Monday, October 21, 2013

Doing the Aquila -- RAFFLE!

Doing the wah wah Aquila. Doing the wah wah Aquila.

Seeing that my quest arrow was pointing me toward's Zeus's demise, I snagged one Bailey Skystaff to come help me out. Neither of us had played through Aquila, and it was HIGH TIME, my friends, to conquer Aquila . . . and we did!



Yeah, the first two dungeons didn't provide much of a challenge for us, but I imagine conquering those at the level they are designed for would be quite an accomplishment!

Loved this statue for sure though, right?!

I was going to post more here about my thoughts, but, again, I'm behind the curve on Wizard101 blogging, so I had an idea.

I've created a raffle.

First rule, Only enter once per household -- I will delete entries that are duplicate IP addresses.

Second rule, do not enter this raffle if you're under 13--let mom and dad enter for you.

Third rule, you must use the Rafflecopter app below to enter, and you must leave me a comment in this blog post with a hint, tip, or link to some helpful Aquila information.

Prizes? I don't know, not everyone will win, but I have some spare stuff here that I've never given away, and I may have a surprise gift or two, plus I have a number of Galvanic Hammers to give away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks! I can't wait to see all the advice you have to share.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Tips: For the level Mt Olympus and Atlantea, go offensive with offensive gear.
    For Tartarus, go defensive.
    Also, farm side bosses Cronus and Gladiator Dimachaerus for a chance at awesome loot.

  2. when you get to the part of putting the urn together in Tartarus if you look at the teleporter the pieces are sitting on you will see roman numerals. if you put the pieces together starting with 1 and go to 4 you will not have to fight a extra fight.

  3. Doing all these dungeons once was fun. But now when you actually try to farm them for some gear drop, it is really annoying job lol (talking about Tartarus). Good luck with Your drops!

  4. Kevin Eall21/10/13 07:54

    Duelist101 have guides to a lot of things in Aquila. Here is a link to the page with their list of guides:

    -I love their site. Very useful :)

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    link to aquilla guides and tips

  8. I'm saying what Jack said, Hades is long and hard, so go defense, but first 2 are easy peasy :P and the side bosses give Amber! *wink Wink*

  9. Angel Pixiedust21/10/13 08:10

    Don't worry if your a high level doing Mount Olympus and Atlantea, your critical and power boost hits fast(except the secret bosses), I their the stack attack with the secret bosses, which is stacking blades and rap and it works a lot!

    Angel Pixiedust

  10. There are 2 level 90 items that are really worth farming for.

    Alpha and Omega Ring which drops from Gladiator Dimachaerus who is the secret boss in Mount Olympus.

    Blade of the Felled Titan which drops from Cronus who is the secret boss in Tartarus.

  11. Need Amber? Secret bosses are right creatures for you! Not only that they drop amber, but other rare reagents.

  12. My favorite guide to Tartarus and a sweet virtually painless way to get through.

  13. Steven OwlRider21/10/13 09:33

    My tip for Aquila is to try to do all of the dungeons with help from other Wizards, especially if you plan on battling the side bosses.

  14. I haven't tried Aquila yet because I ran out of crowns in the middle of Avalon.

    But it looks like a lot of fun, so methinks more crowns will be brought soon... :D

    Glad to know you're making SOME time in keeping this blog up, I really enjoy reading your posts!

  15. Not really a "tip" but if you love housing items, there's a great potted plant by the crafting vendor near Olympus, and there's a brilliant statute of Posiden wrestling a dragon or something in Atlanta!
    Both are FREE, both are AWESOME!

  16. In my opinion go for the hammer technique just blade a high powered storm to do a crit sirens wipes out every one in most cases

  17. Don't really have tips for Tartarus but for Atlantea, make sure before you do the squid you have like 4 people because it is really difficult otherwise.

  18. For the Squid, try not to heal as much as you would for normal fights. You may want to pack Spirit Armors or just high resist - something to protect you rather than healing yourself up. Take out the LARGER heads first - save the smaller heads for last. If you want to use an AoE hit, it would, indeed, be helpful if it would take the smaller heads out, too, to minimize their damage output for a couple of rounds. Power up one hammer and either drop the larger heads one by one or with a strong AoE hit. With a full team of four wizards, you should be able to handle it!

  19. Be ready to not get what you want from Hades, lol. You have to get your hardcore farming face on :)

  20. BenDragonsword21/10/13 16:55

    Hey Friendly! Always happy to enter a raffle held by you!
    So, some Aquila themed info, eh? Well, since I haven't actually played through the world (too much minecraft and pokemon I suppose), I'll just leave you with a bit of trivia:
    Zeus Sky Father isn't the final boss of Aquilla, even though he's considered the strongest of the Greek gods, and as a Sky God I would expect him to be the strongest in a Bird Themed World :P.

  21. when you get to Gladiator Dimachaerus( secret boss in mount Olympus), beware of his natural attack. it leaves behind a nasty -75% weakness on you. it might be a good idea to bring some myth treasure cards that removes negative charm.

  22. Emmaline I.21/10/13 17:38

    I think you could go best prepared by bringing at least a friend with you. Depending on each boss, just pack shields to their type or converts if they're the same. Pretty basic stuff is all I can offer when it comes to battles in Mt. Olympus or any dungeon, really. :P You could also look up those specific dungeon guides as well if you come across cheating bosses!

  23. try your hardest

  24. Make sure the people you're going into each dungeon with are going for the same thing you are, for everyone's sake.

  25. Scarlet Summer21/10/13 18:23

    Carry plenty of cleanses and vaporize, definitely a must have for me in Aquila!

  26. For Tarturus go Crit block and a bunch of heal tc

  27. I have some tips for Tartarus:

    1. Kill Hades in under 5 rounds.

    Why? Because some people have reported better gear drops from doing this. Including me! I got 3 good gear pieces. And it wasn't luck, it kept happening! I know, it sounds almost impossible. But it's not. All you need to do is spam different types of feints on Hades and have a Storm Wizard use an attack. You know you're too late when Hades says "You're sands of time has run out!", or something like that.

    2.Don’t attack Poseidon

    Usually if you don't attack Poseidon, you won't get his gear. Poseidon's gear kinda sucks..but if you want to get it, try 1-hiting Poseidon more often.

    And also secret bosses give a lot of Amber! Cronus is a great boss to farm btw. He gives your Crit Wand, a very good athame, exalted amulets, and Amber!

  28. This may be a second comment on my IP but I meant to be Awsom338 and I wasnt but again crit block and tc that heal

  29. My tip is that bosses drop rae reagents like Amber. I have only done Aquila up to Atlantea so I don't know which bosses drop it. I only got it from the secret boss from Atlantea, the squid. Bye

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  31. IDK Much about Aquila due to no subscription, but I hear people get lots of Amber? LOL Seems a cool place in design as well :)

  32. for the cyclopes in mount olympus use myth traps every 3 rounds

  33. You get a ton of amber from this :)
    Here's some tips for Atlantea (not promethean yet so i don't know about tartar sauce :P)

    For Lamia, make only ONE wizard go in there at first and after have the rest go in the dungeon since it'll only trigger one minion.

    For Poseidon, his cheat is pretty easy to avoid, as long as you don't put any traps, dispels, weaknesses, etc. on him. pretty straight-forward.

    Don't forget to pick up the Atlantea Grand Monument, Atlantean arch, and nine fathoms pedestal while there ;)

  34. I don't know much about Aquilia... though I do know of a hidden boss. He can be found I think past the statues used for the mental test. Hope this helps! :-)

  35. I haven't actually finished any of Aquila, lol. But I always go to wizard101 central for anything I need help with. They have great guides there!

    (sorry if this posts more than once, it keeps saying I get the captcha wrong)

  36. When you're doing Tartarus, be sure to do with more then 2 people. Buff up one person, only one, it help make the game goes faster. DO NOT FLEE in any parts of the dungeon, or else, you'll not receive any gear from Hades.

  37. I really like the various guide Mercenaries101 have for the Aquila cheating bosses. They have some amazing guides and always check for their guides when I need help with a cheating boss.

  38. You should just open Aquila permanently instead of renting it for 600 crowns, saving money!

  39. The side bosses in Mount Olympus and Tartarus drop some good exclusive gear; a ring and a sword and shield pet from the bear in Olympus and a dagger from Cronus in Tartarus. The side boss in Atlantea doesn't have anything exclusive that's not a pet, but the pet it drops is the Harpy pet, which can have MC spirit blade. Other than that, be careful in Tartarus; especially with the Death Minotaur fight. Those snake minions can take you down in a heartbeat. Also, at the end of Tartarus, Hades doesn't have any resist to death, (SPOILER) but Zeus likes his quakes and stuns.

  40. Hey TFN! Dont forget to collect all of the hidden housing items in these dungeons! Use this as a guide.

  41. Tips: For Hades, choose a player to mark their location inside the instance, and have them flee after only killing Hades. Then, have them return to their marked location to and rejoin the battle to help finish off Zeus and Poseidon (those cunning tricksters!). Then, after the battle, watch Hades respawn for DOUBLE THE LOOT!

  42. Duelist101's information on wands helped me get through Aquila greatly. They helped my level 70s get some gear before leveling on.

  43. Scarlet Frogslinger22/10/13 01:07

    This tip, on the Wizard's Keep blog, to battle less 'monsters' seems really helpful.

  44. If you come to a part where you have some trouble try to complete a sidequest or two to take your mind off of it and give you some time to come up with a new strategy. Also DON'T be afraid to use boots and LOTS of them! Those ettins start out pretty tough! Took me like five tries to take out the dungeon but like I said boosts :D

  45. Here is a link to a guide that I hope will help me out then I get there.

  46. Autumn DreamLeaf22/10/13 15:09

    Tip: all of the bosses are non-resistant to stunning except for Hades. To speed up your battle, designate two people to stun consistently and be rid of all of the slow spell animations!

  47. Suri Winter22/10/13 15:19

    Just after you finish the Hades battle, go to the large mural on the left, and pick up your new furniture item!

  48. Michael WildFlame22/10/13 16:06

    I'm lvl 60 and i've never done aquila, i dont have a membership or crowns i feel so left out :(

  49. Aquila Tip #!: Don't do it alone and let friends help, you'll get through it then like I did! :)

  50. have fun while you do them(remember that's what games are for)

  51. Alura Life22/10/13 18:20

    Go in with some good friends who won't abandon you mid way though :( Those dungeons can be a pain when someone decides to peace out before you have completed it.

  52. Tip: For Mount Olympus always keep Healing tc just "incase" also have a full team if you want to finish quickly, as for Atlantea watch out for the sirens puzzle, if you get it wrong, you'll be stuck in battle with the sirens, better if you have a healer in team, rest attackers, Now as for Tartarus, Depending what gear you have, you MUST have good resist or else you wouldn't last a chance in there, also the block, you need good block, unless one of your team mates has Jade Gear, then he can be a "tank" he can resist a lot and heal the whole team, another tip here, For final hades battle, if you use any high rank spell zeus' will say "You hesitate too much" and he hits you with minotaur, here is the little trick, Use low rank spells with colossal and attack, example for death use Skeletal pirate with colossal and blade up for it, then when you attack, zeus' won't say anything and won't hit you with minotaur since your attack is low rank, as for tc, keep in cleanse ward etc, remember hades can use Virulent plage ( -45% Weakness ) so you need the tc to remove it!, and hades has a special move, the poison, it is so strong over time, so have some tc to remove the overtime damage, then you shall have no problems at all with the battle, guaranteed better drops :)
    PS: if you wand hades gear so bad, do the hades respawn glitch!

  53. Turquoise also frequently drops from the bosses in tartarus!

  54. Aquila Mount Olympus Tip:
    If you attack Ares directly he will attack you right after. AoEs like meteor strike will not trigger this attack.

  55. Here is a link to a video with a cool guide, watch it and enjoy :)

    I am really pissed off i wrote a very big guide list to each part of aquila dungeon and many many tips and helpful hints, then i wanted to post it and that "please prove you're not a robot" part made the list get deleted, sorry i can not type all that again :[...

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  57. When in the dungeon of Atlantea, you can fix the Siren's CoralChord by stepping on the first, third, and fourth buttons in that order, then hitting the lever. This will not only spare you a fight, but also time, health, and mana.
    Also, when you're in Tartarus, all of the mazes have the same basic exit route (except number two I believe). So, once you know one of them, they all become much easier. By the way, you should have someone stay by the Lion's Tail Leaves so the quest can go faster.
    Thanks for the raffle!

  58. U can get turquoise from all the bosses in aquila :P

  59. tip: Try and defeat hades last when reaching him in tartarus. this might increase the drop rate for him :)

  60. As soon as your wizard reach level 30, do Mount Olympus to get the Sky Iron Hasta. It gives one power pip at the start of the battle and also gives 10% universal attack. This is the best weapon for level 30 wizards.

  61. ryan shield23/10/13 07:24

    Thanks for the contest raffle!!!! in need of new surf :)

  62. Tip: Use Duelist101 and do the dungeon with Bailey or with friends :)

  63. Jasmine LotusSong23/10/13 09:41

    Work hard and dont forget the free furniture items!

  64. Here's a link to my guide to Aquila level 90 drops:

  65. Here is a guide to aquila must haves, I really want the amulet of divine influence :)

  66. Here is a guide to aquila must haves, I really want the amulet of Divine influence :P

  67. Marissa AngleDust23/10/13 20:01

    Do it with friends and dont tackle it alone!
