Wednesday, August 2, 2023

A Scosglen Walkabout for Lilith Statues

Last night's journey's in Diablo 4 took me on a long walkabout around the region of Scosglen. If you've played Diablo 4, you'll know it as the northernmost reaches of the map. It's an amalgamation of Scotland and Ireland or something of a similar Celtic theme. It's home to the druid enclave known as Tul Dulra and so if you're a druid player, you're very familiar with the area and its bounty of nature and wildlife themed quests. 

A little further East in Scosglen you'll find great towns like Corbach where the innkeeper straight up tells you to bugger off. 

Ok, fine then!

And there's also my personal favorite waypoint in Scosglen, the "Under the Fat Goose Inn." The Tavern keep, Torben, has a great questline where he bemoans all the mischief in town because his tavern's sign has gone missing. Torben is pretty sad that his sign is missing and gives you a quest to investigate.

The man needs his sign!

It reminds me of when I was in my teens and my friend and I took an ice cream cone holder from a local burger joint and got a call from "Dwayne" the owner who just wanted his tray back. Yes, my friend Lex and I were Dwayne's Nairne and Tavish -- local mischief makers. 

Torben isn't mad, just like Dwayne wasn't mad. He just wants his ice cream cone holder back, er. tavern sign back. Unlike Nairne and Tavish, however, one of us wasn't gutted by goatmen. We just took the ice cream cone holder back and ordered more ice cream. 

As per normal when hunting for Lilith statues, it also allowed me to finish up a stronghold along the way. You remember me talking about a Stronghold called, Hope's Light, right? It's still my favorite stronghold.  Love all the fun details that went into scaling the lighthouse and relighting the beacon at the top. So good.

Come on baby, light my fire! Try to set the tidewitch on FIRE!

During my travels I killed a couple treasure goblins, participated in a few tree of whisper events, and did my very best to not get sidetracked by a Helltide (they are incredibly alluring to me). All this amounted to finishing off Scosglen's 4th tier of region progress and lined my pockets with gold.

More Lilith Supporters than you can shake a fire snake at!

That's one thing I have to say about having to find all the Lilith statues again during seasonal play (something many players wish they didn't have to do), it certainly helps with exploring and opening up the map as well as giving you extra easy loot. Sometimes there's just no substitute for easy breezy open world fun.

One step closer to that Paragon Point Goodness!

Hopefully today I can finish up the remaining 8 statues in Fractured Peaks and 6 statues in Hawezar and then start completing side dungeons and quests like a madman to get those juicy tier 5 region progress Paragon point rewards (say that five times fast). Until then, thanks for reading and . . .

Happy Dueling!

1 comment:

  1. I loved that missing sign quest :-) Kinda got me in the feels there at the end.
