Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fire Magic Fili-greed

It's been a month now since I took the plunge and paid my 40 bucks for Project Gorgon, and I've put in a solid 186 hours according to my Steam profile. Granted, a chunk of that is just hanging out afk on the login screen, but I really feel like I'm getting a hang of the game and know my way around at least the initial zones.

You might say I've jumped over a few lakes in my days here

Probably my biggest hurdle to date came just a few days ago when I reached level 60 in my Fire Magic ability and found that to earn access to levels 61-70 it would take an astounding 95,000 gold.

Pretty much everything in game got put on hold at that point as I then began an epic gold hunting campaign that lasted three or four days. In the end, I guess the sticker price put more of a shock on me than the actual grind for the gold.

Many Project-demigorgons died to line my pocketbook

Most of my 95k came from completing the Casino Daily Excursion every day. It's worth a cool 10k all by itself as a quest completion reward and you can usually pull an additional 2-5k from all the sellable vendor drops you get alone, and if you spend the resulting casino chips on a Cashfall Match-3 game, you can net an extra few 1,000 depending on how lucky / good you are at Match 3.

I really like doing the Daily Excursion with my guild. My Guild Leader is very smooth at pulling mobs back to the group and we have few mishaps on the "easy" missions like Wolf Caves, Yeti Cave, and Winter Nexus . . . let's not talk about the Dark Chapel . . .

Outside of this I started looking at things like Work Orders, which I completely (and definitely to my fault) ignored while leveling up.  What are Work Orders?

The Work Order board in Serbule near Fritz the Boatman

Well, at certain activity hubs you can find these big bulletin boards. Clicking on one opens up a UI that fills with possible "jobs" that will pay money when you complete them. The majority of them are crafting based, e.g., Bake 10 Fried Chicken and deliver it to Fritz the Boatman.

Fritz ate a lot of my fried chicken and more over those 3 days.

While completing work orders, I also went on a crazy killing and skinning spree in Etibule. I'm pretty sure everyone in Etibule was like . . . yikes . . . this guy needs to be locked up, but by the end I had a huge haul of skins and vendor trash that sold for a lot of money.

. . . and of course, I completed a lot of War Caches like I talked about in my last post. They're typically good for 2-5k depending on inventory space and which vendors still have cash to buy all this nonsense.

Pretty much I just sold everything.

Usually I'm much more cautious about saving items and tucking rolls of precious crafting goods away for another time . . . but not when i was on the hunt for money. I was single minded in regards to "Tom's fire magic charity fundraiser." Has kind of a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

The funny thing is, it only gets worse. I don't even want to think about what it will cost to raise my Fire Magic from 71-80. /shiver

On the plus side, I'm one-shotting creatures with fireballs like never before. The power bump is awesome.

Happy Dueling!

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