Monday, September 13, 2010

Life Wizards *May* Have a Lot to Look Forward to: AoE Attack

I've played up a couple life wizards to Grandmaster, and I have to say that it really does bite that they are the only class without an AoE damage spell. I know, I know . . . the ability to heal and doing gimp damage should go hand in hand like butter and toast, but still . . . the *only* class without an AoE? It's part of the reason I recommend going fire up to meteor storm for life wizards as part of their second and third schools, BUT NOW! BUT NOWWWWWW . . .

Check it out, both the regular life seraph spell and the seraph spell from the seraph pet are marked as AoE spells on the test realm. YIPPIE SKEE DOODLEY DOO!

Unfortunately, it's not. It's just marked that way. It's still a single attack spell.

I'm hoping that this *isn't* just something they plan to implement with Celestia. I'm REALLY HOPING that this *is* something they fix while it's still on the test realm. And when I say fix, I mean IMPLEMENT! FREE THE LIFE WIZARDS! GO FOR IT AND MAKE IT AN AOE SPELL! YES! THAT WOULD ROCK! DO IT NOW! PLEASE!?!?!

. . .

In other test realm news, y'all realize that the test realm is awesome for figuring out what your pet's talents will be in the real game, right? I mean, you did know that you can find out exactly what your pet will manifest in exactly what order, right?

I took the opportunity to buy many many mega-snack packs with all the crowns they give you on the test realm and discovered many many valuable things about my pets. Things like, hey! I need to level up my Ianthine Spectre because he manifests Death shot, Death giver, and Death proof. And things like, hey! I need to not level my Death Leprechaun or Black Spider pets because they manifest completely lame talents! That right there is a HUGE time savings. THANK YOU TEST REALM!

Hope you all are using your time on the test realm wisely.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Yessssss!

    *drools uncontrollably*

    SERAPH! It's always been my favorite spell in the game, but now it just got amped to SUPER favorite!

  2. Sweet and cool Vid you produced abt Selena...

  3. Seraph AoE would be nice, but I *really* hope the Blade nerfing across the board is just a bug too! TR Minotaur and Orthrus eat up 2 blades now, 1 for each hit, and hydra burns through 3!

  4. Not sure if this will make me friends or enemies, but this is an error and it will not go like this to LIVE.

    This is one of the reasons we have the Test Realm, so dedicated players like you can bring things to our attention that slipped past our internal QA.

    Thanks to all who reported the bug!

  5. I was wondering if Greyrose had made it over here yet to deliver the bad news.
    Yes, this is bad news. This was a tease to every person that has had to slog their way through the spiral with a life wizard. I wonder when it was determined to be a mistake and how it was mistakenly included into test.

    Charlie Brown falls flat on his back again.

  6. Yes, free us all from our hard working at taking things our one at a time!

  7. If they do this. I expect Vampire to be multihit. Or at least banshee >=(

  8. Seth Titan(Thunder)Whisper13/9/10 21:52

    Well now there isnt really a reason about thinking about making a life. You are right with having life as a side school though. Very helpful in dungeons and towers etc.

  9. Lenora NightWraith14/9/10 20:56

    I was seriously wondering about the pet leveling thing. Thanks for clearing it up. It also made we wonder about hatching, because I got a Frostcaller in test first try and ended up get a Frostcaller on live first try. Maybe it was luck, who knows? lol

  10. Wow, that would have been so cool! Oh well! Made it to grand without an AoE spell so guess I'll live!

  11. Anonymous15/9/10 17:14

    @Greyrose, dang it!
