Friday, February 4, 2011

Dating in Wizard101?


This question from a reader has controversy written all over it:
So, I have a question. Recently I’ve seen a ton of “daters” on the game. And my friend who had an “online girlfriend” got reported and muted for about 2 days. So is it reportable to date on Wizzy101?

Ok . . . so listen . . . yeah, people do freaky things on Wizard101 sometimes, and when I hear about it, I just want to plug my ears and sing, "LALALALALALALALALALALA!!!" at the top of my lungs.

You all remember the reasons why someone would get muted/banned, right? No? Let's review . . . . From the terms of use:
" . . .any defamatory, indecent, obscene, harassing, violent or otherwise objectionable material . . ."

". . . solicit, provide or exchange any personal information, including but not limited to user names or passwords; (12) “stalk,” abuse or harass another user, or attempt to do any of the foregoing; or (13) engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone’s use or enjoyment of the Site, or which, as determined by the Company, may harm the Company or users of the Site or expose them to liability. Without limiting any of the foregoing, you also agree to abide by any code of conduct applicable to the Site or any service available on the Site."

From the FAQ:
" . . . creative profanity (swearing around the filters), solicitation of usernames/passwords, predatory threats, racist comments and other such actions . . ."

So, to answer your question directly, No, you can't get banned for dating, but dang, this ain't a dating site, yo. I get that it's human nature, but by the nature of "dating," you're most likely going to exchange personal information, right? So, yeah . . . my recommendation is don't date over Wizard101. AND, you never really know who that creep might be on the other end of the cute and fun avatar. You are online, remember. Be safe. (Ditto had some good rules today.)

Just be friends and hang out with people here . . . must be why KingsIsle calls it Friendship Festival around Valentine's Day.

As for your friend . . . read between the lines . . . something else must be the reason why your friend was muted, and I'm guessing exchange of personal information would be the reason.


Happy Dueling!


  1. Blaze BattleStaff4/2/11 14:31

    Yeah, Friendly does have a point there. I mean when you first played wizzy did you think "I'm gonna find someone to date". Well for me, no. It's not something I would do yet it's not wrong. But really think why you actually got on wizzy.

    Blaze Battlestaff 31 magus

  2. As Luke Megurine says, JUST BE FRIENDS!

    1. Anonymous23/2/14 15:38


  3. I wholeheartedly agree; this is why they invented IMVU.

  4. Anonymous4/2/11 17:34

    I'd never do it, myself, but I always say Live and Let Live. As long as those who do it don't exchange personal info, act in obsence ways or what have you, I don't mind it.

  5. Hey friendly, I am inviting you to a party at Dragon's mouth cave! Everyone can go there. Please read my post to see the details.

  6. Anonymous4/2/11 21:07

    Controversy abounds!

  7. Anonymous4/2/11 23:33

    dating isnt that bad though and i guess if a husband and wife want to play together and say "i love you" or "hi honey"or "yes darling" to each other and stuff its ok right?

    it shouldnt be against the rules on w101 if this is a FAMILY game

    but personal info IS a no-no

  8. Perfect Friendly, Just perfect!

  9. Anonymous5/2/11 21:37

    I'd hate to say friendly, but you can report them and it isn't a false report. There was a quote forum of Todd Coleman's fb saying that it prohibited to do such and that subscribers should report this if they see it.

  10. @Noah: can you find me a link or a hint in the right direction? I've been looking through J. Todd's Facebook, and I'm having a hard time finding it.

  11. Anonymous6/2/11 12:18

    I'm sorry to say but I can not find the main post due to the poster being banned (he was fairly rude) but there are many slightly quoting it.
    Such as this

  12. Anonymous7/2/11 20:09

    Ya, so many people i see on w101 are saying at the top of their virtual lungs, "I NEED A BOY, I NEED A GIRL, WHO WANTS A BOY, WHO WANTS A GIRL" and so on. If you want to date, go the the correct site, not a FAMILY game. I can see if you know someone in real life that is your gf or bf and talking to them, but DONT STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COMMONS AND YELL I NEED A BOY/GIRL!!

    1. Anonymous2/1/13 00:08

      Haha Ya when ever someone says that I always say you need a life it's kinda mean but watching them run around in the commons for 20 mins is really stupid and sometimes I watch wizards duel for the girl or boy saying mean things to each other......

  13. You can date AND get married in MapleStory :-/ not Wizard101

  14. Anonymous21/2/11 08:21

    Yeah, I agree. There is no reason why anyone should date on the game. Its pretty lame...
    As Caroline said, that's why they invented IMVU.
    The game is set up for friendly conversation anyway, even dating language is prohibited in the text chat filters. Hello people... date in real life.

    Jack Dunestrider 52 Balance Wizard

  15. Amber FairyFlower18/7/11 03:56

    O_O my sister is a creep playing a cute blonde blue eyed wizard when she really is ......well......not that attractive in real life my advice: if you ever see jasmine daycaller head in the other direction. me on the other hand you can run up to and virtual high five!

  16. Destiny DreamSong22/11/12 19:33

    I don't understand why people would want to date on there in the first place, you'd never REALLY know who you're talking to anyway. It might be some cute country gal who plays guitar or a forty year old bum in his mom's basement. Trust me, I know from experience

    Destiny DreamSong level 90 Promethean

  17. seth swiftblood10/8/14 18:02

    Everyone who posted and said you shouldnt is correct it like makes me so pst off I wanna scream my lungs out!
