Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Meanwhile Back in Project Gorgon ...

You ever just click on a random icon on your desktop and end up back in a game out of sheer boredom? Yeah, that'd be a cool reason to end up in a game like Project Gorgon again, but I willfully clicked that button! I blame the Project Gorgon player named Sausage Javelins. He's been Twitch streaming lately and everyone in Project Gorgon should strive to be more like SJ.  He's super cool. 

When I logged in, I found old peeps talking about things I used to be a bit more passionate about . . . like Animal Handling and Knife Throwing.  So I've stuck around for a bit longer than I've intended now, and here's what I've learned.

1- Using Animal Handling makes it very easy to level other combat skills. I mean, I already knew that, but I reaffirmed it by leveling Psychology from 15 to 50 in the span of on and off playing for 3 days.  Why Psychology?  Sausage Javelins uses it!

2- Grinding levels is super boring. Leveling Psychology was all about grinding those levels in the Fae Realm and eventually in the Rahu desert. It got super boring at the end of the grind, not gong to lie.  I had several mental hurdles to jump while grinding to make it not feel like a huge waste of time -- I don't even want to think about leveling this up to 60 let alone 70 or 80. Sausage Javelins is cool, but I don't know if he's cool enough to make me grind Psychology up to 80. /shudder

Rahu Desert . . .where you purposefully get overwhelmed for exp sake.

3- Why didn't I level Alchemy to 50 before now? I mean, I left it at 49 and it was very easy to level that to 50. I think I might have been hell bent on leveling that skill only using the level 1 recipe for converting bones into bone meal, but level 50 brings the possibility of creating potions that add 20% more damage to your favorite skills . . . like Animal Handling and Knife Throwing.

4- Grinding ingredients is super boring. After getting my Alchemy up to level 50, the first thing I wanted to do was to create a few Knife Throwing damage potions, but one of the ingredients in the potion is worm teeth.  Worm teeth are a super rare harvest after you Butcher one of those evil alien-looking worms. I spent an hour doing this in Kur and found a grand total of three teeth.

I hate these worm things so much . . . so very very much.

5- Battle Chemistry is cool. The really cool thing about getting your Alchemy to 50 is that a new battle skill opens up called Battle Chemistry.  It's all about throwing down flasks of pain in an AOE around your character, casting mutation buff spells like "grow extra toes," and making a golem pet that you can "program."  As you level your pet, you can assign it a programming nature so that it reacts to the state your character is in. I ended up grinding this skill up to 25 so far, and it's looking to be something I want to check out further.  Ice Mage / Battle Chemist has a certain ring to it, doesn't it?  Oh man, that's a lot of grinding. /shudder

I need a higher level golem for higher level programming.

6- Battle Chemistry is unfinished. The NPC that unlocks Battle Chemistry is called "Chemist" and has no lines of dialog or personality . . . he just makes you pay for every skill and skill up. Yup. Unlike the other battle skills, you have to pay for every skill up.  This is one battle skill that feels like it could use a revamp.

7- Monsters and Mantids Got an Update. I should probably list this as number one on my list as it was the coolest discovery of the bunch. The most interesting mini-game within Project Gorgon is one I've talked about before . . . only now they made it easier.  I managed to win the game two times and earned enough crown tokens that I could buy an actual crown.  The update made it so that now there isn't just one super narrow way to win, and I like it a lot. I finally had a reason to enter the high stakes gambling room again, and it felt great!

Look what's waiting at the bottom of the dungeon . . . LETS GO!

A crowning achievement in the game

8- My guild isn't grouping at night anymore. Or at least I'm not seeing it happen. We had a really great healer in the guild and she isn't logging on anymore . . . so it looks like the groups dried up for us. Being a dps, you feel a bit replaceable, but healers and tanks, y'all are the glue. So, if I want to group, I'll probably have to hitch a ride with a random group. 

9- Cooking is still awful. This is still the worst skill in the game hands down to me. It clogs up your inventory with raw ingredients. It's hard to level. I'm just not looking forward to grinding this abysmal task up.

10- There's more to come. It's looking like an update to Animal Handling is on the horizon that will involve a new skill called Animal Husbandry. This will let you mix and match your pet DNA to do things like get a new hue of pet or increase the size of their wings.  It wasn't in game yet for me to check out, but this is definitely something I'll need to see for myself.  If I could do something like add fire attacks to a bee pet, I'm all in.

Happy Dueling!

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