Friday, November 15, 2019

Project Gorgon: Civil Service Event Starts Today

I logged on this morning to an interesting wall of text.

1/3rd of the deets on The Civil Service quest

This new event appears to basically be a dungeon clearing event that will take you through all the dungeons in the game that are tied to a town in one way or another, starting with a quest that takes you to the depths of the Serbule Crypt. As the wall of text details at the bottom, you'll need to hit up the following dungeons from easiest to hardest:

  • The Serbule Crypt
  • Borghild
  • Eltibule Keep Goblin Dungeon
  • Kur Tower
  • Illmari Labyrinth
  • Gazluk Keep

You'll want to bring friends to do most of these, the full extents of all those dungeons are no joke with many bosses that can permanently curse your character if you die to them.

I decided this morning to run over to the Serbule Crypt and see how it was looking with the limited play time I had.

 Ahh Serbule Crypt . . . it's been a little bit since I delved your depths. 

It's a great dungeon tucked away in the corner of Serbule just a few 100 feet behind one of the giant hands.

Hello blue glow of lowbie-death

Once inside, it was pretty quiet for day one of an event at 5:30am Central, but sure enough there were people inside doing the same thing I was doing. I imagine at peak times for the first few days you'll be able to run through here pretty easily as people come and go.

I just cast up molten veins as a fire wizards and just walked my way through as everything died to my thorns damage . . . minus the ranged enemies, but my new pet Bee Wasabee took care of everything else.

We have an understanding

I love my new pet bee btw.  He's the best. Super difficult to get, but some amazing crafter took pity on my soul and fulfilled my work order requests for Bee lover Bouquets.  Thank you!

I digress.

My Molten Veins walk took me all the way down to the southern-most portion of the map where the Rhino Guardian Boss lives.  Thankfully he wasn't up, and I didn't have to risk incurring the "Gored Pockets" debuff which permanently minuses your inventory by five slots if you die to his ugly horn.  Instead I just skipped over to the crystal, touched it, and ran away.


Then I ran down to Sir Arif in the safe point of the dungeon and logged out . . . because I have kids and that requires a lot of running around in the mornings.


Again, I made the Wasabee / Molten Veins run down the hallway to where good ol' Khryulek lives . . .because of course the devs are gonna place that second crystal is in the basement with the toughest boss in the dungeon, right? right.

There was another white shirt guy there waiting to do the same thing as I was.  You have to kill Khyrulek's first form to enter the second level of the Serbule Crypt you see.

I like other white shirt guy's fashion sense!

That was no problem at all and then I was in the second level of the dungeon . . . sure enough, Khyrulek's second and tougher boss form was down, so it was no problem at all running in and claiming the second crystal in the dungeon.

touchy touchy!

After that it was a short trip through a gaggle of super-spiders to get back up to the top of the crypt.

Sting 'em, Wasabee!

And there at the top was waiting my civil service chest, which awarded me with 250 civil service experience points (seriously, that's a good enough gift by itself since it's a really hard skill to level) and my choice of loot.  The consensus from Global chat was that the gem reward was probably the best one to take, so I took that.

Maybe I should have gone with the Random Skill Potion since I'm still kinda new . . . nah.

And just like that, the quest advanced to Borghilde . . . shiver . . . land of the floating skulls of "one shot death" and yellow ghosts of "need to be stunned to be killed."

You're next, Borghilde!

It looks like a fun few days of dungeon delving is in store with the guild! What a cool event!

Happy Dueling!

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