Monday, August 14, 2023

Creator Appreciation -- Low

You knew it was a good CD when you'd listen to the whole thing several times in a row or it would just sit in your car turning your vehicle into a week-long, repeating musical experience. The band Low was one of those bands for me.  

Worn, well-listened to and beautiful

Life changed for me, and I imagine pretty much everyone, when CDs went out of style and streaming services and YouTube came online. I stopped buying music. I only own two Low CDs, and I was quite shocked to find out they had made 28 albums in total.

that's . . . a lot

I wouldn't mind getting to know a few more of those albums, but looking at the list now, it seems pretty intimidating. I do love how prolific they are . . . or were. Oh man, I hate saying that, but to be honest my interest was only reignited this past year when I heard the news that the beautiful angelic voice and drummer for the band Mimi Parker died on November 5th, 2022. Cancer.

Sometimes I'll just go on YouTube and listen to a random song from their catalog and more often than not it delivers that melancholy beauty I'm craving. For some reason Words by Low keeps being fed to me and I don't mind relistening to it a few times.

I have my favorite songs of course, like Trust. It's a warm, candles burning in a quiet house type of song.

Over the Ocean is another favorite. 

It's interesting because Low isn't one of those bands that I would have typically gravitated to, but my old buddy Sean tipped me off to them, and I was hooked . . . at least to the tune of two CD purchases.

So, for creator appreciation week during Blaugust, I humbly offer the band Low as one of those that I'm happy I've cumulatively given many hours of listening time. Thanks for the music!

Happy Dueling!

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