Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ding! New Badge Earned!

Friends and readers of The Friendly Necromancer! I have now earned the hardest badge to earn in the game!

You can’t imagine what I’ve had to go through to get that badge, but let me see if I can help you understand a bit. Come! Read with me while I explain some inner workings of The Friendly Necromancer that you might not have known before. *insert ominous music*

A few years ago I was sitting in my very safe and secure cubicle at my job, pushing my paper and doing what I do, when suddenly I had a strange and happy feeling that I should send a resume to KingsIsle. I had only been writing about the game for a short time, and I honestly didn’t think much of it at the time other than, “What if something happens?” Much to my surprise I was contacted and interviewed for a Customer Service job, but unfortunately the timing and my situation in life wouldn’t allow for that opportunity to be realized. Time passed and over the years I again interviewed with KingsIsle for a couple of different jobs. For one reason or another, things just didn’t work out.

In fact I kind of gave up on that strange happy feeling and wrote KingsIsle off in my mind. I thought . . . “You know what? I didn’t get into writing about Wizard101 for a job and I’m not continuing my writing just to get a job.” THAT seemed strange to me. Remember that big break I had? Yeah, I was pushing a lot of inner questions at the time. I had to ask myself the question, “Why do I write about Wizard101 so much?” My conclusion was that I just like this game! I like the family focus, the humor, the fun, the depth of gameplay, and I just I like this community of people! Honestly, I didn’t need a job at KingsIsle, and I had a job that I could have easily retired from.

. . . and then it happened . . .

After all those years and after all that thought and after all these hundreds of blog posts, I received a call from KingsIsle’s Marketing department asking me if I’d like to play in the Pirate101 Alpha. I think my exact words were, “YEEEESSSSSSS! YESSSSSSSS! FRED, THAT’S AMAZING!” I literally leaped at the chance and began playing this new world in its infant state. (I think you get my excitement hehe.)

Let me tell you straight up that it’s a great game, and even though NDA binds my hands to some finer details about this game, I can tell you that it has a lot of that same magic from Wizard101 and yet is its own game that will definitely develop its own community. Many people from Wizard101 will love this game, and many people will play BOTH games! For me though, it’s now my job to take the helm of the Pirate101 community for KingsIsle and invite you aboard . . . because about a week after receiving my invitation to Pirate101’s alpha, I received another phone call. *insert even MORE ominous music*

My friends . . . I’ve been hired by KingsIsle to be the new community manager for Pirate101!!!!

I’m still shocked that I’m moving my entire family 1,000 miles from home for this opportunity (as I type this I’m still wrapping up the final details on purchasing a new home here in Texas). Let me tell you, you’d be amazed at how many obstacles have magically disappeared to make this happen. The day we put our house up for sale, it sold in four hours. The day we had a moving sale, it was like there was a patch of sun over our driveway. :) I’d go on, but you’d start to disbelieve me. It’s all true though. These past two months have been amazing!

So where does this leave us? In many ways Wizard101 is where my heart will always be. It’s an amazing game that I will always call home for Thomas Lionblood. As I’ve discussed before, Wizard101 has been such a huge success that it’s not going anywhere, and it’s definitely not being sidestepped for Pirate101. Avalon’s release is a testament to that. It’s an amazing expansion to the Wizard101 story line, and now that I’m on the inside of the company and looking around at this huge company of creative people, I’m seeing that there are plenty of employees who will continue to be devoted to making Wizard101 the AAA MMORPG that it is.

I can also tell you that I’m excited about what I’m seeing planned for Pirate101 and what’s beyond even this product. KingsIsle isn’t slowing down, and I’m overjoyed to be one of the newest employees riding KingsIsle’s wave of providing quality family-based games! WOO HOO!

As the Community Manager for Pirate101, I hope to bring the same information sharing and sense of community fun that we’ve been enjoying through not only my blog, but through all the social media, podcasts, and forums that have celebrated the joy of playing Wizard101. I’m still learning the ropes here and Professor Greyrose is a saint, but I can’t wait to help welcome you to this new facet of the spiral. I think you’ll love what you’re going to see. YARR! WHAT YOU’LL SOON BE PLUNDERING ME HEARTIES!

Stay tuned for more news of the future of this blog, me, and my family. The finer details of the future of this blog are still being discussed. I don’t think it will be fully going away, but all those details will be worked out shortly. Either way, I can’t wait to have fun with the community in Pirate101. I’ll be here and hope you’ll come join me! WOOT!

Happy Dueling


  1. Welcome aboard, my friend!

  2. Congratulations Tom! You certainly deserve it and sometimes God has hand upon us when we least expect it!

  3. Katherine Light9/5/12 12:09

    Oh my goodness Tom, Congratulations! You were absolutely made for this - or it was made for you. I can feel your excitement through the interwebs. ;)

  4. Congrats Tom! :)
    I'm sure you and greyrose will be a perfect team!

  5. Happiest Congratulations to the foremost blogger and most awesomest Community icon! Again, Welcome to Texas and hope you and your family enjoy everything there is!

    Very well deserved!


  6. Congratulations Friendly! I know you will do a phenomenal job with Lydia and the rest of the KingsIsle crew! I hope to continue to see more blog and tweets out of you though! :]
    Have fun, I can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us!

  7. Edward Icespear9/5/12 12:22

    My Friend, I have followed you since the begainning and its great to see all your hard work pay off in the end.

    I hope that the family enjoys there new home and your new job. (Talk about insider information lol)

    Your Friend,
    Edward (The true pet master)

  8. Anonymous9/5/12 12:36


    I wish you all the best with the start of Pirate101 and your new "hard earned work" in KI headquarters ^_^

    p.s. If you need any cook in your pirate ship captain, I volunteer. "Harrr harrr harrr and a bottle of Rum" ;-)

  9. wonderloss9/5/12 12:37

    I have been a long time lurker, but I will come out of lurking to say congratulations. This should be a great fit, given your love and passion for these games.

  10. Congrats! Dear Friend. You so earned this is so many ways. I know we kept saying they needed to hire you ;).

    May your life be exactly what you always wished it would be. So happy for you and your family.

    Paige MoonShade

  11. flash3339/5/12 12:39

    All I have to say is congratulations. I've followed your blog for a long time, and I know how hard you've worked for here and for ravenwood radio (I should really get back into listening to that).

    You really deserve this because of all the hard work you've done, and I know that you'll continue to do more fantastic work over at Kingsile (I can only imagine how hard it was for you move to texas, as I've moved around quite a bit myself).

    So yeah, congratulations on landing a job at KI, and until we meet again gamers, god bless, and happy gaming.

    P.S. that last line was from kNIGHTwING01 over at youtube.

  12. Congratulations The Friendly Necromaner! :D

    -Antonio LotusBlood

  13. Friendly, congrats! well deserved.

  14. Holy Moodha! Congratulations Tom, that's fantastic! Best of luck to you in your new position, you're going to be fantastic :D

  15. Congratulations Tom! You truly deserve this! I wish you good luck on your new position at KingsIsle! :)

  16. congrats my friend! you definitely deserve this opportunity!

  17. Wow! Congratulations most deserved! I know you will do an amazing job as a pirate captain as you have made as a friendly necromancer! :)

    Good luck and enjoy the ride!

  18. Let me join the Congratulations chorus, and throw in a great big "Thank you!" to Kingsisle for making it happen.

    Our ships couldn't be in better hands, mate!

  19. Anonymous9/5/12 14:30

    Congratulations Tom! We at Well Versed Wizards think this is absolutely awesome. Keep up the great work!

  20. Anonymous9/5/12 14:32

    Congrats :) what a cool job that must be my family plays this as well with our kid

  21. Fantastic work! I certainly do not exaggerate when I say that you are perfect for this position. The fact that you're very involved the community, among so many other things, makes you perfect for a position like this.

  22. Anonymous9/5/12 15:05

    Can't wait to see the new P101 Community Manager in action, and I hope the move works out!
    Congrats on the job :)

  23. Congrats - if you are an Austinite like me, look me up and I shall buy a celebratory mug o'mead.

    Ronan Legendstrider

  24. Congrats on your new journey! And, welcome to TEXAS!!

  25. Congratulations on the dream come true job! Live the dream and enjoy life to it's fullest!!


  26. Wow congrats friendly :D your dreams have come true :D


  27. Wow Congratulations!!! :)

  28. Congratulations, Friendly, I hope you love your new job!

  29. Anonymous9/5/12 17:39


  30. This is awesome Mr.Friendly! I'm happy for you, that's something leaving your old home behind for something new, but it's worth it. Hope you and your family continue to adjust with the change well.

    Congratulations, P101 Community Member, best of success in the future, can't wait to brag to everyone I'm friends with you in-game (joking). Later and Peace my friend.

    - M.W.S

  31. Wow, that's absolutely amazing! You'll be amazing at your job, I'm sure.


  32. Mitchell Battleflame9/5/12 18:35

    Sweet dude! :)


  33. Anonymous9/5/12 19:34

    congrats good luck friendly necromancer i love wizard 101 and exploring every-detail about it D.L.W.

  34. Huzzah!
    Congrats, Blog buddy!
    Really happy for you and family! :)

  35. Congrats!Make sure to tell us if you can sneak anything new about Wizard101 or Pirate101 onto your blog.

  36. Congratulation!! Very happy for u!

  37. That's amazing, Friendly!!! Best of luck with your new job! I've been reading your blog for years, and I'm sure that Kingsisle can't go wrong with someone like you :)

    Blaze Stormthief

  38. Ryan LifeGarden9/5/12 22:51

    Congrats!!! From the sound of it you must've really worked hard for that. Welcome to TEXAS! I hope you and your family enjoy their new house and I hope you like your new job :).

    Best of Luck, Ryan LifeGarden.

  39. Wow, that is just amazing!
    Good luck with everything. :D

  40. I've been reading your blog for almost 3 years now and I still enjoy every new post. You deserve this, Friendly for all the hard-work you've done. I couldn't think of anyone more perfect for the job then you.

    Good Luck! :)

    -Connor Mistblade

  41. Anonymous10/5/12 12:43

    Amazing! Congratulations most definetly. I've been following your blog for awhile and :D We're so happy for you!!!

  42. Joshua Lionbane10/5/12 15:18

    okay, first of all, congratz, but i got a question.............WHAT THE HECK DO YOU MEAN BY THIS BLOG MAY NOT PERMANENTLY GOING AWAY!?!?!?!?!? does that mean its going to go away for a bit!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? but the important part is that ur living ur dream. gratz dude XD

  43. I love your Falmela bobble head. :)

  44. Tara Darkgem10/5/12 21:20

    THATS AMAZING FRIENDLY!!! :D!!! I applaud thee... I live in Texas, you'll love it here trust me (except the weather can be a bit crazy) :) That is so cool!! You really deserved it

  45. Victoria Dragonsong10/5/12 21:31

    Congratulations Friendly!!! Looking forward to seeing your hard work in Pirates101!

  46. Diana Lotus11/5/12 00:20

    Congratulations! Good luck in Pirate101. See you in the game :) I will sail on my pirate ship.

  47. Jose Seashield11/5/12 19:15

    I don't read your blog for two days and you get a dream job with KI?! Congratz man! to you and your family! -All the best, Jose

  48. Congratulations Tom on your phenomenal accomplishment! You deserve it! I wish you and your family all good luck! Keep up the great work!

  49. What baranch of ki, the one in plano or austin Texas? If plano be warned we will give your kids/ you (if in high school) a real chalange in football!!!!!!!!
    Anyway good luck on the job!

  50. Awesome! Well deserving for all your hard work you've done for the community.

  51. That's awesome Friendly! Way to go, man! There's no one better that they could have picked. :)

  52. Congratulations Friendly.

  53. Community Manager? How the Heckhound am I supposed to beat you now? I cry 'foul'!, lol.

    In all seriousness, Friendly, I can't think of a smarter choice for KingsIsle, and I believe that this announcement only secures the future of P101 *that much more*. It's the equivalent of seeing one of us lowly trench fighters promoted to General. Yay, you!

    It's a good sign where a company can recognize the Gold in it's own Community, I can't think of a better choice.

    I wish you many things, but most of all I wish you *very few*, (if not "zero"), instances where the "needs of the business" conflicts with Community.

    "Of course you know, this means war." ;P

  54. Anonymous16/5/12 21:53

    Welcome to Texas Friendly...Your gonna love it and best of luck with new job !

  55. Hats, helmets, and hoods off to you, Tom! You truly deserve this, may your future at KI grow and prosper! Best wishes, and Keep Traveling, whether your destination be in the Wizard's or Pirate's Spiral!

  56. I'm so bummed to have missed meeting you in person in the land of sage-brush and honey. I hope you enjoy Texas. I know I've loved it when I've been there. We'll sure miss you here.


  57. Anonymous22/5/12 22:08

    Hey everyone go to my new page Wizard101 Memes for the best Wizard101 Memes and like the page thanks!

  58. Anonymous24/5/12 08:29

    I will look forward to seeing "Friendly Witchdoctor" but this time he is coming as a part of KI (*whispers* you still should stay in our side and keep fighting for us lol) BEST OF WISHES! GOOD LUCK!

  59. Ronan Ravenshard3/6/12 17:45

    I'm a bit late...but wow.
    I've been one of your longest fans, and I gotta say....

    I saw this coming :)
    Good luck Tom!

    Stay Gold.

  60. Madison ThunderTail11/7/12 21:50

    Congrats on your new job! I wish you the best of luck ;)
    keep up the good blogging

  61. congrats! you deserve it. i love your blog :)
