Sunday, August 22, 2021

Project Refresh in Project Gorgon -- #Blaugust2021 Day 22

Ever since getting the new PC, I wanted to try logging in to Project Gorgon to really see what the game looks like at its highest graphics settings because, as awful as the game looks anyway, my computer was so awful that I had to lower the graphic settings to not experience lag.

Me and my rat buddy hanging out in the graphically improved flowers

I couldn't really tell much of the difference in the world, but what I could tell a big difference in was with seeing other people move around in that world. Being in Serbule was a much nicer experience.

Stingite, the dancing fox with a street musician on top of a well. yup. It's Project Gorgon.

The next item of business was figuring out what to do with this incredible mess in my inventory.

What in the world is going on here?! Why am I so full of stuff?

Dealing with inventory will forever me my woe in any game I play, and Project Gorgon kind of triples down on that because your storage locations are mostly mini-banks located all over the world. Truly, the fact that you get a bump in available inventory slots is a good sales point for VIP membership.

Anyway, after dumping a bunch of stuff, the next item of business was contacting an old friend I saw online and asking if her guild had room for another, which of course it did, because my guild died a horrible death. It was one of the things that caused me to stop playing. I won't get into the specifics of the drama. Ain't nobody got time for that.

So now I'm a part of guild called Alharth Rebels. ("Alharth" would be congruous to "Azeroth" in World of Warcraft terms.) One of the first orders of business as a new member of the Alharth Rebels was running ye' old Daily Dungeon quest, which happened to be the Winter Nexus dungeon. 

Winter Nexus is a pretty quick run to kill a small handful of bosses, and it was good to flex the old fox muscles to remember how to play. It's been a hot minute y'all.

Indeed . . . just like old times

Now comes the hard part . . . finding motivation to get a goal and try to play again? The only goal I had previous to this was to just bank a bunch of money because I had maxed the spirit fox skill and . . . well . . . ok. What else is there to do besides leveling cooking. I have over 1000 hours logged into this game, and my major goals have all been accomplished.

I guess what I'm most excited about is the upcoming Animal Husbandry update sometime in August. On the official Project Gorgon message boards they shared a screenshot and the following information:

BEES! Blue Bees, Flowy-Winged Bees, and Big-Headed Bees! Hooray!

"(August update dev screenshot: Animal Husbandry/Genetics) Very advanced players can learn the secrets of genetic analysis, and can perform extraordinarily deep dives into their pets genetic potential. "

So there you go . . . I'll be waiting for the update and figuring out what to do in the meantime, but it was good to log into the game again and see what's what.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Anonymous23/8/21 17:29

    Glad you had a chance to play again. I started leveling Cheesemaking and it's been an interesting and expensive grind, but the payout is nice cheeses.

  2. God bless the cheesemakers!
