out my town. Feels like I could maybe get 10 hours out of it, which isn't bad for a VR game at all!

Happy Dueling!


  1. When I first started playing Walking Dead Saints & Sinners the part that grossed me out the most was how your knife/shiv/screwdriver would get stuck in a zombie's head and if you didn't get it a sharp tug you'd end up dragging a zombie corpse around.

    And when I say "grossed me out" I mean "that was the coolest thing ever!" :)

  2. haha! Yeah this one had kind of the same thing, but I didn't enjoy it so much because I needed to get my knife out of its skull faster so I could stab the next one. ;)

    I'll have to give Saints & Sinners a try
