Monday, August 8, 2022

Game Portfolio -- Pirate101


  • Release Date: October 15, 2012
  • Current Availability: Available for download from
  • Release Credit Category: Marketing Credit (2012-2018)
  • Company: KingsIsle
  • Business Model: Free-to-Play
  • Category: PC
  • Genre: MMORPG
Personal Development notes
  • Fun Fact: There's a PvP vendor in Pirate101 named "Honest Thomas Purdue" -- what a surprise and honor it was to have an NPC named after me and put in the game!

  • Job Highlights: There is nothing more stressful than launching a major MMO as a new Community Manager with little to no experience on the other side of the fence of the gaming industry. To be sure, things always got extra crazy when writing update notes and newsletters! Luckily I had a great mentor in Kiersten Samwell to help teach me the ropes, and within the first couple of months of being at KingsIsle, I was already picking trusted leaders, building a community, and sharing a sea of information with fans. 

    That wasn't all though, just being a part of the Marketing department meant I was also helping to create the infamous Pirate101 "ninja pig" treasure map mailer, setting up the gamecards that were sold at stores like Walmart and Gamestop across the US, and creating new holiday campaigns based around Pirate101. 

    I also started to establish a lot of great contacts like all the original developers of Pirate101, members of the Syndicate Guild, reporters for various MMO and gaming related news sites, the MMO-loving Eric Bloom from Blue Oyster Cult, and (last but not least) the fantastic players of Pirate101. 

  • Best Memories: Obviously, meeting Ryan the Relentless was unforgettable, but the most fun moments always came from interacting with fans during company livestreaming events where we could launch a siege of turret bosses upon a sea of player pirate ships. 

  • Other Comments: I've written a lot about Pirate101 here on my blog! You can click on this Tag link to read all about my thoughts and adventures in Pirate101. This is the game that brought me into the game industry back in 2012 as I made the jump from fan-of-the-game to developer. You can read more about that here

Sample Gameplay:

There are thousands of videos on YouTube under the search tag of Pirate101, so I won't try to add my own sample gameplay video.  Instead I'd like to share a fun, old video highlight from a livestream on my personal Twitch Channel where my son took over the controls of the game for a while and we ended up having a dance party. It's a favorite memory of mine from playing Pirate101.


  1. Finding out that Eric Bloom plays mmos has to be one of the highlights of Blaugust!

  2. @Bhagpuss -- As it turns out, he's on the voting panel for the MMO Hall of Fame. The guy loves his MMOs!

  3. I remember when Pirate101 first came out and the discussion around it. Some people were worried it would steal players from Wizard101 (turns out the opposite happened) while others refused to play it because it was about pirates. I remember people getting mad that Wizard101 even dared to have Pirate101 refences added later on (ZF telegraph box especially since doing it was required to advance the 5 boxes storyline), to which I and some others were like "So what? Who cares? Move on. Get over it.". I still enjoy P101 and even got the Boochbeard bundle from beta.

    I still hope that one day they'll go back and redo Book 15 and give the Kane arc the proper ending it was originally meant to have.
