Monday, June 28, 2010

Message Translation from Resonating Omni Audio-Graph

Here you go! Cross-posted this over on Central.

"Mayday Mayday This is Thurston Plunkett representing the Spiral Geographic Society Seeking Assistance. Our survey expedition is stranded on Celestia. We are under attack! Send help immediately, The Umbra Queen has returned. It is the work of Mor . . ."

Uber wife sent this to me and asked me to translate it . . . I haven't even logged in the test realm yet. LOL!

Uber wife believes they are talking about Moira Drake, her Necromancer character. ;-)


Happy Dueling!


  1. tell your wife to go a little bit further through the quests - it translates that for you ;)

  2. Awesome!

    Bailey I had Rogan Bluebreeze read it to me since I didn't finish my DS quests and he allowed me to port in on him.

    Umbra Queen? Now that's a ominous name.

  3. I Keep telling halston "GIVE IT TO FRIENDLY! WE DON'T NEED A STINKING STONE!" he won't listen!

  4. wow... if the Nazis had u on Enigma, we'd all be sprechen sie deutsch :).

  5. Anonymous28/6/10 21:40

    I was going to say that "Mor..." is Moriarty but then I remembered that in the game it is Meowiarty!

  6. lol It translates it for you when you get a bit deeper into all of the quests, after you defeat dudes in ds

  7. I made this a font. I'm still missing J, and Z. Otherwise, its done. Ill put it up when i get those letters

  8. Lail Deathspear29/6/10 17:16

    Hehe. Last night I saw you at the place in MB where you get the key to Celestia.
    I dont think anyone else noticed you, either that or it was some one copying you, because the same clothes and stuff were equipped.
    ...I was wondering if it was actually you?...

  9. Anonymous29/6/10 18:46

    i think mor... is Mortis, the death tree, or some NPC named Morgan or something.

    IDK, i am not a GM yet

  10. And now, thanks to the Ravenwood Radio interview last night "mor. . ." is Morganth, The Umbra Queen.


  11. Anonymous30/6/10 17:36

    its the work MOR...

    mordor? moria? more food? mor funiture for less? Mortimer?
    Moreen Mold?

  12. Anonymous11/5/16 16:36

    I believe that the Mor... stands for Morganthe, a villian later in the game
