Friday, March 5, 2010

Ravenwood School of Magical Arts Welcomes Spring Competition Announcement

Kingsisle sent over a huge hint/announcement yesterday about the upcoming expansions and improvements to Wizard101 my friends. As I said in my last post, I've been busy. Oh well, I can't pick and choose the days that Professor Greyrose and the gang at Kingsisle release this information. (You just had to pick yesterday, didn't you . . . *shakes head*)

Well, in case you haven't heard, here's the announcement! Keep reading past that, and I'll try to analyze that release a little bit. Just a little.

Ravenwood School of Magical Arts Welcomes Spring Competition

WIZARD CITY, The Spiral (March 5, 2010) – The winds of spring are blowing across Wizard City, and with them come the fresh spirit of competition. Inspired by Earth’s finest athletes at their winter games, Wizards from every school and many worlds of the Spiral are ready to set forth on grand new adventures with their loyal pets alongside them, with exciting new activities and fresh challenges soon to come.

When asked what’s in store for pet-owners, Merle Ambrose, headmaster of Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, replied: “This spring, pets will be able to do more than you have ever dared hope! These fine creatures will serve alongside you in wonderful new ways, taking you to unseen parts of familiar worlds, and in time to come, worlds beyond those you know! If you think you have seen all that the Spiral has to offer, young Wizard, you will soon discover an all new breed of entertainment!”

When asked to elaborate, Ambrose replied cryptically, “The answer you seek may be in the stars... or it just might be there alongside you.”

WOW! ok, line by line

1- The winds of spring are blowing across Wizard City, and with them come the fresh spirit of competition.

So, the update is coming this spring and it will involve some kind of competition. The pets are on platforms representing certain worlds, so that must mean something. It would be nice to see some alternate kind of pvp. It'd be hilarious to see our pets fighting each other wouldn't it?

2- Inspired by Earth’s finest athletes at their winter games, Wizards from every school and many worlds of the Spiral are ready to set forth on grand new adventures with their loyal pets alongside them, with exciting new activities and fresh challenges soon to come

So there's definitely something going on with pets in the next expansion. If you've ever checked out the thread you and your pets over at Central, you'll be amazed at the sheer number of suggestions (over 560) that have been given to Kingsisle on improving the pet system. This makes sense to me. People have been asking for Kingsisle to give some additional power to pets ever since the beginning, and it sounds like they've been listening to that feedback.

3- the picture

Ok, this is such a fun picture! You've got a piggle taking gold, a mander taking silver, and . . . TADA! A crab dude (holding an awesome spear mind you) from CELESTIA taking the bronze. excuse me WHAT? (. . . oh yeah and some piggle that didnt rank trying to exact some revenge. OHHhhh, that mander probably has a jelly donut hidden on him.)

So, I know you can buy piggles from Wizard City, and you can buy a mander pet in Krokotopia . . . to me, this is maybe also saying you can buy a crab dude pet in Celestia? maybe? I remember J. Todd Coleman sent out a twitter message a couple months ago where he said that he was talking to a co-worker about "crab people." I responded back with "CRAB PEOPLE?" and then he said something to the effect that yes "crab people," and you have to say crab people while pinching your hands like claws. (LOL! hilarious)

This also seems to indicate some kind of Olympic-like events in the next expansion that your pets take part of maybe? I have no idea. How can you do winter Olympic events in the spring? But I do see four pets and three places. If you've ever played Club Penguin, you're familiar with that ski hill game where you race other Penguins down the hill, right? What if they put in something like that into the game? So mysterious!

4- When asked what’s in store for pet-owners, Merle Ambrose, headmaster of Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, replied: “This spring, pets will be able to do more than you have ever dared hope! These fine creatures will serve alongside you in wonderful new ways, taking you to unseen parts of familiar worlds, and in time to come, worlds beyond those you know! If you think you have seen all that the Spiral has to offer, young Wizard, you will soon discover an all new breed of entertainment!”

ok . . . I like the sound of this ". . . will serve alongside you in wonderful new ways" That "ways" is plural. I definitely like that sound of that pluralization there.

"taking you to unseen parts of familiar worlds" . . . GASP! That's huge. HUGE! Imagine being able to go to the inaccessible island in krokotopia through the power of your pet! imagine being able to slip through a crack somewhere in Wizard City to get to a new area! OH YEAH! WOOT! You know, someone should go around snapping pictures of places in these worlds where you think pets could slip through!

"and in time to come, worlds beyond those you know!" . . . So wait, is that saying that some worlds will be accessible to pets only? Readers give me some feedback! What do you think that's saying there?

5- When asked to elaborate, Ambrose replied cryptically, “The answer you seek may be in the stars... or it just might be there alongside you.”

. . . in the stars . . . or . . . alongside you. hmmm. I don't get the in the stars part, but i do get the "alongside you." That's gotta be the pet that's standing next to my character.

WOW! This is going to be amazing. Readers! Help me unravel the mysteries in this awesome message!

Happy Dueling!


  1. Destiny StormStone6/3/10 07:52

    wow it is looking awesome :)
    I have been getting annoyed that i spend so much money on pets and they don't do anything. I can't wait to see the outcome of this :D

  2. Anonymous6/3/10 08:37

    The answer you seek may be in the stars...

    Remember that Celestia is an clear reference to celestial objects such as stars.

  3. Of course it's huge imagine your pet increasing in size and riding all it imagine all the endless possibilities of magic just imagi---...

    (Sorry got dragged away lol)

  4. I wonder if it will be like in Ratchet and Clank where you have some levels where you take over Clank (so you take over your pet in the game level) and play.

    I wonder if the 'right beside you' was to throw you off though. Because once you get a mount, your pet disappears except in battles (well and indoors). So I wonder if your pet will have attacks in battle with you. Or maybe like pokemon, you can battle them in the arenas..

  5. I hope the bosses follow a zodiac style theme (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo)
    because that would both be aweome and explain the crab pet (Cancer).

  6. Anonymous6/3/10 13:23

    Ambrose's pet Owl, Gamma, sits in a room right next to Ambrose. And it has the spiral stars floating in the room.

    Chase Ravensong, Balance GM

  7. Anonymous6/3/10 13:23

    That podium made me think at something. It could show the order the new things will get in the game. The spring has 3 months, the podium has 3 places… That means Celestia will come out in May. I don’t know if it’s correct, we’ll wait and see.

  8. Anonymous6/3/10 14:45

    . . in the stars . . . or . . . alongside you. hmmm. I don't get the in the stars part, but i do get the "alongside you." That's gotta be the pet that's standing next to my character.
    Friendly, I think in the stars means Celestia. Celestial means sky.

  9. Tara Shadowwhisper6/3/10 16:50

    The stars probably means Celestia.

  10. Hello friendly my theory or at least one of them(lol)
    is that 1st goes to wizardcity beacuse its all the way complete
    And krock 2nd beacause it still has a lvl 50 tower to come

    And last celestia 3rd because its still in progress.

    So young wizards watch the test realm page diliganly (sry if i spelled that wrong)

    Any way check out my blog at

    Thanks for posting.

  11. WOW cant wait. But crab people? what i heard was a space like wolrd with alieans, hmmm. guess i was wrong. BUT STILL AWESOME!! :)

  12. Anonymous7/3/10 08:12

    Just a thought. I always thought of Celestia as sort of a Mythological/Greek place. Which might tie into the "Olympic" type of competition idea. Its a stretch, I know, but there it is.

  13. I love the answer that spring has 3 months, and the fans are predicting three new things to come out soon. That's very innovative thinking right there!

    If the stars are signifying celestia, then is it that we are going to be given either pet enhancements OR Celestia but not both? hmm. I'm pretty sure we'll get both.

    Guess we'll have to wait and see. maybe I'm reading too much into it.

    I do have a lot of faith in KI to produce a killer product either way.

  14. Destiny Nightrider9/3/10 15:13

    I believe that the part of the quote about the stars means that we will be looking up at the stars and they will have an image (like the big dipper) of the pet that we will need to have (or find) to get to the new expanded areas. This is my prediction, I believe friendly nailed all the others right on the nose, or close to the nose as you can possibly be LOL.

  15. Anonymous9/3/10 17:02

    Hey there FN!
    I am going to snap some shots. You can check them out on Central
