Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ravenwood Ball 2011 Redux

Bailey and I started yesterday off with a quick stop at Blaze Shadowhorn's pre-party where he had prepared a find and seek of scrolls around his house (awesome idea btw).

I left a little early though as I got a report from Cassandra Griffindreamer that people were chanting my name in her zone, and I needed to get there ASAP. It took me about 15 attempts to teleport to actually get into the full zone, but eventually I made it in to Fallon, Kevin Battleblood . . . and a ton of other wizards.

About 30 tries later, Bailey was able to join me in the same zone . . . along with a ton of other wizards.

It was crazy insane. Just a ton of people. I had cleared a number of spots on my friends list before the party, but they went so quickly that I wasn't able to add everyone who asked me to add them.

After some party madness, I was asked to port in for a group picture with some Ravenwood Radio regulars. You can find this on Facebook now.

There were so many people I would have liked to have met at the Ravenwood Ball that I missed. Did you know that Nelson Everhart was there? I also wanted to thank Autumn Ghostwalker for the really nice note she sent me . . . also sorry I wasn't able to run into her (unless I did and just didn't realize it). Also sorry that I didn't put 2 and 2 together and recognize Anthony Sparklecaster as a long time fan of the blog and add him.

Basically . . . I missed a lot of people.

I did manage to run into Tara Darkgem though! Tara is another long time reader of the blog, and she sent over a really nice note after the party with some screenshots. Thanks Tara! It was nice to meet you.

These events are a little overwhelming for me and Bailey, but it was fun while we were there! I felt bad for Bailey because she was on the laptop, which makes it hard to type and there's added lag. The kids were too hyper last night to make it too long of a stay. ;)

Anyway, Diary of a Wizard is a really great site, and I'm happy for Fallon Shadowblade for all her success. :) This was a great event for her. Keep up the good work!

One of these days I'll have to host a TFN party. :) It will be a mandatory requirement that everyone be in skeleton illusion and jump constantly. ;-) SKELETON JUMPER ATTACK!

Happy Dueling!


  1. Tara Darkgem26/6/11 16:39


  2. Evan LionTamer26/6/11 16:44

    Hey Friendly! Its me, Evan! I saw you there at the party and was able to talk to you a bit. I was the one who kept saying you were my hero and saying that I hated to ask the question, but could you add me? Yeah. That did'nt happen. I was wondering, maybe I could talk to you and hang out with you for an hour or two? If you don't mind, and if this does fit into your schedule, maybe we could hand out from three thirty to four fourty five eastern time, on the test realm area one ambrose test. I will meet you in the commons, and then we will head to my house, with a unicorn room! (unicorns are provided, though unicorn pets are welcomed). Hopefully, I'll see you there!

    Evan LionTamer

  3. glad you had fun, Friendly! That area was definently crowding with tons of people, fast.

  4. Tara Darkgem26/6/11 17:15

    O: i just logged on
    BAILEY ADDED MEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous26/6/11 17:35

    hey its me chase ghostshield and thx
    alot for friending me and you have the best blog!

  6. Ashley Spiritweaver26/6/11 23:22

    rofl friendly you and bailey were just swallowed by the crowd! i was there too but i wasnt in area one cause it was too busy so i couldnt see you :( oh well it was a fun party! i went to a lot of mini parties too ( not the famous ones but the other mini parties ) my friend hosted one

    hope more parties soon to come cause i am a party person

  7. Anonymous27/6/11 00:38

    your so lucky, in almost every other blogger post you and bailey are mentioned, pictured, and/or added to that blog owner. you guys are really famous in the wizarding world! lucky :p i am famous in nothing, i dont have any famous friends added but oh well. i never met you in game though. i am friends with someone who is friends with a guy who is friends with a guy added to you, i swear.

  8. It was a GREAT time and I had a lot of fun too! Glad I saw you there, Friendly - Fallon did a fantastic job organizing everything, and the satellite parties were a great time, too, everyone worked really well together to make a really fun time for all.

  9. Evan LionTamer27/6/11 14:03

    I just found out Test realm is closed. So, Realm Vampire, Area one?
    Hope to see you there! If you don't know what i'm talking about, look at my last post.
    See ya!
    Evan LionTamer

  10. Augh, I wish I could've been there to meet ya Friendly :(
    Hope you had a good time!

  11. Anonymous28/6/11 00:19

    - sigh - i went BUT when i was there i didnt see any bloggers and i got pretty bored. So i left. i was hoping too meet you but i left to early.

  12. Anonymous28/6/11 07:14

    Hey Friendly. I am the guy at the front left of the picture and you can just see my staff lol. Anyway this is the second time I have met you, the other being at Luke GoldHorns going away party. It was crazy busy and my laptop was lagging all the time. I don, know if you saw but I was a fire elf who kept on jumping over everyone. Arlen DragonSmith level 13 Pyromancer.

  13. I was trying to find you but I left early :(

  14. Anonymous1/7/11 18:00

    Hello friendly, what's the name of the wand you had there?? Thanks!

  15. Destiny Dragonrider6/7/11 13:39

    That's two years in a row I've been busy on the same weekend as the Ravenwoood Ball! Grr! Sounds like I missed a really great time, though. Hopefully I'll be able to attend next year!

  16. I love the matching outfits you and bailey are working in that picture and Blaze looks handsome too.
