Friday, December 2, 2011

Speed Up the Casting Animation of Spritely?

Just wanted to get a quick pulse from the readers of this blog . . . is it just me or has spritely extended battles more than it should?

Currently when spritely casts, the camera zooms in on your dancing pet, a pixie flies out in the center of the circle, says "hi" with a wave, and then circles around you as the camera pans to the right, leaving behind the spell effect swirling at your feet.

We've all seen it cast 3,000 times now (if you haven't, just watch this Perfect Catch PvP video and you'll see it cast at least 10 times in one fight) . . . In my mind, it's mind-numbingly slow. I love spritely, and I hate to complain, but here are my proposals for a new animation now since it's the most popular talent to add to your pet.

1- The Camera zooms in on your dancing pet, a pixie flies out in the center of the circle, says "hi" with a wave, and disappears as the spell effect is applied, swirling at your feet.


2- The Camera zooms in on your dancing pet, a pixie circles around you as the camera pans to the right, leaving behind the spell effect swirling at your feet.


3- The Camera zooms in on your dancing pet, leaving behind the spell effect swirling at your feet.

So your feedback would be appreciated please. Consider this a petition if you would. Please add your name to the comments below if you agree and let me know which option you prefer 1, 2, 3, or describe a casting animation all your own.


Happy Dueling!


  1. not only spritely, but now unicorn. the other day, my nightmare was going crazy. each attack, she would spritely twice, then unicorn. we were all like have done with it all ready lola. i love the fact that i was continuously circled by 6 spritely dots, and she was healing my friends, but it took so long to finish that fight lol. maybe just have the pet wave, instead of dance, then have the pixie pop up and circle you, giving you the dot, instead of doing her whole hello, nice to see you bit. for unicorn, have the unicorn appear and each friend recieve the gift simultaneously.

  2. I like animation #2. I can see that, and see me at the same time not going crazy.

  3. Jose Seashield2/12/11 10:37

    I've thought a lot about this and really wish there was a way to turn off and on our pets "may cast" talents. For example, if you are in a mob fight, I see no reason for spritely or unicorn to cast. I've been in so many mob fights (as I'm sure we all have) that take forever because there's four people all with spritelies being cast left and right. I don't mind it in dungeons where health whisps don't exist and teleporting is not allowed (ToH for example), but anywhere else, it's just not necessary. At least that's the way I feel about it.

  4. Well i like that idea about cut animation off, just pet dance then swirl around the feet. that's it cause it take too long to do all the way. Friendly, good ideas about that. Thank you! And Good Luck!

  5. I'd go with #1 - pet dance, sprite waves, then skip the swirly part & just leave the healing spinner behind. Or let her say Hi as she flies around me, instead of going out into the middle first.

    I'd like to keep the little "hi" noise in any case, I love having that audio cue that says help's on the way.

  6. I'd have to say #1, as well. The Sprite should still show up, it just shouldn't take forever flying around you.

  7. I wonder if they can keep the whole animation as is, but increase the speed by about 50%-100%, keeping the effect down to a 1-2 second window.

    Then again, we've yet to see some games where Unicorn (on 8 players) become chaotic... But, yes, please reduce Spritely animation time down to accommodate for that!

    Thanks for the plug!

  8. I agree with speeding it up, especially in 4v4 fights in Zafaria, where everyone's pets have spritley and cast it like three times every two rounds each.

  9. I like option 3 but i also like KBB's idea too. either would be fine with me

  10. Tara Darkgem2/12/11 17:24

    I prefer option 3 because it seems the fastest and well, at least to me, the faster the better!!

  11. Spritely has begun to get on my nerves lately. This is a good idea.
    I like Animation 2.

  12. Anonymous3/12/11 01:25

    I feel like a loner since everyone wants #1 or #2, but I would like #3. It seems that spritely is so well known we don't need the animation. Plus for unicorn, like others have said, just have the unicron do everyone at the same time instead of individually. I think it would make a lot more sence, great idea Friendly.
