Thursday, December 6, 2012

Test Realm! Food Fight!!

The Wizard101 Test Realm is back online and a brand new housing game is up for testing . . . FOOD FIGHT!

No no no, silly Friendly Necromancer. Not the classic 1980's game involving twitch skills and 8-bit graphics! (How much of my parent's money did I spend on that game at the local arcade? wow!) This food fight seems to be more like a race to grab as much food as you can and also steal food from your friends ala Capture the Flag. Actually, there seems to be four modes to the game:

Chef's Special
Within a limited time, find and return with as much food as possible.

On a Diet
Find and return with as much food as possible, but the amount of hidden food is limited.

Buffet 25
The first team to find 25 points worth of food and return it to the kiosk wins.

Pizza Party
Find and return with as much pizza as possible.

Nice! Skeletal Pirates and Pizza! Two of my favorite things in one!

On the test realm the game goes for 2,500 crowns or you can head to Abbey Road in Avalon to pick up the Crafting Recipe from Padraig. The crafting recipe looks a bit steep. You need to craft a Carousel as part of the ingredient list! O.O Eep!

Along with the Food Fight minigame is also a nice handful of updates. Be sure you check the update page for more information: click.

On a personal note, I've been so busy at work with my Pirate101 duties that I missed my opportunity to play this game when it was in development. I was slipped an invitation to play against the devs, but unfortunately I was occupied at the time. :(

Let me know what you all think!

Happy dueling!

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