Monday, February 15, 2010

Why is Storm the Opposite of Myth?

Interesting question from Cassandra G:
Hello yet again, blog buddy!
I have been thinking about this for a certain time.
We know that each school has its rival(Fire vs. Ice, Death vs. Life), but Myth vs. Storm is really a confusing rivalry.
Is there something in those classes that makes them enemies? Why do you think Weather Magic hates Mythical Magic?
The answer you seek lies in one scientific term: erosion. (bonus points if you make it all the way through that video LOL)

GASP! Friendly, are you suggesting that Myth magic is really earth magic in disguise? Actually, I kind of am although the myth magic school is much more complex than simply earth magic because really the magic of earth is what is born from the earth, right? I mean, this planet we live on sure is beautiful, but the living things that crawl, fly, and jump upon the earth are its magic . . . so to speak.

When you get down to the nuts and bolts of it, Myth magic is very . . . EARTHY!
Example 1: The Cyclops bursts out of the ground scattering earth everywhere. He cracks the earth open with his hammer

Example 2: The humongofrog rises from the ground.

Example 3: An earthquake spell rumbles through the ground on the battle floor.

Example 4: The Orthrus comes out of a pit dug from the earth below.

Why you don't find any mention of this earthiness on the myth magic school's page on is astounding to me. I feel like it's kind of an oversight that needs to be fixed! /headnod

I don't know if many of you have seen the movie Lord of the Rings, but I love the part where you see that the orcs and monsters that are kind of being born out of the earth or out of the mud, or as Tolkien put it, "Their hearts were of granite and their bodies deformed; foul their faces which smiled not, but their laugh that of the clash of metal . . ."

So, this is why I feel Myth magic is Storm magic's opposite. It's a difficult one though because Myth and Storm really do seem like just the odd ones out and so they had to make them opposites. But in the end, storms and water erode earth while the creatures of the earth fight against the effects of weather through shelter and innovation.

That's my official unofficial answer and I'm sticking to it!

Happy Dueling!


  1. hey man i got a question but our email isn't working so i guess i'll ask it here. Could you please explain the symbol in front of the health circle in battle and how when people say things like "I'll get the ruby" they mean i'll get the monster in the ruby position
    -Dustin Griffinflame (a.k.a. the stormed youth)

  2. Dustin, the symbol's in front of the creatures are just to help coordinate combat and avoid confusion. If you look it tells everyone on your team who you are attacking when it displays the symbol in front of the creature next to your spell along the bottom of the screen. Basically, your question was the answer. And Thomas, you were serious about making it through that video... I got to 3 minutes and that was it...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous15/2/10 10:36

    Nice work I've always wondered about it.
    -Amber Rosepetal

  5. I've seen LOTR rings movie. So basically, the things that are made out of the mud would most likely be put as a myth monsters if they were in Wizard101.

  6. Well, not every school has an opposite balance consists about from each school so thats what I disagree with Cass about...

  7. @stormzilla: see Matthew's comment . . . that's really all they are. Markers. In other games where there is no battle circle, they will let raid leaders mark certain people with symbols so they can be easily identified. The symbols on the battle circle work the same way.

    @Matthew: nice explanation.

    @MWS: I like the guide on smilies, that's funny. :-)

    @Amber: thanks!

    @Natalie: Yeah, I think they would. But I'm also kind of using that as an example of maybe where Kingsisle got some of their inspiration. I know that when the creative minds at KI were making this game, they were immersing themselves in movies and music and other things to get inspiration. Maybe it's just me, but I imagine the developers drawing on influences for myth monsters and creatures from Lord of the Rings. Trolls, nameley.

  8. thx for answering.
    This explains everything!

  9. Actually, the balance school does have opposites. All spiritual spells get boosted when hitting a balance enemy. Balance derives from the three elemental schools, so it make sense that all the spiritual spells boost against it.

  10. EROSION! EROSION! MOST CAUSE OF EROSION IS RUNNING WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's funny that you bring that up because in Science we've been learning about erosion. But I have a completly different theory of why they're oppostites. All the others were taken, and becaus Balance is mixed the had no other choice.

  11. Melissa AshMask15/2/10 17:35

    I actually made it through the whole video.I have no idea how I did it and paid attention.

  12. I was thinking the same exact thing, Myth is so Earth based, it would be my second name for that school.

  13. I'll have to make a blog post about this Friendly >_> I take a way different approach at it xD Let's make this a debate! =D

  14. Thanks the necromaster of death!

  15. Wolf MoonSinger20/2/10 14:18

    You know FN, I was working on my Storm wizard the other day, fighting some balance critters, and it occured to me that if I used a storm to myth prism on them my damage goes up!

    Ok! So in and of itself that may not be very interesting, but in light of your post, it seems to me that Myth is the Spirit School's way to the Elemental Schools, and Storm is the Elemental way to the Spirit Schools.

    I still have a theory that there has to eventually be an opposite schoold to Balance, although many would disagree. It seems to me that Chaos would be a very appropriate counter.

    I cite as evidence that Balance critters get a damage boost from Spirit damage, but not elemental damage.

    Anyhow, using storm prisms on balance critters is a good tip, so even if there's no other value in the rest of the post, I thought I'd share. :)


    Wolf MoonSinger

  16. Cole Liongem6/7/10 14:51

    i dont think KI got as deeply into it as you did lol! good idea though, i thought they were opposites because myth is taught so stoically, and storm is taught by channelling your inner creativity and being spontaneous. cyrus and halston have polar opposite personalities, so if they were attracted to teaching those schools, the schools have to be opposites as well! im gonna go eat some pie now

  17. friendly i think you got it wrong
    i think myth is the opposite of storm because storm magic is all sciencey and machinery like in marleybone in katz lab and such. also the opposite of science is myth and stories and of course none of the myth things are true so i think its not right. also lots of spell come from the ground if you think about it. like dryad grows up from the ground and such. if there were an earth school it would be closely related to life or fire because earth sounds like life magic to me i mean trees and such grow on earth or if you mean earth rock it would be fire because lava is melted rock and meteors are rock and earth so thats what i think at least

  18. @ Cole Liongem: They actually are both about imagination. Cyrus is strict, myth is about creation.
    - A very unhappy conjurur
