Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sigh . . . People faking to be me?

You know, I knew something wasn't right last night.

I got this message today:

"I tried to ask you a question but a lot of people were faking you. (I dont know why?) So it was hard to spot you."

Also last night, a guy on Bailey's friends list sends me a message that he's going to report me if I didn't stop messaging him, which I hadn't . . . at all. And in fact, last night at the party, I was reported, and I hadn't done anything but jump around in Nightside saying hello to people.


There's nothing I can do about it. My apologies that there's someone (or some people) out there that want to discredit me or just mess with our heads. I may talk to KI about what can be done, but like I said . . . I'm pretty sure there's nothing I can do about it. I may have to come to parties incognito from now on or not come at all?

Let me know if you saw or talked to a Thomas Lionblood impersonator. Maybe it's not as bad as I'm thinking . . . maybe it's worse . . .

Happy Dueling!


  1. Good golly! Friendly impersonators! What's this crazy world coming too?

  2. Anonymous29/8/10 13:50

    Oh... that's horrible! Well, Kingsisle should be able to figure out it wasn't you, and the person who reported you probably thought they were being funny reporting someone famous. Maybe you should come to parties on an alt? Or host really private parties at your house. Well, fame does come with a price... best of luck to you, Friendly

  3. GASP!
    What's next, impersonators of me??

  4. I think he looked exactly like you... Cept totally rude of course. He had your Russian Goth suit... I'm sure he can totally use some of your other famous outfits... >.> - takes out magnifying glass - Gang, looks like we have a mystery on our hands...

  5. There was a fake Thomas LoinBlood in dragonspyre level 46, Fire Wizard.

  6. Wow people have no lives these days do they!

  7. Hmmm...the only other Thomas Lionblood I've ever seen was a pyro. Maybe the game needs a better name choice option to prevent name double ups...(Taylor Swift, Luke Skywalker, etc.)

  8. Destiny StormStone29/8/10 16:54

    this friendly imposter seems to be pretty mean and it wont be hard to rule out a mean thomas lionblood

  9. hmm.. nope havent seen any! lolz didnt make it last night :(!
    and friendly this is amazing for you YOUR SO FAMOUSE PEOPLE IMPERSONATING YOU ( come on fake thomas's get the school right i mean fire! come on srsly!)
    hoep KI stops this but they probally wont because they FAR to busy with celestia and new mounts and transformation! good luck wit catching the fakes! ;D

  10. Paul Legend Weaver29/8/10 17:29

    Wow, so many people, are copying you.
    I saw a Thomas LionBlood who was level 43 but he stitched clothes on to look like you and he got people to give him treasure cards.

  11. That's terrible. Friendly is the essence of Wizard101...and unicorns. How could they try and ruin your rep?! They have some serious issues. I hope everything gets worked out. I'll try and spread the word that there's a fake going around. Good luck, bud.

    Tell me if you need anything.


  12. Elijah Stormheart29/8/10 19:13

    When one of us finds him, let's lure him to tFriendly's PILLORY!
    What? I'm not THAT evil. Okay, maybe I am.

    And if you happen to read this, impersonator, I'm onto you. >=0

  13. Anonymous29/8/10 20:13

    Poor Friendly...

    This is why I said KI should make everyone get one name, or a type it in yourself (with Approval of course).
    So things like this dont happen.

    Im truly sry my friend that people act so the way they do.

  14. Considering that, technically, they aren't doing anything illegal, all you really can do is grin, bear it, and remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It does seem a bit impolite, though.

  15. what has this realm come to!? TFN bad 1, were on to u! ( well, sort-of) and your going down!

    ~ your friend at

    be strong TFN, be strong!

  16. I'v met a Friendly impersonater. He was a grand storm.I got really mad at him, but he claimed not to know who you are. Maybe he really didn't know who you are, but I highly doubt it. As for the report, don't worry about it, cause if you were truly doing nothing wrong, that person will get in trouble for false reporting. I once met another Fire wiz named Luke GoldHorn, and I was so excited, but he was scamming people, which made me really angry, so I kinda know what you mean.

  17. always have your sheep pet on, not too many have that

  18. Well... It's not against the rules to copy another person... So KI won't do anything about this O.o

  19. Wolf Skullhunter26/8/11 18:12

    Man thats horrible! I play wizard101 and would hate to have someone impursanating me. I am sorry to hear what happened and will keep and eagle eye out for Thomas Fireblood, fire or storm, but I will not mess if its death. Hope we find him(or her) soon! And Friendly faker if you are reading this, I WILL FIND YOU AND REPORT YOU ALL UP!!!!! Not to be mean or threat anyone out there.

    ~Wolf Skullhunter
    Level 46
    Master Necromancer
    Part-time Theurgist
