Monday, December 20, 2010

Angus Cares About Powerups

Angus may not care none much for nothing, but he does care about this!


Thank you floating storm bird of awesomeness for this spell of awesomeness!

Which leads me to a question . . . why oh why haven't they used this storm bird model to make a pet yet? That's freaking awesome looking! (I think I heard a rumor once about this storm bird being in game . . . I dunno for sure, readers?)

Tempest has been extremely helpful in Marleybone so far. Little Angus buddy is up to the Ironworks and is almost ready to head over to the Scotland Yard.

OH, and when you enter Marleybone, don't forget to pick up this awesome housing item of the day. It's a coil of rope that's hidden around by the Marleybone spiral door. You'll find it.

It looks absolutely . . . not amazing . . . in Angus's not amazing dorm room.

Yeah, he don't care none about how stuff looks. He just chucks it down to get it out of his backpack. If he cared more, he'd probably go sell it at the bazaar.

Happy Dueling!


  1. To answer your question Tom it's yes and no. The pet is in the game but currently there is only one person known to have it. It's quite amazing actually they sent a ticket to KI during that nasty bug where tons of people's stuff went Poof! So, when this person sent the ticket they accidentally put Soulbird KI not knowing what the heck a Soul bird is (Person actually meant the Sun bird pet) gave the person the Storm Bird pet which is supposedly gonna be a crafted pet which I am sure you've heard rumors of KI doing.

  2. Alric, here is the link to the pet:

  3. Mat and Mel20/12/10 09:49

    Alric is right, and if you want to have a look at it, you can look at FuzzyWuzzy's thread on central. :]

  4. I think I've seen those storm birds in-game as mob enemies rather than pets, patrolling outside a cave somewhere in Ravenscar.

  5. Sadly FuzzyWuzzy's storm bird was causing problems with KI's servers so they had to take it back :(

  6. Wow, I have one from the Hatchery! Stormzilla with Sunbird pet mix for 670,000 gold, oh, and it gives the spell Leviathan XD worth the money

  7. Ya know, I am becoming more and more of a fan of Angus and his conquests.I actually look forward to hearing how he is doing in his Quest(s)Brave on , young Wizard.
    ~Marcus Deathwalker

  8. Tempest is my favorite spell. While Judgement can leave you using too many pips on a single opponent, you never worry about that with Tempest. The more pips the better!

    Rock on Angus, you're schooling us all...and we like it.

  9. The Shadowrunner20/12/10 15:51

    I think the storm bird pet has been in game before. Kingsisle gave it to a user on central because they lost stuff during a bug (I don't know if we are allowed to say names on here). Kingsisle said that it is a rare crafted pet. I heard somebody say that they took the pet back and gave her an epic sunbird pet instead.

  10. Did you notice that the rope is floating? Just thought I'd mention it, it made me laugh.

  11. I saw that bid in that area for the quest but no where else, btw what will happen when your dorm room gets too full?

  12. I've heard about the storm bird on central! And I want it so badly cause I'm a pet collector.


  13. Hey Friendly!
    this is off topic, but you can go in Eloyse Merryweather's ( correct my spelling please )tentin Krockotopia (again, please ).could you send a screenshot? I cant

  14. Wow - That dorm looks EXACTLY like mine. They're both loaded with those purple krok things lol

  15. Hey Angus, what spells have you learned from other schools besides Storm?

  16. Just wanted to answer your question regarding of the storm bird, Friendly, but yes, the storm bird was once visible in the game. They gave it to me [same reasons people before had said] but apparently took it back, saying it was causing problems with the server.

    To this day, I still do not understand if they know that it will be causing problems with the server, why did they give it out in the first place? Probably as a sneak peek? Nevertheless, it was a very cool pet to had :D

    Good luck with your questing!

  17. Angus don't care none about gold.
