Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ding 58 and BONE DRAGON!

Ahhh, here's where it all happened for Mr. Lionblood.

Thank you, Senator Xanthus! (I like that name, Xanthus. Reminds me of those old Xanth novels I used to read as a kid.)

Yes, I am now LEVEL 58! POWA! And as a part of that I was summoned to go talk to . . .

Drogan? What the? First Thurston Plunkett is a frog that's a dog and now we're messing up Dworgyn's name, KI? *boggle*

Anyway, I was super happy to find out that Dworgyn stopped messing up his own name and wanted to send me on my way to talk to the dead tree outside his school.

Oo! Shiver! "Bone Drakes are terrifying in their cold anger, fearsome and relentless creatures of shadow and sorrow." I like that description. Thumbs up to the writer who penned that for sure.

As it turns out, the only person who still has a rare set of Drake bones is a Russian-accented Dragonspyrian spectre by the name of Osseus Nightreaver. He's a mean 14k hitpoint boss that has a banshee buddy with him. That definitely puts him on par with Malistaire. Bring your death shields and death prisms for this fight, you're going to need them; although, be warned. He likes to "even the playing field" during the fight a lot.

That's right! Besides being a 14k hitpoint boss, Osseus likes to cheat as well. So, every time you play a blade, trap, or shield, he throws a trap on you. I have to say that I absolutely loved using my Treant Polymorph during this fight. It made it kind of easy.

After you wrap that up, it's a quick trip back to the school for some wise words from Drogan, I mean Dworgyn.

Then it's over to Grizzleheim for a cool visitation and a matinee showing of "how to train your dragon", and then . . .

bada bing bada boom, you're casting Bone Dragon on a couple of Sokkwi Gougers to help powerlevel your son's character through Krokotopia. ;-)

Have fun getting your bone dragon fellow necromancer buddies!

Happy Dueling!


  1. I was really excited when I got Snow Angel. If you put Gargantuan on it, then cast Amplify and Ice Blade while you build pips, It can do over 1800 damage to each enemy over the next couple of turns. This gives you plenty of time to use Treant and heal :)

  2. Anonymous6/11/10 21:32

    nice job friendly, hey do you know what it says below the word "Celestia" on the last character reveal?

  3. can you us the card. i want to see how much damage it does. another death spell... who guessed that! i might need it since i just got the final countdown quest to kill Malastaire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. CONGRATS! Looks awesome.. :)

  5. Gratz on Lvl 58 and Skeletal Dragon Tom. In response to your question on my blog I am nearly done with FAAP Episode 8 and I beat CL and hit Lvl 60 around Halloween. We gotta get you on my friend list somehow Bailey is probably tired of being a middleman and vice versa lol.

  6. I'm gonna miss spamming Bone Dragon with my Ellucidate and beginning with 6 power pips. - tear - But. I'm working on Wolf to get that Medusa now that I mastered bone Dragon =D

  7. Nicholas Battleshard7/11/10 05:30

    Congrats on the new spell!
    Nicholas Battleshard, level 40 Diviner, approved this message.

  8. In the first picture, I noticed the small angler fish as ENEMIES. WHY?! THEY LOOK SO CUTE AND INNOCENT


  10. Anonymous7/11/10 07:12

    Congrats Friendly! I also got my Skeletal Dragon spell not to long ago. P.S. Notice how Dworgyn says that was the most powerful spell HE could teach you, sounds like a new death teacher soon to come. Malistaire maybe?

  11. Nice job getting bone drake and lvl 58. I just hit Legendary and finished CL last night.

  12. Megawizard7/11/10 08:46

    I can't wait to get this spell. Seems a bit too hard, though. 14K health? Malistaire is 10K.. AND cheating? I'm not a good strategist. I would probably get defeated in 8 turns.

  13. lol I got the spell too and on the same day as you Friendly

  14. Sweeet friendly, I can wait to get forest lord then frost angel, can't believe you got it so fast! :)

  15. Anonymous7/11/10 10:37



    I am really mad right now!

  16. since on one of your last posts you were in nidavellir i have a question what are the doors under the entrance

  17. Seth Hunter7/11/10 17:32

    wow NICE ooh when bailey gets genie thing can you or her post? o:

    -Seth Hunter

  18. I kinda like the Treant polymorph too, though I learned the hard way to put up a few shields first before changing - it doesn't have any shield spells and it's not as tough as I'm used to from Ice school.

    Found a bug too - I got defeated 2 rounds into a Treant polymorph (with a full group), when they beat the last enemy 2 rounds later I changed back to normal with 1 health left and got full credit for the fight in my quests!

  19. Getting to the Dragon was the easy part, even with Osseus in the way. I've more or less to say about it, but that's another show.
