Thursday, December 16, 2010

Video Time! Tearing up the Krokotopian Arena . . . WITH ANGUS!

hehe. I just *had* to do this . . .

So waaaaaaayyyyyy back when I started this blog, I posted up a video of one Thomas Lionblood in the Krokotopian arena. September 21st, 2008. Since that time it has gotten 45,000 hits. And that's WITHOUT commenting enabled. If I had comments enabled on my video those hits would be much more.

Why don't I allow commenting on YouTube videos, you ask?
1- I freaking hate YouTube comments. ("newb casting outside of yr class LOL l2p." "W101 is for babies, why R U Not playing WOW! failzors!")

2- I'd rather have all discussion happen on my blog instead.
Anyway . . . Angus just finished up the Krok Arena a couple days ago, and I did some video for you all. I couldn't resist taking that very first Wizard101 YouTube I made and doing a new one for Angus. :-)

Pretty straight forward. Heals, Shields, Sharks, and Krakens!


Happy Dueling!


  1. RandomTeen16/12/10 23:03

    newb casting outside of yr class LOL l2p but like really W101 is for babies, why R U Not playing WOW! failzors!!!!

  2. why is the grand arena floor light blue though

    it looks like water when i first saw it but it still its awkward

  3. Ah, that's why no YouTube comments!

  4. Thats awesome! I remember your old "Tearing Up the Krockotopia Arena" video on friendly, and that was over 2 years ago!

  5. Whats the name of that song?

  6. Anonymous23/2/11 18:34

    Ok there is a difference with WoW and wizzy and mostly everyone knows it. The gameplay is different... It's turn based. So anyways besides that I think it's retarded to hate on wizzy. Just because they like WoW doesn't mean that's the ONLY mmorpg you should play. Don't let them get ya down Friendly.

    ~~Blaze BattleStaff 49-Death~~

    Hope to see more videos xD
