Sunday, August 26, 2018

Character Spotlight: Pryce Cinder-Earth

Happy Sunday everyone!  For the next few Sundays, I thought I'd take the opportunity to do something a bit different, and that's talk about each of my D&D characters a bit. I'm not going to lie, this was totally inspired by Destiny Soultamer's blog post from five months ago. It's a great read, you should check it out.

Today's character is one that I just played with a group of people last Thursday night. His name is . . .

Pryce Cinder-Earth

Pryce is a Hill Dwarf and comes from a long line of Cinder-Earths. Ancestrally speaking, members of his family have always been Smiths. A fine shield and hammer is a thing of beauty and so it was also natural for him to find those items in his possession. Unlike the other Cinder-Earths, however, Pryce was a man of the cloth -- only when dwarves are involved, it's cloth covered in armor with the mighty symbol of Moradin emblazoned upon it.

Image kindly borrowed from the Forgotten Realms Wiki entry on Moradin.

During his training with the Hammers of Moradin, Pryce excelled in his studies and learned the languages of orc and giant and also came upon some lore about the Tablets of Fate, an ancient artifact said to keep law and choas in balance. Though his fellow students shrugged off these tales as exaggeration made by humans, Pryce made it his life's quest to find these Tablets of Fate, or at least some evidence of them. 

Ultimately Pryce is a Cleric of Light, which may seem a bit strange for a Hill Dwarf. One wouldn't typically think of Moradin as a visage of Light . . . then again, when one feels the heat of a forge and feels the sparks from hammering hot steel, that thought dissipates quickly.

The quest for the Tablets of Fate have put the rest of his life at bay. knowing that this task was too much to take on by himself, he sought to find a group of adventurers willing to plunder ancient tombs in search of "treasure." All the while believing that Moradin would guide his fellow adventurers to not only the truth of all things, but also to the Tablets of Fate.

Image kindly borrowed from the Forgotten Realms Wiki entry on Ao.

Pryce did encounter a group of adventurers and has been questing with them for what is actually only a few weeks, but what feels like a year. Early prey consisted of Kobolds and bandits as to be expected with fledgling adventurers, but what wasn't expected was a Blue Dragon disguising herself as a quest giver that sent them into a haunted church where ogres had taken up residence.

Since then, Pryce and his companions have faced many dangers, including were-beasts, slimes, and crocodiles oh my!  Currently Pryce and his companions are delving into the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, following a lead Pryce received on said Tablets of Fate.

His fellow adventurers would probably describe Pryce as being a bit "handsy," as he tends to use the Guidance cantrip for everything. His favorite way to cast this is with a gentle pat upon the buttocks accompanied with a "pop" sound from his mouth.

As a now 7th level Light Cleric, Pryce commands a powerful array of spells and abilities, Always at his side, however, are his "Spells of the Forge" that fuel his power: Burning Hands, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Fireball, and Wall of Fire.

Along his journey he's also acquired a couple of interesting magical items: a Rust Bag of Tricks and a Broom of Flying. Though he may be granted one of eight various creatures (up to 3 times a day) to assist him from his Rust Bag of Tricks, he's always secretly hoping to pull out a Giant Boar he's named "Betsy." As for the Broom of Flying, unfortunately an encounter with an acidic ooze has temporarily damaged his prized possession -- he's patiently waiting for its repair, but he will fly again!

Mark my words, fine readers, the Tablets of Fate will be Pryce's someday, and he and Besty and his flying broom will live happily ever after.

"Have ya' happened to have heard of the . . . uh . . . Tablets of Fate?"

One thing is for sure, if you happen to be in a party of adventurers where Pryce is at the table, there's going to be some Voodoo happening . . .

I think these chips are the real reason I keep getting invited back to play.

Happy Dueling!

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