Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Glimpse at the New Wands from the Upcoming Beckett's Mags!

Hey Everyone!

Have you guys seen this page on the Wizard101 website that shows the brand new wands coming out from the new Becketts and Pokemon magazines?

As it says on that site, the May/June 2010 issue of Beckett Massive Online Gamer comes with an in-game item code for the Warpwood Wand! (This wand comes with 5 copies of Major Life Fury, a 75 Damage Life Spell.)

The April 2010 issue of Beckett Pokemon comes with an in-game item code for the Viridian Sceptre! (This wand comes with 5 copies of Major Life Fury, a 75 Damage Life Spell.)

I don't know about you guys, but I wonder if either of these new wands have a "Celestia Look" about them . . . especially that viridian sceptre? That green and black lightsaber handle design is making me think of something from outerspace.

I can't wait to check out those issues this spring/summer!

Happy Dueling!


  1. Gahhhhh! Aliens we are being attacked by aliens!

  2. the top is grizzleheimish
    and the other...
    it looks like one of the alien things from lego rockband

  3. The top one reminds me of the Jafaa's Zat guns from Stargate SG1.

    I really like the sci-fi look of that second wand. Magic in outer space? Now there's a thought I hadn't considered!

  4. Eh, although it is months after, my theory is the bottom wand is Morganthes minions weapon, but I AM almost to her ( she is in Celestia )
