Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My Top Memorable Locations in #ProjectGorgon -- #Blaugust2021 Day 25

 Back when I did my first Blaugust in 2015, I made a fun series of posts that talked about my top memorable locations in most of the MMOs I had some longer tenure inside.

I can't believe that was six years ago. It's so long ago that some of the videos and multimedia I linked to are now dead. Anyway, carrying on that tradition, today's Top 10 Memorable Locations have to do with Project Gorgon! I've played so much, that it's definitely worthy of a memorable locations post. :)



Staring across the mountainous death zone

Ahh Gazluk. It's a love hate relationship with me -- let's be honest, it's more of a hate relationship. After spending hours and hours there farming radioactive crystals and hunting for hidden Superb Metal Nodes, I'm 100 percent sure this is where most of my tombstones reside. I've fallen off mountains. I've frozen to death. I've been munched by polar bears. I've been impaled by orcs. I've died to world bosses. I've held radioactive material for too long.  There's just so MANY ways to die here.


Ilmari Desert

It's my own personal burning man moment

dust storms, evil cats, and lemon trees

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the desert of Ilmari, but I haven't had "as many" issues staying alive here as I had in Gazluk. combating thirst I can do. What I remember Ilmari most for are the nights spent killing manticores with my old guild and making art out of art on the vast canvas of the desert.


Goblin Dungeon in Eltibule

Entrance to the New Goblin Dungeon

The multicolored hallways of the Goblin Dungeon

This dungeon has two parts to it. The upper part, where most level 20-30 heroes grind levels, and the lower part, where an infinite spawn bug allows heroes of any level to grind levels. For me it was part of my daily run to pick up blank poetry books for use during the Poetry Jam community event that happens on Saturdays. They updated the graphics in here a year or so ago . . . looks great!


The Crypt

Enter if you dare

The first dungeon most players brave beyond tutorial island is called The Crypt. It's full of spiders and skeletons mostly, but it's also full of fun bosses that really make the lower levels of Project Gorgon interesting. Ursula being one of those. If you die to her hands, you obtain a curse that causes her to spawn randomly and start attacking people around you. Personally I've spent a lot of time here farming Deer for Anchor Runes that can be used for a powerful attack used by Animal Handlers. It's an awful grind, but you'll make some decent money here for sure.


The Fae Realm

Fae Realm at Night

Fae Realm by Day

The Fae Realm has been the top level zone in Project Gorgon for so long now that it really feels like end game; however, it's sounding like the new zone to visit with be Povus when it releases sometime later this month.  Every day in the Fae Realm, the god of trolls offers players a daily quest to kill the big baddies in the zone in exchange for councils. The great thing is that you can visit him daily and pick up a backlog of quests, so that when everyone gets together in a big group, you can take down all the baddies and make a lot of money.  


Wolf Caves in Gazluk

Pre-fox me creeping around in the Wolf Caves

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a small dungeon that is completely over run with farmers looking for experience and profit. It's a series of tunnels in Gazluk where you can escape the cold, catch a lot of fish, and kill and skin a lot of wolves. One time I ran into a lady here who was playing as a cow. She died, and I milked her dead body. This is Project Gorgon at its finest. Mostly my memories here are farming groups of wolves over and over and over as I leveled up. This cave also contains the zone out to the Fae Realm, so passing through is commonplace.


Treasure Caches in Ilmari

Ominous hallways under the desert

Though most of the Treasure Caches in Ilmari look exactly the same, they definitely aren't. I've written up a whole guide to doing Treasure Caches, and it is hands down one of the most fun solo experiences you can have in the game. I think these dungeons are the pinnacle of what a game like Project Gorgon can bring to the table. Really the finest design work in all of Project Gorgon.



Really really think the house doesn't win when they have Mantids for Game Masters?

As I type the word "Casino" I instantly hear the zone's jazz music in my head.  This zone is the major hub of the game. If there's a good place to "bind" yourself in Project Gorgon at higher levels, this is the spot. There's a sparing pit in the middle where NPCs duel it out and you can bet on the outcomes. There are slot machines with match 3 games and Monsters and Mantids tables all over. There's even a high stakes gambling room in the back.  Here you can get daily quests, store goods, and have access to a variety of vendors.


Sun Vale

The less than friendly natives of Sun Vale

Staring down a giant coral reef in the ocean of Sun Vale

There's old Sun Vale, and there's new Sun Vale . . . and I remember 'em both. Old Sunvale had two edges of the zone that were beach themed with a giant river that ran through the middle. It was so buggy, you could literally drown in mid-air at times. New Sunvale is a series of islands in the ocean, with beautiful patches of coral and tons of sharks. Both versions also had a spot called "Animal Town" where only people who were playing animal skills could visit.  Everybody else better stay out! It's a cool scene in Animal Town.



Party time, it's excellent!

If the Casino is the hub of mid-to-late-game, Serbule is the hub of the early game . . . and truly still a hub even if you're late game. All the player vendors are there in Serbule even though the Casino has vendors, nobody really uses them . . . it's kind of weird actually. Anyway, once you're out of the tutorial zone, you're in Serbule and right in the middle is the large castle that hosts all the players. Every saturday at a specific time, the tavern turns into a party and all the players of the game gather to listen to poetry, drink free beer, and get incredibly buffed up with community buffs. There's always a raffle or two running, and it's Project Gorgon's big weekly party. Watching the virtual sunrise in Serbule will always be one of my favorite moments in game. 


And that's it . . . really every zone in Project Gorgon has something quirky about it, and even now I'm wondering why I didn't list Eltibule, Kur Mountains, Kur Tower, Wintertide, or the Rahu Desert, and the answer is that those just weren't the first that came to mind.

Happy Dueling!

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