Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Project Gorgon: Of Gazluk Caves and Treasure Cartography

My daughter made a comic for me that shows how things have been going lately in the Gazluk Caves.

It's always the respawns behind me that end in a tombstone ;)

In all seriousness, I've had a great time in the Caves lately. I've been farming like a madman and I'm closing in on that 360k council mark for unlocking the last ten levels in Knife Fighting.

I've been undertaking a bit of fun with Treasure Cartography in Eltibule as well. I mentioned Treasure Cartography briefly in my past post about surveying since they work very similarly. It's netted me some money this go around, but most importantly it's been . . . "different." Farming those Gazluk caves over and over and over can get really mind-numbing. It's good to spice things up.


Time for Treasure Cartography!

1- You're going to want to befriend Yasinda in Eltibule so she'll teach you her ways of treasure finding, so gather up a bunch of magical necklaces and give 'em to her stat.

2- Any time you're running around in Elitibule and you see a grave sticking out of the ground, dig it up. Sometimes they'll have boring stuff in them, but other times they'll have treasure rumors!

3- You'll want to collect these treasure rumors for when you can actually use them. I recommend building faction there in Eltibule with Sie Antry. The best way to do that is to give her snail shells. Snails are all over the place there in Eltibule. It's an easy win. Even at the lowest level of friendship, she'll open up 24 storage slots. Stick your spare treasure rumors in there.

That's a lot of storage for very little work

4- Use a little lore skill called "Moon Phase Check."  It's a level 2 Lore crafting recipe and super easy to come by.  This skill tells you the current phases of the moon . . . both in real life and inside Project Gorgon.  You'll need this piece of information for getting free treasure rumors from the sacrificial idols.

5- Run around Eltibule and map out where each of the altars are on your map. The map on this wiki page is absolutely a god-send. Do it exactly as they have it (except maybe change "Third quarter" to "Last Quarter").

Should look a little like this

6- Gather up the following grocery list of resources and place them in your bags in the following order: A gem, a "drug-like" potion (potions with positive and negative effects), any mushroom, any animal part (like an eyeball), a fish, a piece of wood, a femur bone, one vegetable or cotton seed, a basic potion (not to be confused with a "drug-like" potion), a flower seed, a flower, a piece of jewelry (Rings/Amulets), a piece of fruit, any skull, any recipe, any vegetable (not vegetable seed).

The list on this page might be easier to follow.

Your grocery list should look a little like this

7- The Moon Phase Check you did in Step 4 is going to tell you which altar you're going to start with.  The altar that matches up with the current moon phase is "1", e.g., if the moon phase check said Waning Gibbous, you'd be starting with the altar  at the center north position in Eltibule.

Time to sacrifice!

8- Starting with this Altar, sacrifice the first two items on your grocery list (i.e., a gem and a drug potion). you'll get two treasure rumors in return. If it eats your item . . . you screwed up, return to step 4 and make sure you have the right moon phase.

9- Run to the next altar in a clockwise rotation. If the moon was in a Waning Gibbous position, the second altar is the one found in the Full Moon (North East) position. Sacrifice the next two items on your grocery list and get two more Treasure rumors.

10- Repeat this pattern of sacrificing the next two items in your grocery list with each of the remaining altars as you sacrifice to them in a clockwise fashion.

11- Run to Serbule and buy parchment and ink from Joeh for only the treasure rumors you can actually use.

12- Run back to Eltibule and craft your treasure maps once you zone in.

13- Use the treasure maps to run to spot it tells you, click the map again and PROFIT.

Now . . . a word of caution . . . if you're on a really steep incline when you click on your map, it may get swallowed in landscape geometry and you won't be able to get your chest. I cri everytime.


And that, my friends, is the basics of treasure cartography in Eltibule.  I haven't gotten to treasure cartography in Illmari yet, but it's on the list.

Happy Dueling!

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