Monday, August 5, 2019

#Blaugust2019 Day 5 -- Birthday Recap . . . so much Diablo 3

Yesterday was my birthday, and it was pretty great. I got spammed with the usual happy birthday messages on Facebook and Twitter, received cards from family, ate cake, and got a few presents.  Couldn't be happier.

Check out the super cool Lucio figure I got!

He's chillin' out on some comics and by a homemade card from my kids.  They know me so well. I AM Magical!

There was a mini-gencon going on at a local comic book store on Saturday called Dragon's Lair and we went there for my birthday and hung out for a bit and bought some stuff for my birthday. Also hit an Italian place (it's tradition to go eat Italian on my birthday) and got the worlds largest bowl of spaghetti for the family. I wish I had a picture of that, but instead all I have is this picture of me giving the side-eye to the side-eye picture of Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield. Thank you Twitter for helping us solve that mystery.

I also played A LOT of Diablo 3 over the weekend . . . as evidenced by my post from yesterday, but I have new NEWS on my progress.  Come to find out after burning though Chapter 2, I already had most of Chapter 3's achievements done!  So now Dalia Falmea is a freaking max level TERROR OF FIRE! And pretty awesome looking too.

Funny enough, there's no photoshopping going on in this picture, her hat actually does a mini-Falmea hair all on its own. I mean . . . it could be bigger, but I'll take it.

GUYS, lemme tell you what it's like to drive this character now.  It's amazing.  It feels so good to just chuck fireballs out and completely destroy everything in my path . . . and walking behind me as well. Anyone who played Diablo I will fondly recount the pleasures of kiting enemies through firewall. It feels a bit like that, but way better.

I captured a bit of game play footage of me wrecking the place on Torment II setting:

(Sorry about going the wrong direction there at first . . . I can't tell you how many times I've gone the wrong way to Mahgda from that waypoint.) I even got to "show off" the main cool feature of that set at around the 3 minute 25 second point of the video: every 60 seconds, when you die, you are reborn like a phoenix and do damage to those around you. It makes me feel super brave in the face of danger. LOL! And of course, the constant barrage of meteors is super apropos for Falmea.

So now it's just a question of if I can put in the time to get Chapter 4 done in time. I've got a lot of other video games to play this Blaugust, so . . . we'll see? I am having fun with Diablo 3 for sure though!

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes!

Happy Dueling!

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