Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Game Strategyst came in the mail!

WOOT! I've been waiting for this one to come in the mail! It's about a month overdue. ;p

I'm very serious about this crafting business as you can see. ;p

My two-page article attempts to cover the very basics of crafting: where to go to get into crafting, what you'll need, a few tips, some motivation, etc. The article also features a sidebar on the meat of Legendary crafting and crafting those darn Spirit Caller Drums. :)

Also by me is a two-page review of some of the newer Super Hero Squad Online heroes. I talk about Psylocke, Classic Daredevil, Pure Elektra, Angel, and Phoenix. What was really fun about writing this article is that I got a chance to play these characters before anyone else did. hehe. I have to admit, running around as Angel before anyone else had me giggling. I drew quite a crowd one night showing off his power emotes. ;) Reminds me that I haven't updated my SHSO blog in a while . . . and there's even new content at the moment! Asgard has gone all cool looking in anticipation of the Avenger's movie! (I'm so stinking busy atm.)

So, I think people might be a little disappointed by this issue; not because of my articles (LOL), but because there's really only one free in-game code that I could find in the magazine . . . and it isn't a Wizard101 of SHSO code. :/ But you know, in the end, I'm just happy that I was able to get another couple articles published in this magazine! For me, it's an honor. There's some great writers working for this mag, and there are some fine people running it as well (was sorry to see the previous editor leave, but Jason Winter's return was awesome). I really hope Game Strategyst doesn't meet the same fate as Beckett's Massive Online Gamer.

This issue is a giant smush of random awesomeness. They cover everything from Where's My Water to Pokepark 2 to Dark Ascension Rises MTG decks to Wizard101 to Webkinz to Moshi Monsters and back again! If it seems random, Que Sera Sera, y'all.

That's kind of just what happens when you throw together Game Strategyst with Fun Online Games. /shrug

I'd say the big winner article out of the bunch this time around would have to be Little Space Heroes by Carolyn Koh. There's even a foldout poster on the inside for this game this issue. Nice! That's one I've yet to check out. Carolyn always seems to be writing about awesome stuff. She's good! :)

Hope you enjoy this issue! Peace!

Happy dueling


  1. Dark Ascension was great...but Avacyn Restored will be better! Prerelease events in 2 weekends :D

  2. I was hoping that Game Strategyst would be a melting pot of both MOG, FOG, and Game Strategyst, but if there won't be any MOG in it, then I predict that Beckett is only hurting itself by getting rid of MOG entirely. Also, I still haven't received my issue.

  3. Anonymous18/4/12 18:23

    it has to be the coolest thig to see ur name in a magazine!

  4. Dear Friendly, is that you in real life?
    Man you're handsome!
    Not kidding here!

  5. HAHAHA! I call that look Blue Steel.
