Friday, July 20, 2012

You're totally one-in-a-million!

So, I realize this isn't new news by any means, but I still have a few readers on this blog that linger on here who just kind of want to keep up with what's going down with Wizard101. (Seriously, don't laugh)

I remember one night when I first arrived in Austin, I was hanging with . . . one of the KingsIsle employees. Um, he doesn't like me calling him out, so for now we'll call him Michael Weston. I still had a week before I was to officially start working at KingsIsle, and I was still not privvy to the finer workings of the company. Avalon was still in test, and he casually mentioned to me that he was shocked no one had discovered the new badge yet.

My jaw dropped, right?! I'm hungry for this kind of information!! So he told me about the new badge you could get for hitting a max hit in Wizard101 of 1,000,000--the one in a million badge. But, of course, I couldn't tell about the new badge because, well, I'm part of the keeping secrets crew now, not part of the digging for information crew. Plus Michael Weston swore me to secrecy. If there's anything I've learned from Michael Weston, it's that you follow his lead, right? You don't want to get burned--you'll end up in Miami where the Rhythm of the Night clause is in effect from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am and people are dancing in the streets and what not, not to mention all the millions of ex-spies.

Anyway, fast forward to last night! Bailey and I earned our one-in-a-million badges, woot!

Classical music . . . it's a head nod to my half a million hit video from 2009.

Of course, back then we didn't have access to the amazing amounts of traps and blades that are in our arsenal now. Necklace feint? Laugh. Sun magic and Frankenstein? chuckle. And yet, the record hit back at that time for Death was I believe a four million hit.

Then damage was capped at a million. (I used to have a blast trying to keep track of the big hits.)

Anyway, I had been saving a long sideboard of unique traps and blades just for this occasion, so it was nice to finally use them. :) I probably didn't need half of them to be honest. It was just that I had been saving them for this specific purpose, so I *had* to use them. Good times.

I even got to use some of my crown clothes to cast a backdraft spell for Bailey last night, it was awesome.

AND, the reason we even got thinking about all this? The reason was Bailey, Joshua Lionbane, and Logan Fireblood helped Ethan Icestone do a beetle hit for 1,000,000 . . . I think Bailey told me he might have already had the badge, he just wanted to hit with a beetle for that much. *grin*

Here's another picture of the team after the hit.

Looking good, looking good!

Definitely hitting for big numbers is STILL a cool thing to do in Wizard101 when you're just looking for random fun. :) Even better now that there's a badge, right?

Happy dueling


  1. Congrats friendly :D


  2. Conversely, there should be a badge for hitting one.

    The "1 in 1" badge...could be entertaining!

    (Not really, but I've made a hobby of inventing pointless badges.)

  3. Ryan LifeGarden20/7/12 11:55

    Congrats to you and Uber-Wife! I know I was happy when I got my badge. You should add yourselves to the one in a million people list here:

  4. Friendly, do you know why they put a cap on the damage? I remember way back I hit about 8 million on Kraysys, and then they patched it. Where's my eight in a million badge! ;)

  5. Tara Darkgem21/7/12 01:03

    I have yet to get this badge >.<

    Even my sister has it!!

  6. Ethan Icestone22/7/12 21:00

    Thanks for posting the hit Friendly! I had a good time helping Bailey hit, and thanks to all those who help me hit with ice beetle for 1,000,000!
