Saturday, May 15, 2010

A TFN Interview and Wandcast is Tonight!

I *finally* got back to Taji at Sorcerer's Corner. He's been in the process of interviewing a lot of the Wizard101 bloggers, and I finally got mine turned in. And, as it turns out, Comedy Theurgists turned theirs in on the same day as me, so he combined them. You get a two-fer! That's two-fer-ific! (p.s. One thing I forgot to say in my interview concerning what I'd improve about the game is I NEED A BIGGER FRIENDS LIST! That's all. /hugs)

And just to keep with the spirit of two-fer-ism, I have something else you might be interested in. It's Wandcast tonight!

Eastern: 7:00 PM
Central: 6:00 PM
Mountain: 5:00 PM
Pacific: 4:00 PM

I'm hoping they play my Wizard101 Information song I wrote for them. hehe.

Check 'em out!

Happy Dueling!


  1. Do you think you could put me back on the Blogging Club again? I've noticed you put me in the Blogging Archives, which is usually the "retired bloggers". I'm startning to blog again, so maybe you could put me back on there?

    Allan DragonHammer (The Fair Pyromancer)

  2. Reed Petal15/5/10 15:42

    You forgot about telling them I, the amazing Reed Giantpetal from last night, will be in it.
