Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bailey's L E G E N D A R Y! (Disco Inferno!)

It is time to burn, baby, burn!

After two failed attempts at beating the near 16k boss (+ storm minion), Bailey pulled off a huge win against Sothmetket the amazing ice krok of epicness.

Bailey rediscovered her love for the fire minion spell and the treant polymorph coupled with a fully charged and bladed heckhound. Those three things were the key to her win and to her gaining a new Disco Sultan buddy.

And after listening to this wonderful Korean disco group called The Sultan of Disco . . .

. . . Bailey was off to lay waste to the Gurtok Piercer with a few of her in game buddies. NUKE THEM GURTOKS WITH THE POWER OF THE DISCO SULTAN! (Seriously, they should have put a gold chain on this guy . . . it's the only thing that would make this thing better)

You better believe after a huge swat with a follow up HUGE debuff (-90% my word), anything is going to be hurting.

It didn't take much time after that for Bailey to finish off those last two levels and hit legendary. (I swear the last three or four levels just FLY compared to the first few levels.) Her Legendary ding happened with Senator Xanthus (hey, that's familiar! That's where I dinged Legendary as well. :))

She quickly traded that Technomancer badge for her new Legendary Pyromancer badge.

OH MY WORD she's looking awesome. She upgraded her look to celebrate as well apparently. No more quilted armor for her. Tiki is the new style, yo!

Gratz uber wife!

Happy Dueling!


  1. nice bailey! you rock ;)

  2. Hey how are amber and kyle doing on there wizards, did they get forest lord and leviathan (name I can't spell well)?

  3. sup its morgrim. say gongrats o baily for me.

  4. Congrats :) And where did you get that awesome moutn? o: IT'S SOOOOO COOL!

  5. Gratz my dear friend! :)
    Woot woot! Now time for Legendary boss OWNage while listening to "Sultans of swing" He does a big sword swing so it fits ;) Lol.

  6. Nice job, hun! :)


  7. Woot woot! Congratz, Bailey!

  8. CONGRADULATIONS. and where did you get that freaking AWESOME mount bailey? i want one! o;

  9. Gratz Baily, and disco is FOR THE WIN! :)
