Thursday, March 14, 2013

Catching up -- P101 and DCUO


I don't want to bore you guys too much with a catching up post, but now I'm going to bore you guys with a catching up post. hehe.

Obviously I've been thinking about Pirate101 daily. I think about all our players and how they're doing in game. I love hearing about what level everyone has obtained and how they love and hate certain companions. I haven't run into a companion I despise yet! And that's probably because I'm yet to play with Nurse Quinn and the Hermit Crab from what I'm understanding. ;)

Bad Pedro Pace is now in MooShu

He's actually 44 right now. I just finished up Khotan and TOTALLY THREATENED THE CHICKEN!

I love that instance. It was surprisingly brutal for me as a privateer as well. All those first strike mobs made me change my line up to musketeers for a good portion of the dungeon. For General Tso's battle, it was a matter of choosing companions I thought could outlast the onslaught and bring a lot of single target damage to one of the mobs standing guard in front of the chicken. Can I just say how much I love my invincibility bubble and valor buffs in that fight? I love them. 'Nuff said.

Outside of Pirate101, I've been playing a lot of DC Universe Online with my Sunday Night static group. You can read more about our adventures on West Karana if you're interested. (As I've said before, DCUO isn't a kids' game . . . but it sure reminds me of the kid inside who loved to run down to the local 7-11 and buy comic books with my friends)

My character just earned his Tier1 armor wings yesterday!

I was pretty psyched about it. hehe.

I do hope that whatever you're doing, you're happy and having fun! Feel free to leave me a comment or a link to a blog post to let me know what you've been up to in the gaming world. I may host another contest here pretty soon and Uber Wife and I have been talking about a Happy Dueling podcast come back! Maybe, just maybe . . .

Happy dueling!


  1. I'm kinda "take her or leave her" on Nurse Quinn at this point (my Swash is level 26), though I'm glad to have another lady on my Girl Power team. Not sure why folks are down on the Crab Hermit though, at least since the boost to Summoned critters - he's a solid regular in my First Five.
