Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wandcast Episode 1 Available for Download!

Kestrel, David, and Dustin have put together a really fun podcast named . . . wait for it . . . Wandcast!

These guys (and gals . . . Kestrel from The Shadowthistle School of Wizardry hosts the show and Cassandra from Witchwarrior101 even makes a visit) put together a podcast that was really unique and didn't copy anyone's formula or style; it's just them having fun and talking about Wizard101. While I was listening to their podcast I would answer their trivia questions along with them and laughed at the "quarrelcast" between David and Dustin from Wizard101 Information. They're cousins, and that equals built in hilarity. Kestrel did a fine job of keeping the peace btw. :-)

There's also a guest segment from Blake Strongstone (aka the Super Necromancer) where he gives an entertaining idea for a new world in the spiral. I won't spoil his idea for you.

The only thing I found that could have been improved was a gap of silence from around 25 minutes to about 26 minutes that stretched a little longer than a minute and one of the stories seemed to be cut off a little bit. David's microphone seemed a little low as well, but I could still hear him. But it was great overall!

They mention at the end of their podcast that they are proud of what they had created, and I'd have to agree! Nice work guys. I hope it keeps getting better and better! It's great to see Wizard101 bloggers picking up the microphone and trying out the trail that was blazed by Ravenwood Radio. I'm sure there's more awesomeness on the horizon, and I can't wait to hear more and more podcasts like these in the future.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Anonymous28/2/10 17:09

    Stupid me... leaving the 25 min gap in there.. LOL. Hey, it's the first episode! Lol.
    TY, Friendly.

  2. Anonymous28/5/10 06:08

    Awwww Man now i have a rival podcast! i am chris firemender of spiralcast, we just finished our lucky seventh episode and i just found yours. lets not be rivals,mabey we can mension eachother and have a fair game!
    i even made a website for our spiralcast podcast!! and yes i am good with websites. but spiralcast is hosted by granmaster balance KYLE and grandmaster ice DAVID SPELLBREAKER. i do a segment on there and i am a matinence worker and a helper. if you want you can come and look at our podcast here: :then you are invited to come to the community site here : : also friendly, i wrote a 9 chappter story for w101 called the necromancer story and want to send it to you, but how???

    Thanks Chris Firemender

  3. Hiya Chris, I will definitely check out spiralcast. If you want to reach me just email "thefriendlynecromancer" @ "gmail" ".com" . . . you know, without the spaces and quotes and all that. :)

  4. Anonymous18/2/21 17:47

    Great post but I was wondering if you could wrife a litte more on this
    topic? I'd be very thankful if you ckuld elaborate a little bit further.

    Manyy thanks!
