Saturday, August 5, 2023

Chilling, Eating, and Dungeon Delving -- It's a good day

I decided to take the day off of work for my birthday yesterday because it was so close to the weekend. I had a nice day, and I have nothing really to write about today, so I'm just going to journal a bit about the day for my Blaugust post today.

The Uber Wife and I started out the day with a really nice walk after dropping our son off to his Band Cult. Yup, the youngest is a new freshman in the high school band, and things have really upped a notch for the band kids since I was one. The tail end of the summer here has been all about Band Camp, and it has become everything in the world. Thus, I've been calling it a cult that we've lost our son to as a joke. Whenever there's fees to pay, I call them cult dues. Whenever there's special clothes he needs to buy, it's his occult robes. Whenever there's a special practice that lasts several hours, it's cult training. You get the idea. In all seriousness, he loves playing the mellophone/french horn, and the high school runs an excellent program here.

It was a sunny Texas morning

Anyway, the walk was wonderful. My wife took me to her new walking spot and it was great. I had given up on Pikmin Bloom a while ago, but wife never did. Because of her persistence, I'm back at it and we were planting flowers, using detectors, and going on expeditions during our walk. I'm also playing Peridot, so I kept toggling between the two apps. 

A magic hatching moment in Peridot

She would point out things that happen on her walk like, "Here comes the guy with the dog that always passes me!" "There's a downed tree up ahead!" "Watch out here the sidewalk is uneven and you can trip!" It was a good time and she got to play tour guide.

After that I grabbed my oldest and we headed over to Leala and Beau's house. They are giving us their old mini fish tank, so we picked it up. It gave me a nice opportunity to show off Leala's collection of Monster High dolls to my oldest, who was absolutely amazed. You too can check out her channel on YouTube at Leala Collects

Mac with Leala's amazing collection

For lunch the family wanted to join me in the communal eating of food, so we picked up our little cultist from his band practice and headed to one of my favorite spots here in Austin: Chi'lantro. They've gone a little more streamlined from how they were in the past and their prices have definitely sky rocketed, but it was still delicious as ever. I love to order Umma's Salad with K-pop chicken and a spritz of that magic sauce. SO GOOD. It's expensive but worth it. Even better, they screwed up one of our orders and basically gave us a free Umma's Salad to go, so I ended up having Chi'lantro TWICE yesterday!

Chillin with the children at Chi'lantro 

Later we dropped my son off at a side-cult activity where he and the other mellophone alter boys would practice a lip-sync and put on funny outfits as a part of an evening just-for-fun cult service. Basically every section in the band had a bonding activity night where they independently of each other practiced a lip-sync routine and then competed in the evening as their band teachers scored them. It was actually really hilarious. The flute section got robbed, and the drum majors were fantastically synced. The mellophone group lip sync'd to The Greatest Show from the movie The Greatest Showman. It was pretty great, and our son dressed up as one of the Albino Dancers -- thus lending itself to more cult jokes for me. They did great. It was funny.

My cultist in some cult garb

Finally, at the end of the day. FINALLY, I got a chance to play some Diablo IV. I finished up all my Lililth Statues and I did several Fractured Peaks dungeons. I was going to break down each of them here as a part of the post, but why would I do that when the Wowhead wiki has already done such a nice job of it?

Going full firestarter in Kor Dragan Barracks

I went to Nostrava Deepwood, Derelict Lodge, Caldera Gate, and the Kor Dragan Barracks. All in all, I made some good progress on my Fractured Peaks Renown and will probably shift to quests for a bit here so I don't get burnt out on just dungeon delving for renown.

Man I love Artillery Shrines!

It was a great day and really fun to spend it with my family.

Happy Dueling!

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