Friday, August 17, 2018

Animal Cove has arrived: Friend me!

It's here! It's finally here!

We've been working on this game for a long time, and I've had my hand in its development for quite some time. This is the first game I've ever had my name mentioned in the credits three times: once for Marketing, once for Writing, and once for Design. So what does that mean? Here's a quick laundry list for my involvement to date:

  • Initial Social Media setup and posts during early beta
  • Early responses to initial app store reviews and our beta forums
  • Sending pre-release gifts to players through the in-game inbox
  • News announcements on KI Live from Soft Launch until now
  • Working with the "early" Writing team up through the Park Entrance
  • Working with the "late" Design team creating Animal Cove levels (my first starts on level 151 and then they're scattered throughout the rest of the game)

Because of Animal Cove, I now have my current job, and I'm getting a chance to get my feet wet with Unity! Woohoo! I couldn't be happier that it's out now on the app stores, and best yet . . . It's been FEATURED in both the iOS and Android app stores. That's never happened for a KingsIsle mobile game before!  I couldn't be happier. Someone reported to me yesterday that we had hit the Number One Trending spot for casual games. YES!

The first thing you need to know, is where to download it. It's a mobile game, so download from here:

The second thing you need to know is how to make friends.  You can find out how to do this on this Facebook post, and here's the graphic that details how to do it.

Third, Add me as a friend!  I'm "DeathUnicorn" in game . . . 'cause you know . . . death unicorns win . . . duh . . .

Fourth, Vanessa Mythdust has already been writing up some stellar break downs of the story. If you're the kind that likes to read ahead, follow this link for some great reads.

The fifth thing you need to know is that we are currently making more levels, when you hit level 300, don't worry . . . more are on the way.  After you finish, just log in daily and keep collecting your powerups so that when those new levels are released, you'll be ready to go.


Let me know if you have any questions about the game!  I'll be happy to answer what I can (leave your questions in the comments).

Happy Dueling!

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