Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pet of the Day--Helephant

I don't have any cool concept art for the Helephant, but I do have a little little screenshot of that little little hornless oni!

. . . and how did I come by this little little graphic of a helephant? Well let me tell you a little little story, kids: There I was, pushing paper at work, doing ma' thang, bein' friendly at work, and I kept being interrupted from my horribly interesting job with all these phone calls as Bailey approached level 48. The excitement kept building and building until I got the final phone call proclaiming that BAILEY HAD DINGED 48 AND WAS DOING HER SPELL QUEST WOOT! I tossed all my paper clips in the air in celebration!

When I arrived at home, this is what was glowing brightly on the computer screen.

There was an awesome rush and a hushed silence as the rat magician of yesterday became the helephant of today.

Goodbye Madame Milo!

Hello Lady Mickey!

YAYA! GRATZ BAILEY ON LEVEL 48 AND COMPLETING YOUR SPELL QUEST! Man, I never thought I'd see the day when the wife would be uber, and here it is. :-) Now we just need to wipe the floor with Malistaire's evil dragon titan summoning self and farm up the level 50 gear for her . . . and this little dude and his +5 power pip is definitely going to help us do just that.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Amber GoldenEyes7/4/10 07:13

    Congratulations Bailey! :)

    Also, loving the little doodle of yourself on the blog heading. So cute! :P

  2. Anonymous7/4/10 07:41

    friendly wheres the concept art for hmi and also congratz bailey

  3. Congrats, Baily! :D

    I know that Dragon is my favorite Fire spell...have fun with it!

    And if you don't have it already you might wanna get one of those Burnzillas from the Best Buy card this month. It's just a nice spell to have, fun to use as a Fire wizard. Plus with the pet this month is 5% global resistance. With the low health of Fire it's always nice to have a little extra resistance ;)

    I don't worry too much on the pips with my Fire gal, her pip percentage is still 75%, so she gets them just about as well as any of my other Grands. Even my Storm wizards have switched out their Stormzillas often for their pets with added resistance. It makes a visible difference, especially when you do any soloing.

    I am about to head out today, myself, to get a couple of these cards. One for my old Grand, and one for the new Fire wiz I will be making soon, now that Kaitlyn and Alric are off to DS...gottta have a newbie so I don't get the DS blues being there all day(that place is so ugly and dreary, in my opinion.)

    Anyway...have fun!

  4. Anonymous7/4/10 09:00

    congrats bailey. :)

  5. Congratz Baily on reaching level 48, only two more levels left you can reach it!!!! I love the new abracadoodle of yourself!! Where did you get it??

  6. Gratz, Bailey! We're rooting for ya!

  7. Anonymous7/4/10 09:16

    GO BAILEY!!! Hey, now I can finally use that ol' Helephant in my shared bank!
    Offically from a PSE computer....

    -Amber Rosepetal

  8. That +5% power pip bonus is the main reason all my grands keep their school pets equipped, if all they had was an item card I'd be a lot more inclined to swap them out for other pets I like better.

    That's one thing I hope comes with the pet updates - "painting" your pets, so you could take a pet you like and give it the cards/bonuses of a pet that doesn't look as cool. I'd love to swap Olivia's Satyr out for a Treant, for instance, or make Jordan's Wraith look like a Danger Hound.

  9. @Sierra: I felt like that for a while, but even when I take away the pets the pip percentages are still all over 70% for mine and I seem to always get tons of them without the pet, so I like my extra resistance from other But, yeah, that would be awesome if you could do something with pets, kinda like stitching them. And yeah, Danger Hound would be a great one to stitch, especially since I have no use for Infection(I don't PvP) poor puppy never gets to come out because of that :(
    I am still afraid they are going to make pets attack in battle and mess everything up...I really hope they haven't went that route.

  10. Evryone is saying stuff like congratz and stuff, so I am saying this. (I want to be seprate from all the others) ;)

    CONGRATZ! And all that stuff!


  11. Awww.... Thanks everyone!! Casting my first fire dragon was DA BOMB!! BOO YAH!!!! And YAY!!!
