Friday, July 9, 2010

Death Cyclops Pet (Duke Brandy at Ancient!)

A couple weeks ago I was lucky enough to get a Death Cyclops, whom I named Duke Brandy . . . not to be confused with Mister Brandy, my wraith. Knowing that the Death Cyclops gets a cool card at ancient (due to this excellent guide), I began the leveling process.

Today, Duke Brandy hit ancient—WOOTS! I guess that means he's the pet of the day! HAHA!

Meh, I'm not a huge fan of Musical Lane, but I'm glad he finally got a semi-decent skill to manifest, Death Giver! He has a pretty good strength too, so that Death Bringer could end up with a pretty nice boost. The only thing that would make me more happy is if Duke Brandy manifests something like Deathtrap. /shrug. I guess I should have used the test realm to see what talents Duke Brandy would have manifested since I heard that you could see what talents your pet will manifest in the live realm based on what they manifested in the test realm. oh well.

Duke Brandy is looking pretty freaking awesome when he's casting his card. My only complaint is that I wish it was a blade instead of a trap. You know? It's an expensive trap at four pips.

Either way, it's really cool to have one of the new pets at ancient.

I'm happy.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Awesome! I've been trying for a Death Cyclops for awhile. I still don't really understand the "pets casting spells" thing. My wraith gives me a card (as all do.) and quite frankly, I'm still casting it. You see, my wraith is an adult, and he's going through mid life crisis. He's become a lazy, lazy wraith. Always staying home at the dorm, watching reruns of my name is earl in a pink snuggie. That's shadow. xD

  2. Hope you don't lose all the progress you made! I lost all the progress I made between this morning and when w101 went offline (including a pet I mixed, and I actually got the hybrid I wanted to get!!!) I'm hoping to get it back, because I might not get the hybrid if I have to mix it again...

  3. The Death Ninja is worse at 6 pips...hey, for that you can cast your wraith and get some health back xD

  4. Great action shot of you and the Duke!

    I've got a young life wizard at home that'll probably go nuts for that Unicorn mount. Might be time to teach him about Farming...

  5. Sweet, i will farm for it right now ;)

  6. If you notice it says 280 damage AND 35% to the next death spell. That usually means 280 damage and a death blade on you. If it says ALL death spells, means death power or bubble or whatever everyone calls it. (everyone has a different name for it).

