Friday, May 21, 2010

Updated Test Realm Information for hybrids

With the full reset to the test server yesterday came some surprising news about pet evolution.

1- There have been mixed results now when combining level 48 pets.
Hydra and a Wraith made a brownish red wraith with some fancy trim on his robe. Colossus with a wraith made a kind of cool icy blue wraith. Unfortunately the helephant and hydra combo that Paige Moonshade and hanamana tried combining resulted in . . . a helephant and a hydra. There was also a report of mixing a helephant and a wraith and nothing unique happened. In both cases it's good to announce that neither of the level 48 combinations resulted in an unusable pet for either party. Interesting.

2- The rare and exclusive pets now form new pets when the same type are combined together. Everybody and their Dangerhound wants a Ghosthound now. :-) I actually do have a few of the exclusive pets, so this particular item was interesting me, which leads us now to the next item . . .

3- sheep + anything else = piggle It's funny to see that Olivia had the exact same idea I did. She got together with Dylan Emerald and tried to see what a danger hound and a sheep would create, and this resulted in a ghosthound for Dylan and a Piggle for Olivia.

After I got home from work yesterday, I frantically leveled my pioneer dragon and kyle's sheep to adult. Man that's a lot of dancing. Then came the combination . . .

What resulted was . . . *blush* . . . piggle power.

4- The rest of the story is that Olivia and I contacted each other over Central. Last night we both logged on and tried to get Sammy and Baby Baxter together.

The result of this effort was . . . *boot*. /shrug It wasn't working.

The current thinking is that maybe one of our hatching slots were full (from what I understand, you can only hatch two pets in one day . . . correct me if I'm wrong). We're going to try again tonight.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Very interesting. I have a stormzilla if you would like to meet up and try with your wraith. I also have a Hydra if you'd like to mix them. I just have to level them, which I wouldn't mind doing.

  2. hmm I want a sheep pet to bad there not avaliable ;( for everyone. how can you get one by the way?

  3. Haha, cool, I'm trying to find a dangerhound so I can get me a ghost hound :P

  4. I am seeing a great big army of Piggles! LOL

  5. Check your Crafting slots, there's an extra one now with a picture of a piggle & a clock. Maybe that's your Hatchery cooldown time?

  6. Is it just me or do Sammy and Baby Baxter have different colors to their outfits? The picture makes one look purple and the other more of a burnt orange. I've never see Olivia's in person.

    I thought about it last night when I heard Edward mention about the Piggle result, and I think the reason they "may" do that is that your sheep are so extremely rare that it wouldn't be very fair, in a way, if they made anything more special than what they are now. That is sorta just my opinion.

    I mean, if Kyle's and Olivia's sheep made anything more special with other pets(L.E. or not) can you imagine how much you would be bugged to death by people wanting to breed with your sheep?...and as if you have some endless supply of gold to do so with(without lots of Raven farming.)

    If it's not some kind of glitch, then I think this was actually smart that this happens. So for 1: you don't get bugged even more than usual, Friendly(lol,) and for 2: it keeps the sheep the most exclusive and rare pet in the game.

    As for the level 48 combos: the Wraiths are pretty sweet looking!...I especially like the Balance combo. As a Balance Wizard I would probably rather use that than Hydra(which I rarely even use as it is(hardly ever need that card).) I don't use my Balance to do a whole lot of fighting, though, I mean once in a while they might throw out an attack,if needed, but it's not really what I have them there for.

    It's too bad, though, that, so far, mixing with Helephants hasn't made anything special/new.

    I can't wait to see what other level 48 combos they might have(the Orthrus mixes I can't say I have seen since those pics on there are microscopic, at best.)

    I think I, personally, am done with trying any of this unless someone wants to provide the other half for an experiment. I was not real thrilled when I worked all that time to level my 2 Ice Elves to Adult...just to see that they only make more Ice Elves. And, that, really makes little sense as other sort of lower end L.E. pets, like the Storm least they make something new. I was sorta hoping for an actual Fire Elf Pet, or even something never heard of yet.

    So I leave experimenting to others now, and if I'm on the TR I will just work on my Zillas and relax a little with the maze game(it's a good way to unwind a little :)

  7. You wont 100% get a mix, just keep trying. If you find anymore post it on my guide on central.Also Orthrus+Helephant=InfernoHound, look at it on central its awesome.


  8. HI, can't wait for test realm to come to real WIZARD101!

    BTW how did you and your wifes pet go?
    I'm most likly not going to come look at more posted coments, maybe post next time, LOL!

    have fun!

  9. Deathshard21/5/10 10:50

    Oh and all schools and all lvls can use the pets.


  10. @Deathshard: Yeah, like I said; the pics on central are tiny, can't really even see the dogs.

  11. Deathshard21/5/10 12:48

    Hopefully we will get better pictures soon. Also some new pets like Fire Wraith!

  12. @ Heather: Yup those sheep are different colors. You can actually dye them in the dye shop. There are like 10 or more color combos for them :)

  13. I guess you didn't realize, but your pets are teens! Of course you csn't mix them! They need to be adults!

    My helephant used to be an adult when the test realm came alive. Now that it was reset, he became a teen.

    I hope that clears it up for you!

  14. @local: nah, if you look at the pictures I posted, you'll see we both had adults.

  15. Deathshard21/5/10 18:02

    If any of you have a central account and find new combos post it on the thread! Also I wonder why they make piggle, could of at least made a samoorai or something.

  16. @Bailey: Very cool! Thanks for answering that for me :)

  17. Deathshard21/5/10 18:38

    I made pics bigger on guide if you want to see them

  18. I just mixed my Stormzilla with a Hydra, and I got an awesome mix! A group of us at Central are working on discovering every Hybreed, so feel free to join!

  19. Anonymous22/5/10 08:47


  20. blaze duskblade22/5/10 09:32

    plz have another party friendly

  21. me and my friend mixed a Wraith(My pet)with a Collosus(friends pet) i have not got results yet because it take 20 hours :( but the egg says ice egg or something so i think it might be a ice Wraith.

  22. Anonymous21/8/10 21:43

    i cant believe they let u say neutered on wiz101 lol
