Monday, September 16, 2019

Cragheart says, "Gloomhaven Good!"

If you've never played a game of Gloomhaven, yet know someone who shelled out the money for this beautiful game, do yourself a huge favor and get in on that good stuff! This game is absolutely amazing. It plays a bit like D&D the board/card game. Rich. Full. Years of fun in a box.

Now that the sales pitch is over, lemme catch you up on the Gloomhaven game that I'm a part of. I play a class known as the Cragheart. He's basically an earth elemental.

. . . and when I play Cragheart, I go ahead and role play him just a bit speech impaired, e.g., Cragheart always talks about himself in the third person. Cragheart talks in small sentences. Cragheart usually look out only for self and friends. Cragheart fun at parties! Cragheart hunt demons!

Every character you play in Gloomhaven has a life goal. My personal life goal is to slay one of every kind of demon, like so:

Once I complete that set of demons, then Cragheart will retire, the group gets some reputation, I unlock a new character class, and I then start a new character out at level one.

Our gang of four dads has been playing this game typically about three hours every other week, and we haven't really even scratched the surface of the game. I have slayed, however, 4 of my 6 demons. So there's that at least. Now to just get my hands on a Frost Demon and a Night Demon . . .

The game board and pieces are absolutely beautiful. It comes in a gigantic box that you almost have to buy a whole separate organization system for, just to keep it all straight. 

Every time I play this game, I can't help but think our sorry dad butts are not the intended target. It feels like this should be permanently set up in some college dudes dorm, and they play it every night while studying. Maybe playing the game that way you'd actually get done with your campaign by the end of the year?

Regardless. I can't recommend the game enough. If you ever get invited to play Gloomhaven, know what you're getting in to and embrace it because it's a great game that you should absolutely play if you're tuned in to the Dungeons and Dragons vibe.

Happy Dueling!

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