Friday, June 30, 2023

Finally Making Druid Earth Magic Sexy in Diablo IV

I finally did it! My build finally makes a little more sense! Don't get me wrong, all the stuff I was doing up to this point was working just fine, but with the addition of one skill and swapping out Ravens for Trample, it all makes sense now.

An earthquake follows my charge!

Trample, you say? Isn't that a Werebear skill?  Yeah. You know where I'm going with this. There's an aspect that turns Trample into an Earth skill and it sends six shockwaves of landslide behind your charge forward. So now all that effort I had spent into making Landslide a great skill just got 12 times cooler.

Trample Landslide . . . I love it!

Twelve times cooler, you say? That sounds very specific? Yeah, because previously I had also added an aspect that made Landslide hit twice per use. That also works with my new Trample Aspect.  I charge forward with trample and then one set of six landslide shockwaves rumbles behind me, and then it's immediately repeated with another six landslide shockwaves behind it. It's incredible.

Feeling them Aftershocks!

I was so happy when I switched in that aspect and made the discovery.  Now every 10 seconds or so I'm charging forward and causing a giant earthquake of powered up landslides to shake the world behind me. It feels like this druid build is finally sexy. It just took me until, oh, 75th level or so to realize how to use it good.

As far as the game itself for me lately, well, it's ok. It kind of feel like everything has become a grind and a guessing game of how-hard-is-too-hard when it comes to nightmare dungeons.

Got all my regions done now. WOOT!

Like, I CAN'T survive Tier 50 dungeons with level 100 enemies. On the other hand, I can somewhat survive in Tier 40 dungeons, but it's mostly deaths . . . certain enemies just smoke me. 

Actually ran into a bug in this Tier 40 dungeon . . . the boss to open the door was behind it.

I can mostly complete Tier 30 dungeons although it can be hit and miss . . . I mean, the enemies are still 10 levels higher than me after all.  But Tier 20 dungeons feel like I'm not trying hard enough? It's really about trying to find that sweet spot here for a level 75 druid who just discovered his sexy.

This Tier 32 wasn't too horrible at all.

The quest for gear has become a bit frustrating at this point. I kind of don't like having to look at every piece of ancestral gear and making sure I'm not throwing away something great that might just be slightly under the power of my current gear. I'd rather have brainless selling and salvaging. I want the game to do a better job of telling me a piece of gear is better, but I guess that's part of the "fun."

I'm starting to feel like I'm almost to the point where I stop playing this druid and play another class, but I'm not quite there yet. Also, now that I know what I like about this build, I could apply it to a hardcore druid and have an easier time riding the content as far as I dare.

Either way, I'm pretty sure I've got my value out of purchasing Diablo IV.  If I stopped playing completely as of this moment, I'd feel ok with that. 

. . . there are a ton of other games to play after all. *cough* several VR games purchased and sitting un-played currently *cough*

Happy Dueling!

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