Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Orcs Must Die in Project Gorgon #Blaugust2021 Day 31

How's that for a deceptive clickbait title? No, while Project Gorgon has match 3 play and a little text adventure minigame you can play inside of it, there is no Tower Defense here ala Orcs Must Die . . . at least yet. (I'm just going to subliminally drop that in there in case one of the devs ever reads my blog.)

In actuality, the orc areas of Project Gorgon are still a work in progress. The word from the developers seems to indicate that eventually you'll actually be able to play as an orc, but it will be an advanced race where you complete quests to unlock the ability to play the race . . . similar to how the Fae race works currently. 

As it is now, the Orc areas of Project Gorgon are deadly locales deep in cold zones, and I have a legitimate problem. I'm addicted to killing them. I really have no reason to kill orcs, but I thoroughly enjoy it for some reason.

It's a quaint town full of death

Deep in Gazluk is a giant orc town. When you're inside the town, you're safe from the cold environment around you, and it's always vacant. In all my times of grinding orcs, I've never seen one other person killing orcs in this town. Not once. I'm sure when level 70 was the max level, this place was probably like the Fae Realm is now, You'll always see a player or two out farming mobs for experience.

It could also be that this place can get really nasty, really fast. The orc archers are the culprit here. They tend to stick in one place and call for help from the orc mages, soldiers, and other archers hanging out in this town. I'm getting better at clearing this place out and have learned how to not leave as many tombstones around as I used to. Don't get me wrong though, I still die -- there's only so many orcs I can take on at once.

Fox and Mouse vs. orc and orc and orc and orc and orc and orc

If I'm feeling especially brave, I'll sneak into the entrance of Gazluk Keep within this town and test my metal against orcs that are tuned for group play. It's pretty satisfying to down an enemy with 5x the hitpoints, and typically the loot is of a better quality, which is also satisfying, but ultimately it's just vendor trash. I made a quick video this morning getting back into the groove of this . . . it's been a bit since I soloed the entrance. It's really all about the single pulls. I'm not prepared to handle two at once just yet.

The real find with orcs are their manuscripts that teach you how to read orc. Back when I was playing Knife as my main skill, I was all hot and bothered about trying to learn how to read orc since there was a synergy level associated with learning how to read orc and using the knife skill. Anyway, I remember thinking, man, no one is selling these orc manuscripts in the player shops . . . and that's when my fascination with killing orcs really took off.

Currently situated in vendor stall B-9

My vendor's tag line in Project Gorgon is "learn to read orc! It's fun!" And selling orc manuscripts from farming orcs kind of became one of my things. I price 'em relatively cheap and people learn how to read orc . . . it's a win win. It's definitely not a good way to get rich though. Killing orcs is more of a passion project if you get what I'm saying.

I don't know if I'll play an orc when the race finally makes an appearance in Project Gorgon, but I'll be interested in seeing how this changes my old farming spot.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Do orcish foxes look different???

  2. HA! That'd be hilarious. :) I need someone to concept up a fox with a snout and tusks.

  3. 1) Why is your rat friend on fire?

    2) I wish my town had a Free Femur Dispenser

  4. 1) He's a fire rat! Project Gorgon has a variety of rats and he's just naturally on fire all the time. I also use a "necro rat" pet occasionally that helps boost my darkness damage, but I like using fire against orcs.

    2) As a player you can drop vendor boxes anywhere you like and it looks like someone took it upon themselves to help the necromancers of the world and drop a box down with free femurs for the taking. A guy I used to play with liked to drop down boxes full of arrows and made quite a bit of money from the operation because new players always seem to run out of arrows.

  5. That has me intrigued. So it's all pretty old-school, eh? Body pulls, reagants for spells.

    I need more hours in a day so I can play all the cool games!

  6. There's a large crowd of older people that went to Project Gorgon from their old home of Asheron's Call when that game folded. You'll find lots of influences from classic MMOs . . . old school Runescape, Everquest, etc. It's basically a husband and wife dev team with a lot of old school MMO experience that outsource their art (most of which they said was placeholder). It's just such a quirky MMO. I have hopes that Monsters and Memories will be just as quirky . . . it's one I'm keeping an eye on https://monstersandmemories.com/

  7. Anonymous31/8/21 13:17

    The femurs are also used to flip a switch in a shower stall to open a chest deeper in the dungeon. There are naked Orcs there. You should go get a party and check them out.

  8. Ohhh yeah . . . totally forgot about that. I've only been that deep in Gaz Keep a handful of times.
