Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mali-fest Redux

It looks like there's now a video available of the almost two-hour long event of running Stephen and Leesha through Malistaire with the assistance of Fallon and the not so helpful bloodbats of one Thomas Lionblood. ;p

So if you missed it, here's the recording (note, this does act as a spoiler for the Malistaire instance, so if you don't want to spoil the experience for yourself, then you may not want to watch):

Watch live streaming video from ravenwoodradio at

Also there's been a couple of after party videos that have been done (which I am not in sadly since I needed to jet), and it looks like a lot of fun was had by all!

AND . . . Twitter news seems to indicate that by the end of the day Stephen Spiritcaller did in fact have his Grandmaster death robes from Malistaire! Gratz!


Happy Dueling!


  1. I was there, very crowed, lol.

  2. woohoo one of my videos yay!

  3. I love the fat albert part lol.

  4. I think i heard your son in the background of the video! xD

  5. Oh! There I am! Wicked fun.

  6. haha your name is highlighted in my video too. makes you very easy to find
