Saturday, January 4, 2020

P:G -- Out with the Ham, In with the Sharks in Sun Vale 2.0

The new Sun Vale revamp hit Project Gorgon a few weeks ago and the consensus seems to be

1) It looks great!
2) You took away all the hogs that were full of delicious meat, like candy all stuffed into a hairy Christmas Stocking. NO!

I waited for the crowds to die down after it's release so I could run around a mostly deserted Sun Vale and really take it all in distraction free. What I found there was almost every answer I was hoping for in regards to the Fishing deficit you see in the 30-45 range. I'm tellin ya' . . . the players who loved all that easy pork really need to switch over to easy shark meat because it is very plentiful here!

There's a new "Great White Shark" enemy among the waters of Sun Vale, and when you kill it, they typically drop a shark meat. If you then butcher the shark, it drops ANOTHER shark meat. There's a nice swarm of Great White Sharks hiding in the new coral reef . . . and that's shark meat heaven right there.

Shark Meat Heaven is so pretty during night time!

Another great fishing boon here is the inclusion of Oyster Shucking to the game.  If you buy an Oyster Knife, you can deep dive into the reef and pry open an oyster for even more fishing experience and seafood fare. you can also find . . . dun dun dun . . . pearls!

So, the new Sun Vale is divided up into three islands now instead of one, and by doing this, Sun Vale became a place of living water and interesting surprises. Along the bottom of the sea you can find treasure chests that spawn weekly among the wreckage of the seabed.

What happened to this ancient vessel? No one cares, gimme the loot!

The main large island actually seems the most underdeveloped and empty of the three. Hopefully more gets done with that mostly void center of the island (the devs did note that Sun Vale 2.0 is in alpha condition currently)

The other two islands in Sun Vale play off of the previous areas of old Sun Vale, namely a large abandoned inn and the home of the Ranalon frog race. There's even a couple new models here for enemies . . . Like this friendly fella:

Yup. They went ugly and scary on this guy.

Amazingly these guys only have 125 hit points and drop fantastic loot. You also get treated to the cutest most adorable mean hippo fights in the new Sun Vale.

Forget ham . . . Hippo Meat is what it's all about my friends!

The abandoned inn foretells more tragedy now. It's still full of strange tropical spiders, but ghosts, ghouls, and other undead roam the nearby island. A Ranalon trader sits on the island and boasts that he killed everyone on the island, but . . . did he really? Something more sinister seems at play here.

Just be prepared to get jumped by a whole hive of spiders if you go inside.

And Project Gorgon definitely gets a thumbs up from me for my new favorite NPC name. Behold the majesty of "Squidlips."

Squidlips is super footloose and fancy free.

Why settle for a boring name like Susan or Kate when you can call yourself Squidlips? She's a druid that specializes in all things fishing . . . I suppose it's a good name. Way to own it, Squidlips!

Squidlips will teach you the art of cooking all the new fish that can be found in Sun Vale and even other things like how to make your own conch shell horn weapon, which is amazingly easy to craft. I've heard a few complaints about how difficult it can be for new bards to find their first horn . . . here you go, Bards, enjoy! All you gotta do is collect a few shells on the beach and BAM . . . new horn.

For me, the best discovery was that you can capture a new, blue-colored "freeze wasp" on the island . . . so I dropped 8k on a Bee Lover's bouquet and captured me a bee-uty of a new pet.

That's a lot of Stingite-love right there

I'm having a hard time deciding between the name Buzz Coldrear or Frosty the Buzzman for its name. So far, he seems like a hearty little bee that procs cold damage and some kind of a slow.  I still need to level him and really put him through the paces in somewhere like the Fae Realm.  It's just pretty cool as an animal handler to have a cold-based option for attacking enemies.

All in all, I enjoyed the new Sun Vale revamp. Definitely looking forward to fishing more here and training up my new Freeze Wasp pet.

Happy Dueling!

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