Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunrise, the Legendary Weapon, is mine!

Hello my friends! It is a good morning for me, as after years of first wanting a legendary weapon, this happened just this morning.

Here comes the sun, dee da doo da!

That's right . . . after years of wanting a legendary weapon, I own the Sunrise!  Here's how it went down for me.

Waaaaay back when Guild Wars 2 launched, I was all onboard. I was one of those that played the Vanilla game to the ground and during that time I crafted my Gift of Mastery.

So excited I'm leaving behind pee puddles everywhere I run

To earn this you need to combine a Bloodstone Shard, 250 Obsidian Shards, the Gift of Exploration and the Gift of Battle in the Mystic Forge.  The big one out of those four is the Gift of Exploration. It's something you only receive upon World Completion -- that's filling every heart, conquering every hero point, finding every waypoint, viewing every vista, and chugging past every point of interest in the original world. 

I felt pretty good about that when I put it into my bank a decade ago, and it planted a seed in my mind that someday . . . someday I would return to it and craft the other, seemingly insurmountable tasks. That's why it feels so good to now come back to Guild Wars 2 and finally finish this thing up.

As for the other three parts . . . well it all went pretty quickly once I bought the precursor weapon and put my mind to it.  I spent a lot of time in the past hoping that a precursor would drop from one of the World Bosses and started hitting the world boss tour over and over and over.  It became "the thing to do" and really kind of burnt me out. Just outright buying that was about a billion times easier.

I must give a shout out to my guildmates and especially John and Clara from Team Spode. When they heard that I was make a push for a legendary, they dropped a bunch of stuff in the guild bank for me to help cut costs.  My Gift of Fortune was as much theirs as it was mine. They also spent a night helping me get reacquainted with World vs World PvP so I could get some dungeon tokens that I needed for one of the recipes.

Thank you Zommoros! I declare this a fair trade

The Gift of Sunrise requires another sheer show of fortune in that you have to buy 100 icy runestones for a total of 100 gold. The real bears in that formula for making the Gift of Sunrise are the Gift of Metal and the Gift of Light.  One requires a 400 weaponsmith rating to craft. The other takes a 400 armorsmith to craft.  I had the weaponsmith already thanks to my earlier efforts.  The 400 armorsmith required an afternoon of grinding recipes on my alt, which I finally finished up last night.

When you finally craft the legendary weapon, the game plays fanfare music for you for a good while as you beam to yourself.  What a fantastic moment it is!

A light in the darkness!

I really love how bright this sword looks as you run around the now darkened-for-Halloween version of Lion's Arch. I spent a good 15 minutes just running around, stashing the weapon, pulling it back out, trying skills with it . . . good times!

Don't mind me, just admiring my glowy blur

Now that THAT'S finally done, I think I can concentrate on all the myriad of other things there are to think about in this game.

Happy Dueling!

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