Sunday, May 30, 2021

Of Dinosaurs and Trolls: Gettin' Gobbolicious with it

I spent a bit more time playing World of Warcraft the past week, and I have to say that I had a pretty good time doing it. I never really experienced the horde side of the house, and I think that made it all the more fun.  That, plus, this new (to me) troll city of Zuldazar on the isle of Zandalar is super impressive.

It be da king man!

It's a sprawling ziggurat maze that feels alive and bustling where troll and dinosaur mingle in the best of ways. The quests found here are really different and interesting. One had me sneaking around as a velociraptor trying not to get caught by guards and spiders.  Another had me selecting a kind of soul beast to help me run around the city. A couple of them even had me playing a strange top down mini-game where you led a turtle through a maze.

Not that difficult, but definitely different from your standard quest.

One of my favorite quests happened outside of the city where two researchers were trying to pair up a couple of on-the-verge of extinction dinosaurs. One was using science methods and the other was using that good old fashioned voodoo.  Eventually through the quest they decided to pair their powers together and concocted a brew that made those dinosaurs feel the love for each other in all the right ways.

Aww!  It's a perfect Valentine's Day quest! If only it was Valentine's Day.

I was able to meet up with my friends Beau and Leala a couple of times and hit up voice chat while playing. A couple of times I got super disoriented and lost my way.  Once because I actually had to follow an NPC and didn't click on him.  Another time because I chose a different spirit dinosaur than Beau and Leala. Whoops.

I kept finding myself wanting to log on and play more during the week, and leveling just happened blindingly fast compared to how it used to be in Vanilla WoW.  All it took was a little bit of dinosaur hunting on the side and before you know it, I was level 20 and in need of making a decision.  Do I bite the bullet and subscribe or wait?  

The Spawn of Gahz'rilla compels you to subscribe!

Honestly, I'm feeling the pull to subscribe.  I love the new WoW.  Gobbolicious had 4 mounts to choose from by the end of my experience.  He also was running around with a literal army of imps and demons and was able to down bosses in the world while solo.

For my horde!

One thing he wasn't able to do solo . . . the dungeons, and, I mean, that's to be expected.  That's also to be appreciated.  That's what makes WoW a solid MMO.  All in all, I'm quite impressed with what WoW has done over the years.  There's a lot of interesting game tech behind it, and you just don't see that update and change as much in other games. 

It remains to be seen if I'll sub, but if the intro experience is an indication of the rest of the game, it'll be money well spent and a joy to play through.

Happy Dueling

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