Friday, August 6, 2021

CR 340 Review and DCUO News -- #Blaugust2021 Day 6

So I hit the 340 Gear rating in DCUO a month or so ago, but I never wrote an update post at the time. All it took was finishing out my Wayne Token purchased gear in Flashpoint Gotham and raising the level of my wings up a bit and BAM . . . 340.  I don't think I can take things to 341 without some significant effort, so it's probably not worth it at this point. 

Sporting the nightmare aura, which is hard to see through the sorcery red stuff . . .

To also add to my small inches of power, I raised my second artifact to level 160 and began working on my third artifact (you can have 3 artifacts equipped at one time), which is currently sitting at a lame 120.

It's all good though. I'm "Team Spode" worthy and since we aren't elite raiders, it doesn't really matter if I increase my power any further, which makes it a little hard to log in and do my dailies each day at this point. It feels a little like . . . what's the point? I'm perfectly fine logging in on Sundays to chill with the team, and I don't really feel a sense of urgency at this point. 

It'd be fun if I felt the drive and had an amazing plan for harvesting an additional 100 feat points, but I don't.  If only there was an up to date easy to use and cool checklist out there somewhere that detailed feats and how to get them from easiest to hardest. (Currently it's a lot of cross referencing and nonsense to figure it all out.)

 . . . aaaaand that's enough of my personal DCUO news . . . in actual DCUO news today, they just released a new style pack based around the new 2021 Suicide Squad movie, so if you feel like dropping 15 bucks, you got it! In exchange you'll get the following:

  • The complete Pyschotic Style set
  • A perpetual motion boomerang accessory that hovers around you while you're playing
  • A King Shark Doll Accessory (you can only have one accessory equipped at a time FYI)
  • A Shark Fin (I think you can already get something like this in the Summer event?)
  • Shark Gloves
  • A Bizarre Polka Dot Aura
  • and an Orbital BOP Uplink Device (a giant harley hammer that smacks opponents)

Honestly, the real wins here are the aura and the orbital. Both look really fun.

New orbital strike image from the daybreak forums

ALSO, as a heads up, simply log into the game from August 5th to August 19th and they're going to drop a free Starro Pet on you to mess around with in game. It's a Tier 1 combat pet that you can queue up every couple of minutes (recharge seems almost twice as fast as the regular BOP henchmen rate).

Finally someone I can roleplay Spongebob and Patrick with

Tier 1 pets are the bottom feeders of the pet hierarchy (shoot for Tier 2 or Tier 3 pets if you want to use one). I probably won't make it a permanent lineup in my pet army since I have better stuff taking up those slots anyway. It's already getting a little ridiculous for me right now since I can already summon at my max:

  • 3 Sorcery supercharge pets
  • 3 henchmen
  • My regular sorcery pet
  • Quislet pet

It's a lot of pets . . .

And finally . . . one last piece of news. If you'd like to preview the newest Episode for DCUO, tune in to the official DCUO livestream today at 3pm pacific. They'll be previewing the new House of Legends content and chatting with the devs.  You can find links and information here.

Happy Dueling!

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