Saturday, August 19, 2023

Palia -- Go with the Flow for Exquisite and the Glow

Well . . . guess what I did today? Yeah. I played a lot of Palia. Like . . . a lot. Typically my Saturdays are super busy and my family is running me around everywhere to do everything. Not today, friends. Not today. Today was spent running around in Palia, and it was great! I finally felt like I got a ton accomplished in game.

Gimmie those glistening gems of a Palium Node!

The whole day was spent pretty much in Bahari Bay gathering Flow Wood and Palium, which feel like the two kind of premium resources right now for wood and ore. Palium is only semi-difficult to come by if you're going by a map like this. Flow wood, not so much. That's the challenge!

Luckily I ran across a non-English speaking friend who was more than happy to have me follow him around and help chop down flow trees. Tetonka was great! He would wait for me to chop on a tree or mine a node and then we'd finish the job together.  I spent a good half hour just following this guy around like a pet.

You go, I follow Tetonka!

With Flow Wood, you typically have to run around looking for regular trees that have become enchanted and then call out to the server to find additional bodies to help chop it down. Sit long enough in a zone and you'll be hearing a call for help to come chop a Flow Tree.  It's the first time I've really felt the need to interact with other people in this game.

That's not to say I'm not trying to be social. I also joined the official Discord for the game and found a guild, er, I mean "Community." These people seem like a nice bunch. Hopefully it'll make the game more sticky at the end for me.

Anyway, it took a lot of running around and crafting and catch up with my other skills today to get to the point that I could even craft Palium bars and Flow Wood Planks. I've got the advanced smelter and wood cutting machines chugging away now, and managed to get myself to 9th level in Fishing.  When that happened, my old pal Einar called me back to tell me I could buy his most exquisite recipe he offered.

We did it, Buddy! We did it!

By the end of the day I had enough Flow Wood and Palium that I could craft both the glow worm farm and the exquisite fishing rod.

Thing to craft 1!

Thing to craft 2!

Also during my search for Palium I found myself inside the caves of Bahari Bay and that meant I was fishing up some new cave fish.  Check 'em out!

The Eyeless Minnow

Really bad screenshot. It's like I was eyeless when I took it.

The Umbran Carp

Who is this Carpe? And why is he in my DMs?

The Albino Eel

Looks more pink than Albino to be honest

The Mutated Angler

You're a little close to the surface to be a deep sea fish, aren't you?

The Bat Ray

Here I am throwing up my Bat Signal

The great thing about owning a glow worm maker now is that I will have the ability to catch even MORE new fish. I can't wait to try them out with my new Exquisite fishing rod.

Happy Dueling!

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